SOCIAL COMMUNITY GENERAL # The Influence of Social Interaction in Community Life

in photography •  7 years ago 

Social interaction is a process whereby the creation of action and reaction between humans as a form of human relationships (Macionis, 1996). This process is important karen.

basically social interaction is one of the main things in social life. Through social interaction, people can now know and learn other cultural elements of society, including technology, art, science, and others. Please note that social interaction shows the dynamics of social life. This interaction is the basis for changing attitudes and forming social structures. The social structure by definition is the norm-forming rule. So, with good social interaction, it is expected to create a good social structure and can be applied in the life of society.
In the process of interaction, each individual needs two things, namely social contact and communication. Social contact is a direct social relationship, like conversing, shaking hands, smiling, and more. Social contacts can also be done indirectly and can use tools, given technological developments, such as telephoning, short messages, and electronic mail. While communication is usually done after social contact has been done. Basically, communication refers more to the interpretation of behaviors, attitudes and feelings conveyed.
The Influence of Social Interaction in Community Life

Based on the theoretical explanations given earlier, we can realize that social contact and communication are important. Keep in mind that these two things are sometimes a problem in the process of social interaction. Imagine if these social contacts and communications are not well conveyed, it will inevitably interfere with social interactions, including creating a dysfunctional social control in society.
In essence, social interaction has a positive impact as well as its negative impact. Positively, social interaction is excellent in meeting human needs, strengthening cooperation, creating peace, better inter-individual and intergroup social relationships, and creating stability in society. Not only that, the process of enculturation (cultural inheritance, a positive sense), even the birth of a new culture, also includes the impact of social interaction.
However, not all goes well. As the previous explanation, if contact and social communication are not well executed, it will provide opportunities for individual or group splits, prejudice, and will certainly harm many people (including property and life). This is because the basic concept of social interaction is a reciprocal relationship, which means that any interaction that begins will affect the response of others as well.
In everyday life, social interaction is sometimes not considered important. Suppose there is wrong association, insulting friends sekampus, no matter other / egocentric, and so forth. This kind of social interaction will affect not only others around us, even if culture will create an environment that is not conducive to socializing.
To answer the solution, it is necessary to have a good understanding of social interaction. Social interaction does not only cover our point of view and others, but also about the acquisition and exchange of information, culture, science, technology, and so on. In addition, in practice requires good communication skills and able to give examples to the surrounding environment, so that the changes will extend to various places around us.

Based on the above explanation, we can conclude that social interaction will be directly proportional to the harmony in society. This is because social interaction will have an effect on aspects of mutual cooperation, respect, respect, and peace. These aspects will shape the social structure that can create order in society. The formation of this social structure will also create the values ​​and norms that exist, so the process of social interaction is an important part of social life.

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