Phone Photography

in photography •  8 years ago 

I woke up and and ate a bit, I could not resist, this light was very pleasing.
So i took the phone and made the pictures, I took the first things that come to me and, and I added them too.
The sun is getting every every minute more stronger. I think I must seek for more.

I use here my LG G2 phone And I'll change them a bit on the phone.
Just fun morning , I try use what I have. I try think this so...
If I use of little things ( Camera ) then a person is in a position where he or she needs to be creative twice more.
So this how my morning start.

Last year tree leaf

Random egg from my refrigerator


I have to eat it, Before someone sees

This tomatoes time will come soon, then we will eat them ALL.

And here are also same prints .

Bird :

Man and his wristwatch :

Old but Gold ( Cars limited Prints ) :

Shadows :

Man :

Old man ( Limited Print ) :

Snakes ( Limited Prints ) :

Simplicity and one Girl ( Limited Print ) :

And any feedback, makes me very happy.

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Phone photography is the most popular photography. Great that we have such an opportunity. I do it all the time )) UP!

Thank you!! And yes ... this days we all can make something ... You just need take camera out of your pocket :))

  ·  8 years ago (edited)


HDR- RR - RR... New hot stuff, pics are extra cool!

I know this old phone :)) @kid4life

Nice Compositions :)

Thank you!! I was just try start my day... I was sleepe .. but now is sun up.
And I go try more photography.