Seven Day Black And White Challenge Photo #2

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

As stated in the first post of this series, the rules are as follows:

  1. Seven black and white images that represent an aspect of your life.
  2. Present one image every day for seven days.
  3. No people.
  4. No explanation.
  5. Nominate someone every day, but anyone can join the fun.
  6. Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of your five tags.

Today's #monochrome:

(I may be bending the rules just a little bit.)

I will nominate @escapist, because I want other Finns to participate this challenge too. :) (I might nominate others before the week is over! Beware all Finns!)

[Previous post: One photo every day: Cataloguing the plants Part #5, Nepenthes (211/365)]

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Good job :D

The decorated accessories of the showcase are very nice to see. Take this picture in your room?

Yes this one is taken in our main bedroom. It's a bit of a private sanctuary of sorts.


A beautiful photo and all the items are so well located, I wonder if it's not a secret, the photo in the frame is your wife? Thank you @gamer00

Thanks! It's my mother. She died in 2013.

I'm sorry, my friend, I'm sorry about that.

Thank you but there's no need to feel sorry, I've got plenty of good memories. :)

I wish peace of your mother to God.

I'll also try to post black and white photography using #sevendaybnwchallenge tag if I got some brilliant photos just like your.

Your Photo#2 is really cool and stunning image. Just loved it...Thanks for choosing this pic as second day of the challenge. :)

with an simple and unique shot your day two in this B&W colorchallenge look more wonderfull and that art picture that lady, who is in this picture gamer00 sir?

She is my mother, she died back in 2013.

Very sad! I wish God's soul peace.

I like how the elements in the photo are organized.

A question that represents the rose that is on the top?

Yes, there's a rose, and the first snake skin Kiemurainen shed after moving to our home.

Yes, I thought it was Kiemurainen's skin but i was not sure, I also thought it could be some kind of fiber or cloth

I had the doubt too for the photograph of the woman but I saw in another comment that is your mom, I'm glad you have good memories of her, it's the best we can keep of loved ones that are no longer with us

btw I see because you say twist the rules a bit

My eyes are obviously fixed on the diamond and the drinks!
Is it a picture of your beautiful wifu? :))

Not my wife, that's a memento of my mother actually, she passed away five years ago.

Oh sorry, my bad.

well an exellent entry in your day two and also the black and white effects make this photo more attractive hope you will be best in this contest @gamer00

So lovely, even if you are bending the rules just a little bit, but still lovely! 🌺

How interesting photo. Each moment you can discover and see something new. Really nice!

Hey we all need to bend the rules sometimes I guess!

Nice theme. I am looking forward to your series entries.

Nice photo :)
Do you think I see alcohol? : P

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks :)

I think you might see some alcohol there, yes. The beer bottle is empty though, it's from 1996, they don't make this beer anymore.

Your photo is very artistic, congrats! I have finished this challenge a few days ago :)

Wow your black and white photo is awesome.Excellent photogaphy

A wonderful picture that looks like a painting with black and white
Some things do not pay attention to beauty, so we can photograph her beauty
Thank you

Yeah, a beautiful and nice photo in all aspects of it, You are really a great photographer indeed, i must admit today.
You believe it or not, new fan of yours is here, Can i have your autograph please :P

i love black white photography

It is dishonest trading, you will win this challenge with these great photos :) How about my photo, could you recommend something to me?

Wow this is an amazing BW photography! Great photo shot friend!


Simply amazing and perfect for Seven Day Black And White Challenge. Best of luck

Really beautiful photo @gamer00

great photography and i am also trying to shot black and white picture.. If i take some good shots i will post it with tag #sevenbnwchallenge

nice pariticipations,maybe bears and an imressive photo that doll look so pretty doll which surely make your participation intresting

Lot's of objects! I wonder what aspect of your life does it represent to you? :P

wow! what a nice picture.just awesome.bright future

Great and amazing post.
Brilliant photography of showcase.

Thanks @gamer00 for sharing this post.😊

Have a glorious day!!

Is this the cabinet of random items that you have collected over the years?

Nice stuff..

beautiful picture I hope you will win this challenge :)

each and every showpiece is wonderful, and, as always, the picture looks beyond awesome :)

Great capture!!!!

Love your photo @gamer00

That’s a good one , the way the photographer see the things make them more beautiful , I could have easily passed by . Praise for your photography skills .

your works are amazing ...
i will resteem to my blog ..

resteem done.

nice one..i like the design on the cupboard walls :)

Black & White

Your photography is just awesome.....Your showcase is well decorated...
Thanks for share....

@gamer00 It must be difficult to decide how to put together a photo that clearly represents your interests or aspects of your life, but you manage to do it, it seems to me the composition of this particular photo has melancholy air , Is it intentional the shadow in the right of the photo? Thank for sharing and good memories is the best thing that remains.

Don't tell me... on the top is your snake's skin. Interesting statue with the balls))

I see the rose at the very top shelf. Is it the same rose from your other picture today?

thanks ^^

I like how the wooden background gives a nice contrast to all the items you are showing. Also it is funny how the dust gives away that you haven't move most of those items in a very long time, may I know why?

Nice click of accessries

great memories in picture..
That's cool work, have a good luck for you :)

Nice b and w pics of monochrome

a really priceless photo