My trip to the top of mount Elbrus ( Mans ceļojums uz virsotne Elbruss )(featuring @tericano as author)

in photography •  8 years ago 

The Elbrus called the tallest ancient sleeping volcano in Europe.
Until you can find traces of its radiant fire from the periods of its activity.

Elbrusu sauc par izsenu aizmigušu vulkānu, kas ir pats augstākais Krievijas un Eiropas teritorijā.
Līdz šodienai var satikt viņa ugunīgo uguns miņas viņa aktivitātes periodos.

Mountain View

The weather on Elbrus is unpredictable and changeable in nature, with sudden and abrupt changes. Due to the peculiarities of weather conditions at this altitude even in summer it’s possible to meet the cold, severe temperature spikes that defy conventional forecasting. At the height of 5642 meters only a couple of hours will be enough to feel different weather conditions. However, Elbrus is famous for its constancy - a harsh eternal ice that holds the secrets of centuries. Due to the fact that geographically Elbrus is located near the sea, acclimatization is heavier. You can compare your feelings on the height of Elbrus’s 5642 meters with similar conditions at the height of 6500м in Nepal.

Laikapstākļiem uz Elbrusa ir neparedzams un mainīgs raksturs, ar pēkšņiem un asiem starpbrīžiem. Pateicoties laikapstākļu nosacījumu īpatnībām uz tāda augstuma pat vasarā var satikt salu, spēcīgas aulekšošanas ir temperatūras, kuras nepadodas parastai prognostikai. Ir pietiekami daudz pāris stundas, lai uz augstuma 5642м pār jūras līmeni sajust pilnīgi dažādus metio apstakļus. Tomēr, Elbruss ir slavējams ar savējo -bargiem mūžīgiem ledajiem, kas glabā desmitu gadsimtu noslēpumus. Tādēļ, ka ģeogrāfisks Elbruss atrodas blakus jūrai, aklimatizācija paiet smagāk. Var salīdzināt saviem izjūtas uz augstuma 5642м uz Elbrusa ar analoģiskiem nosacījumiem uz augstuma 6500м Nepāla.

Mountain View

Climbers appropriated to Elbrus the “2A” category, or “snow-ice”. Despite the fact that Elbrus is considered an extinct volcano, it has a gas craters, allowing to call it “breathing” volcano. There is a version that most missing on Elbrus people fall in these craters. Those craters volatile poisonous hydrogen sulfide to the air.

I was looking for a suitable date and route suggestions on the Elbrus conquest and it brought me to the tourist club. My plan was to pass the Northern route of the first conquerors of the peak. The chosen path is well known by its amazing beauty and hot springs suitable for bathing. Me, together with 8 other people chose the program of climbing Elbrus in a 10-days period.

At first, I was confronted mostly with psychological problems. It was unusual and frustrating to get used to the daily washing and brushing my teeth with water from an icy mountain stream.

Alpīnisti piesavināja Elbrusam 2А kategoriju, vai "apsnidzis-ledus". Neskatoties uz to, ka Elbruss skaitās ar beigto vulkānu , viņā ir gāzes krāteri, kas ļauj viņu saukt par "elpojošo vulkānu". Ir versija, ka ļaužu vairākums, kuri pazuda uz Elbrusa, nonāk tieši dotajos krāteros, kas iztvaicē indīgu

Piedāvājuma meklējums, kurš ir piemērots pa datumu un maršrutam, uz Elbrusa savaldzināšanu atveda mani pie tūristu kluba. Manējos plānos bija pirmo savaldzina virsotnes ziemeļnieciska maršruta paiešana. Izvēlas ceļš atšķīrās ar pārsteidz skaistumu, karstu avotu esamību, kas ir derīgi peldei. Ar mani un vēl 8 gribētāji izvēlējās lekts programma uz Elbrusu par 10- dienau termiņu.

Uz pirmajām porām es sadūros pa lielāku daļu psiholoģiskām problēmām. Neierasti un nepatīkams ierast pie ikdienas mazgāšanas un zobu tīrīšanas ar ūdeni noledaina kalnu strauta.


The first stage of the journey was a training one, and consisted of three-days pass to Irikchat. Than we had 4 kilometers through forests and mountain valleys. In the way we used mineral water from nearby sources, enjoyed the aromas of coniferous forests. Periodically faced natural obstacles in the form of fallen trees, wide shallow streams, rocky rubble. However, we still enjoyed the pleasure from fresh air, pure nature, fascinating species. Gradually the eye of a traveler accustomed to the mountain beauty, we saw beautiful hills with grazing horses and cows.

Pirmais ceļojuma etaps bija treniņš un sastāvēja no trīsdienuiziešanas pie Irikāču pārkāpes ar pēcnākamu 4 ar meža un kalnu ielejas kilometru paiešanu. Ceļā mēs izmantojām narzānu ūdeni no tuviem avotiem, baudījām ar skuju meža aromātiem. Periodiski uzgrūdās uz dabiskiem šķēršļiem, plašu sīku urdžu, akmeņainu aizgruvumu veidā.Tomēr, nezuda prieka izjūta no svaiga gaisa, tīras dabas, sagrābjošas ainām. Pakāpeniski ceļotāja acs ierada pie kalnu skaistu, gleznainu pakalnu aplūkošanai ar ganošies zirgiem un govim.

valley in the mountains

For the purpose of acclimatization, we made a radial climb to the height 4800м. We change our shoes to mountain boots, strapped on crampons and went into the snow. The Caucasus mountains charmed everyone with its beauty. We sat down on a hillside to admire the opening panorama: an infinite number of sent heavenward peaks of the ridge resembled the ripples of a stone ocean, covered with snow. Despite the apparent monotony, nature is constantly changing, delighting spectacular metamorphosis of white clouds, intermittently hiding the dazzling sun.
The next day surprised us with its changeable weather, rose storm and blizzards. Zero visibility made impossible to use red pushpins of skiers as benchmarks. The risk of getting lost in this blizzard was great.
The usual weather forecast is not applicable in the conditions of Elbrus. In the evening before our guide studied the sky for signs of approaching bad weather. The night was scheduled to climb. We began to pack our backpacks with the necessities, water, gloves, snack, cameras.

Ar aklimatizācijas mērķi mēs veicām radiālu iziešanu pie augstuma 4800м. Pārāvās kalnu apavos, iepogāja kaķi un aizgāja pa sniegu. Kaukāza kalns ar savējo skaistumu sagrābj katru, kniksējuša uz nogāzi patīksmināties ar atvērušos panorāmu: kalna pīķu bezgalīgu skaitli, kuri irraidāmi augstumā, atgādināja akmeņu okeāna ņirba, kas aizsegts ar sniegu. Par spīti šķietamajai vienmuļībai,daba pastāvīgi mainījās, priecējot ar sniegbaltu mākoņuskatu metamorfozēm periodiski slēpjošu ap žilbinošo sauli.
Nākamā diena izbrīnīja ar savējiem mainīgajiem laikapstākļiem, piecēlās putenis, sniegputeņi. Nulles redzamība atveda pie neiespējamības izmantot orientieru kvalitātē sarkanas lietas kalnsslepotāji. Risks apmaldīties tādā putenī bija dižens.
Tā kā parasta laikapstākļu prognoze ir neizmantojama Elbrusa nosacījumos, vēl priekšvakarā vakarā gids studēja debesi tuvojošās nagaisu pazīmju meklējumos. Uz nakti tika ieplānots lēkts. Iesākās izlases – triecienu uzbrukumu mugursomu sagatavošana ar pašu nepieciešamāko, ar ūdeni, dūraiņiem, sakniebšanu, fotoaparātiem.

the view from the tent

The capture of the mountain peak began with the transition to the Western summit and raising up to 5642 meters above sea level. This meant the passage of one and a half kilometers vertically. In the horizontal plane, this path was long and twisty, with a bypass on the slopes of the dangerous areas. Start of the hike is scheduled for midnight and we were planning to reach the top up to noon. If we won’t be on time, we should turn back to the camp until the dark. There is a point of no return, depending on the time when we got there, we have to make a decision – to go forward or to turn back. This day was a real test for all of us. We weren’t asleep for 20 hours, with brief stops for rest. The weather was great - clear sky, dotted with stars. It was a sign of upcoming good weather. During the trip we were very lucky with the weather, because in the period of the planned journey only one day with excellent weather, good for reaching the top. Before that two days was a blizzard, and after climbing – the weather was also not so good.

Virsotnes savaldzināšana iesākās no pārejas uz rietumu virsotni un ar pacelšanu līdz 5642м pār jūras līmeni. Tas nozīmēja pusotru vertikāles kilometru paiešanu. Horizontālā plaknē, šis ceļš izskatījās ievērojami garāk un līčains, ar apgaitu pa bīstamu vietu nogāzēm. Gājiena sākums ir iecelts uz pusnakti, lai pie dienasvidus nonāktu līdz virsotnei. Ja laikā nepaspējam - atgriežamies atpakaļ, lai paspētu lidz tumsai aizkulties līdz nometnei. Eksistē atpakaļ punkts, atkarībā no laika, kad viņu sasniedz, tiek pieņemts lēmums - iet uz priekšu vai atgriezties. Šī diena bija īsts izmēģinājums visiem. Mēs veicām uz kājām aptuveni 20 stundas, ar īsām apstādinašanām atpūtai. Laikapstākļi priecēja ar skaidru debesi, kas izbārstīti ar zvaigznēm. Tā bija gaidāmo labo laikapstākļu pazīme. Ceļojuma laikā mums ļoti palaimējās ar laikapstākļiem, ieplānotā ceļojuma periodā tikai vienu dienu izdevās ar teicamiem laikapstākļiem, kas ir derīgs virsotnes savaldzināšanai. Līdz tam divas dienas bija sniegputenis, pēc lēkts - laikapstākļi tāpat nepriecēja.

it won't be long

At the height of 5300 meters, one member of our group said that he refuses to go on the saddle. Remained the most difficult 300 meters vertically. It's a shame to abandon the goal, being so close to it. Being an athlete, skydiver, headed in front of our group, he simply said he couldn’t go longer. The mountain did not want obey to him.
Recently, at the height of 4 thousand meters there was a point of rescuers, but now it wasn’t there. This meant that emergencies will get to the victim not for couple of hours, but much longer.
Another member of the group, the representative of the stronger sex, already on the way to the peak began to refuse to go. Well, the most difficult part was behind.
And finally, the top! By two o'clock we opened the amazing, incomparable, picture of crystal white snow, bright sun, striking blue of the sky with fancy carpet of clouds, disappearing into the distance and covering the lower peaks of other mountains. We went for so long to this small snow-covered few meters peak with a small boulder and advertising flag!

Uz augstuma 5300 m viens no mūsējas grupas locekļiem paziņoja par atraidījumu iet uz sedlienes. Palika paši sarežģītākie 300 ceļa m pa vertikāli. Aizvainojošs atteikties no mērķa, atrodoties tik tuvu no viņas. Esot sportists, izpletņlēcējs, kas bija priekšgalā vēl priekšvakarā visu mūsēju grupu, viņš vienkārši sacīja, kas nevar vairāk iet. Kalns nav iegribējies savaldzināms viņam.
Vēl nesen uz augstuma 4 tūkstoši metru bazējās glābj MČS punkts, bet tagad viņš nebija. Tas nozīmēja, ka pie cietušā kalpošana par МČS aizkulsies pāris nestundu, bet ievērojami ilgāk.
Vēl viens grupas dalībnieks, spēcīgas grīdas pārstāvis, jau uz pieejas pie smailes sāka atsacīties iet. Labi, ka pats sarežģītākais gabals bija jau atpakaļ.
Un lūk, beidzot, virsotne! Pie divām dienas stundām mums atvērās apbrīnojama, neviens ar ko nesalīdzināma, glezna no sniega, spilgtas saules kristāldzidra baltuma, pārsteidzošā debess zilējuma ar rēgainu paklāju no mākoņiem, kas aizgājējs tālē un apklājošs citu kalnāju zemākus pīķus. Mēs tik ilgi un saspīlēti gāja pie šā maza aizsniegota šņukura ar diametru pāris metru ar nelielu laukakmeni un reklāmu karogu!


We went down in blizzard conditions, the raging storm made everyone nervous, especially the instructor who was in contact with the base and reported the coordinates of our group. From time to time our path was swept, and the visibility disappeared. Elbrus warned us that it can be dangerous and severe. We risk to go astray, to fall unnoticed in a crack in time, freezing in the snowstorm. On our route there was one place, located on a Slanting shelf to the Pastukhov rocks. This place is notoriously called «a collection of corpses». It was hard to pass: the group walked, hedging with ice axes. When we reached the camp, blizzard has shown all its power. Despite the fatigue, we all have remained intact and have been extremely satisfied. The next day we had to begin the descent and return to the valley with the subsequent departure.

Nobrauciens pagāja puteņa nosacījumos, iespēlējusies negaiss lika visiem nervozēt, īpaši instruktora, kurš tas un lieta sasaistījās ar bāzi un ziņoja mūsējas grupas koordinātas. Laikiem mūsēja taka izrādījās aizdiegta, bet redzamība zuda. Elbruss nobrīdināja mūs, ka viņš var būt bīstams un bargs. Mēs riskējām sajukt no ceļa, krist plaisā, kura ir neievērota laikā, aizsalt putenī. Uz mūsēja maršruta bija viena vieta, kas atrodas pa Slīpu plauktu līdz Postuhova klintainēm.Tejiene bēdīgi-pazīstams zem nosaukuma "liķsavacējs". Viņa paiešana tika dota nav viegli: grupa gāja miņa miņā, apdrošinoties ar leduscirtitajiem. Kad mēs aizkūlāmies līdz nometnei, putenis parādīja visu savējo varenību. Par spīti spēcīgam nogurumam, mēs visi palikām veseli un tika ārkārtēji apmierināti. Pa plānu nākamās dienas mums ir jāsāk nobrauciens un atgriešana ielejā ar pēcnākamu.


When I was told that love to the mountain will stay forever, I didn’t believe it. But after climbing Elbrus I understand the meaning of these words. A short trip to the skies is over, but I already knew that I will be back. Returning home, I caught myself thinking, I already planned a new journey for reaching the peaks.

Kad man teica, ka kalnāji - tas uz visiem laikiem, tam neticēja. Bet pēc lēkts uz Elbrusu es sapratu šo vārdu nozīmi. Īss ceļojums pie debesīm noslēdzās, bet es jau ciets zināju, ka atgriezīšos šurp. Atgriežoties mājup, es ķēru sevi uz domas, ka jau planēju jaunu ceļojumu un virsotņu savaldzināšanu.


@gavvet features authors to promote new authors and a diversity of content. All STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author.
@tericano is part of my current effort to promote foreign language writers with dual language posts

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Nice pictures!!!!!!!!

Thank you

Dear @gavvet, I did some research and I should say to you that you're promoting plagiarism... :(
Here is the original article in Russian:
The thing is that I am a native Russian speaker , who also lives in Latvia, so Latvian is my second "native language". I also am a translator, so I do feel language very well. That's why I quickly understood that there's something wrong with Latvian language in this post, it is really just a google translate from Russian. English is good I must say, but in some places it just uses Russian expressions, so I checked google for a similar article in Russian.
Unfortunately I've spotted several such posts on Steemit and I feel it's a real problem. It is not original content and it's a shame that people get paid for that. :(
Of course, there is a chance that these two articles have one same author, but then there should be verification. I personally do not believe that, because in such a case there would not be need to use Latvian language at all.

Great investigation, we will be glad to see you in the detectives League in Telegram:

Thanks, I've joined.

You r welcome

Oh, gosh, Latvian Language! :D
Are you sure dual posts with such languages as Latvian is a great idea? I mean, why would we need Latvian? I live in Latvia, there are less than 2M people living here and practically everyone knows English, or at least Russian. Wouldn't it be just useless additional work? Another thing is with languages as Russian, Chinese, French... Something like that - it'll broaden the possible audience.
But it still was kind of amazing to see Latvian, I was very surprised, to say the least. :)

By the way, I looked closer on the Latvian language - it's of very poor quality, definitely written not by a native speaker... This is what is bad to my mind - diversity of languages should not be at the expense of good quality. :(
Making a brief analysis of the written language, I believe it's some kind of google translate from Russian language. :)
But I really liked reading the English version, even given that it also has traces of Russian. But I know for sure that my English has them as well!))

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I'm of a different opinion, becauseI live in Latvia for many years
Daugavpils city, so the post is written in Latvian

Ok, Daugavpils city may explain why your Latvian is bad, but it does not explain why you used content from a Russian site which was written in 2013.
Here is sort of original:
"Sort of" because I cannot be sure that it was not plagiarism as well.
Also, why didn't you use Russian instead of Latvian? Your Latvian is very poor and I bet Russian is your native, if you really live in Daugavpils.

flagged plagiarism

Wow. Why would someone with such high reputation points resort to plagiarism?

He's an editor who posts on behalf of unknown authors and then forwards the rewards to them. He checks the articles before posting them and his other posts have been clean, but the language apparently made the plagiarism here harder to identify and it slipped through. Once it was discovered, it was the poster himself who asked me to flag it to cancel all rewards.

Ah, very cool. I had my doubts it was intentional, as I've seen a lot of very popular content from @gavvet .
I skimmed through the #steemitabuse-classic room on and saw parts of the conversation, but wasn't able to come to a conclusive reason behind the incident. Thanks for the info and kudos to all for taking care of it and keeping Steemit clean. :)

@smooth How do you know that rewards are forwarded to authors? There doesn't seem to be any regular outgoing transfer from his account to exchanges.
To me it just seems like he has a way to pick article from the web ( in foreign languages for example), get a quick translation done and post it here.

That appears to have happened in one case out of >100 posts. If anyone can find evidence of a pattern then we will have to reach a different conclusion.


Downvoted for not citing the original source of the content:

When went to the mountains?

The photos are amazing!

I'm very happy that you enjoyed

Mountain climbing requires a strong moral and physical preparation, you fellows. I expect more of your ascent!

You're absolutely right
Mountain is a place where you can test yourself

and then with a sense of satisfaction to think about climbing, sitting at home by the fire and drink tea

I love so much travel story ......... great :D

specially for you =))

amazing photo, keep up ur great writing @gavvet

wow amazing place, beautiful pictures

@tericano Do you plan to climb the same mountain or a different one?

Next time I wanna to climb Kilimanjaro
But of course I'll be back on Elbrus again

@gavvet nice post, I am also doing posts on travel, please check out my content, if it interests you, would love to do something like this in collaboration with you.

realy great photos @gavvet do you know, that today is the World Photography Day?

Wow~ beautiful ~

Amazing and inspiring post! Thanks! upvoted

Interesting journey and accomplishment and gorgeous pictures! Thank you for sharing. I hope to see more about this!

Isola 2000 was my highest point i ever reached but this is astonishing...

I'm sure you can do it, if you want)