@eveuncovered.........NSFW. A tribute. Again and again.

in photography •  4 years ago 

I have been away from Steemit for awhile. Work and such. I used this place to find sources of inspiration. Eve was my main source for my poems. She is a grand mix of many things that make a good subject.

Here are some of my favorites:


Eve is a visual delight
But photos is what she does right
Just give her a shot
And what have you got?
Visions in just the right light


There's nothing quite like the sight
Of a moon shining it's light
On the water that is clear
It will twice seem to appear
Just reflecting itself in the night

But just in case you might see
The quackers that just might maybe
Catch them in the right spot
It's a hell of a shot!
Your gift to us and it's free


I truly love her in the light
She has the passion, black and white
But when I spy her on the bed
I keep that vision in my head

So next time you try to use some light
To make that vision in the night
Put some watts upon your bed
Your form will be the star instead


In the beginning she was created
What a princess I openly stated
But her glare set me straight
No need to berate
I figured out that which she hated

So I learned my lesson that day
Don't be talking to her thata way
Just give her her space
Or get put in your place
Remember that lesson or pay


There once was a lady of note
She said, not trying to gloat
So what do you think
Of these babies? (wink wink)
Let's put these boobs to a vote

I know what I wanted to say
A question allowed if I may
Can I please touch?
And grope them and such?
The voting might take me all day

And for me to accurately know
I knead to work them like dough
For if they look great
And the feel is first rate
I would pay you just like a pro

I'm hoping you don't get offended
I'm just joking, no harm intended
It's just all in fun
You are number one
The score is a ten when it ended


Why do you care?
Am I out of touch?
I don't want to share
You bore me and such

I'll talk to you
And look at your face
You must have a clue
That must be the case

Because most are a bore
I'm not kidding you
If I want more
You are one of the few


Where do I start?
Your body's so sweet
Let's start at the bottom
And begin with your feet

Your calves are just right
And your thighs sublime
Hooked to your bottom
Was a matter of time

Take a minute right here
Then I'll move on
Give me one more look
Before it is gone

Next is your back
Supple and tan
Hooked to your neck
I'm a big fan!

What can I say
Your body's devine
I'd love to eat you
With my best wine


N ikon camera is the best
Canon sucks like all the rest
S un is magic, makes me hot
In real life and in the shot
F lirting is a way to tease
Not too close now if you please
W atch me walk, I tend to sway
The show is over for today


Who cares about a nipple?
We all have some of those
I'll take the other body parts
Of course, without the clothes

Each part has something special
That makes them stand out too
Just take the time to check them out
You'll find one just for you


Your mind is just like a computer
That upgrades whenever you sleep
It needs the time to get stronger
And giving you help with upkeep

Your memory is working so smoothly
But you just might need some more ram
It would speed up the process
And improve your thinking program

That buzzing you hear is not normal
It could be you need some repairs
Just let me know if you want them
I'll check, I might have those spares

If not, you can just take your chances
Because nothing might happen at all
But if, perchance, you don't wake up
Who would you like us to call?


This Finnish young girl was undressed
And I told her that I was impressed
She said Yes, I know
I do have that glow
and extraordinarily blessed

Have you noticed my legs and my ass?
I know those are really first class
I like to flaunt them alot
Because I know what I've got
I'm a vain and beautiful lass

So if you think that you want to be hot
Put in all the work because it's not
Easy by all means
I just have good genes
You can say it's the body jackpot

And this final one is a longer one. It was a post by itself. It gives you the many faces of Eve.


I did not do this for up-votes or notoriety or any other such thing. In fact, I changed the payout to give all rewards to Eve. She is the star of this post. I did, though, want the new people of Steemit to see the many sides to Eve. Some of her earlier work is the best. That is why I included the links to her posts, so you could get a sample of her work from a few years ago. That and to give you context for the poems. So upvote her, as I know you will. She deserves it.

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Well aren't you a clever one!I might just blush a bit. But if so, I wouldn't admit to it.

Now that you are back, get your ass over to https://hive.blog/
That is where we all are now. You could even double post this there and set up the rewards for yourself!

Hope you're doing ok, haven't heard or seen you in the chat or playing poker in a long while. With all this virus madness I imagine you're busy at work but hope you're healthy and doing well.

Hey Jeff......Just popped in here for a few minutes, checking on an old post I had written on voting fraud. Crooked politicians, huh? Who woulda thought. Lol. Just retired for the 2nd time (1st time 1995 from military), now from the VA. Looking forward to doing something besides working for someone else.
Sorry it took so long to see this.

Congrats on your 2nd retirement, hope everything is going well. I just hoped everything was ok, you just kinda disappeared on everyone. Glad you're ok, the virus madness is nutty and I remembered you being in the healthcare industry so figured you were just overwhelmed at work and didn't have time for anything else. Anyway poker league kinda went downhill, the site is up but we rarely play anymore. I play at coinpoker sometimes, they award tether now, so it's easy to figure out what you're winning vs winning just the CHP coins. Somehow it took me 3 months to see this so whenever you get around to replying + a few months I might see the next reply, if you write one. lol

Lol,,, well, it did take a few months for me to see this too. I don't play poker hardly at all now.....Just being a homebody and waiting for this mask and vaccine nonsense to end. Hopefully, the world will wake up that they are being scammed, but not holding my breath.

If I remember right, you are in Florida. One of the better states to be in, for sure.