Portrait Photography : The Simplicity

in photography •  6 years ago  (edited)
ENGLISHHi Steemit Friends, can you imagine how this life going? That urged me to find another side of people's life. Therefore, I managed to capture about the simplicity of life from the these people . In another hand, capturing people with their activity will also tell us how they run their routine. No wonder why people photography or human interest photography is regarded as a mean to tell about the depth of someone's life. I was quite amazed soon I spotted to these people emerging such innocent expressions that were caught by my camera. Sure thing, they did not notice I was photographing them so I could get their pure expression in detail.

Nikon D5300 1/1000 sec. f/6,3 300mm ISO 640

Nikon D5300 1/1000 sec. f/6,3 300mm ISO 800

INDONESIA Hai Sahabat Steemit, bisakah kamu bayangkan bagaimana kehidupanmu? Itu mendorong saya untuk menemukan sisi lain dari kehidupan orang-orang. Oleh karena itu, saya berhasil menangkap tentang kesederhanaan hidup dari orang-orang ini. Di sisi lain, menangkap orang-orang dengan aktivitas mereka akan memberi tahu kita bagaimana mereka menjalankan rutinitas mereka. Tidak heran mengapa orang fotografi atau human interest photography dianggap sebagai sarana untuk menceritakan tentang kedalaman kehidupan seseorang. Saya cukup kagum segera saya melihat orang-orang ini muncul ekspresi tidak bersalah seperti yang tertangkap oleh kamera saya. Tentu saja, mereka tidak memperhatikan saya memotret mereka sehingga saya bisa mendapatkan ekspresi murni mereka secara detail.

IMG_20181031_152433.jpgNikon D5300 1/1000 sec. f/6,3 300mm ISO 640

IMG_20181031_152409.jpgNikon D5300 1/1000 sec. f/6,3 300mm ISO 640


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Good job that’s to tell you there’s a lot going out there with people of different mind set you really did a good job by this post

Through this photo I want to describe our simple life in the countryside, I'm glad you like it :)

Thank you, my friend

Life is bit difficult but it isn't stop keep going and work hard change life.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The result will not betray the effort, thanks for spirit :D

Mothers always mother, everywhere

Hi @harferri I'm a bot, and wanted you to know that I've upvoted and re-steemed your post to help you with your promotion efforts! -exp

Many thanks



hello, I love photography, capture a moment, a gesture, the look of a person is something great, I really liked your work

Minimalism is always trendy and beautiful

It's true, thanks

Looks good and magical!!

nice shot. thank you.


Outstandingly good!

Awsome click, grt job.

Thank you for the interesting post.

You're welcome, friend

excelente trabajo la vida es muy compleja y difícil aveces se gana y otras se pierde, pero siempre hay que luchar por los sueños de uno y luchar por lo que uno quiere.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Perfect moment captute

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you :D

All photos clicked professionally.

its really good work, you are inspiration for many.

Very attractive photography, the simplicity of the picture is liked by me, many things can be guessed from these. Have a nice time my friend.

Many thanks, my friend
Have a great day

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Good pictures...

i like the post because i really know that for daily routine for my mom i hats off too you.nice post.

We love mom, thanks my friend

nice :)

Nice expressions in your pictures.

well captured