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Nice photo..
Thanks for sharing..
Where is that?

Thank you so much @bolang, glad you like it! It is on Gran Canaria Island

You are welcome..
Thank for upvoted me.

She is your girlfriend or your?

No problem @bolang, she is neither actually. This is a couple that I photographed earlier this year :)

Stunning Shot !!

Thanks so much @blazing :)

what a romantic view of your picture! very great!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much @elijahbunding :)

it was my pleasure to see photos like this dexter-k it gives me a magneficient idea!


Thank you @nachon!

So romantic.. lovely couple ❤️

Thank you so much @akareem

If it is gran canaria, it is a superb island full of nature, I would love to go there one day.

It really is an incredible place, you should for sure plan to visit some time @jawadovic!

Wow great image!

that is so lovely my friend. it feels me with my love in there too. clean and clear shot

Beautiful Places