Australian Wildlife that can Kill (Maybe)steemCreated with Sketch.

in photography •  8 years ago 

Clickbait Title, I'll confess. Australia has spiders, snakes, and other things that can harm, or kill you. You're more likely to die in a vehicular accident involving a kangaroo than to be TKO'ed by a boxing Kangaroo. I've gone through some photographs of wildlife I've taken that is native to Australia.

I don't think any of this stuff can kill you, unless you fashion it into a weapon. Except the first one...

This un-glamorous son of a bitch is an Emu. It'll try and kick your ass, but more likely, it'll run away.

This guy is a Short Beaked Echidna, and he eats ants. Those spikes on his back are for self protection and camouflage. You don't wanna tread on him.

This is a Corella. Their beaks are powerful enough to crack open Macadamia nuts. That's scary when you consider the fact that these birds flock by the hundreds. They also make an incredible racket as they migrate in said flocks.

I don't know what these guys are, but I'm pretty sure they're responsible for killing this poor, unfortunately located tree.

Disclaimer: I know nothing about the native wild life of Australia, just thought I'd share some photos from my collection and give my personal commentary. If you come to Australia, stay out of the water at the beaches, everything will try to kill you.

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This has killed more tourists than every other Australian killer combined. :)

The Alpha Predator.

I wanna pet the Short Beaked Echidna.

They're best as infants. I love that their spikes are called 'quills' which means that they're quite the creative writers.


I'll note the last part!

stay out of the water at the beaches !

What could be worst? Maybe electric eel? Jellyfish?Whales? Sharks? Redfish?

I'll also try to not mess with Emu Eggs :D

Probably the Box Jellyfish. From Wikipedia

Once a tentacle of the box jellyfish adheres to skin, it pumps nematocysts with venom into the skin, causing the sting and agonizing pain. Flushing with vinegar is used to deactivate undischarged nematocysts to prevent the release of additional venom. A 2014 study reported that vinegar also increased the amount of venom released from already-discharged nematocysts; however, this study has been criticized on methodological grounds.

Removal of additional tentacles is usually done with a towel or gloved hand, to prevent secondary stinging. Tentacles can still sting if separated from the bell, or after the creature is dead. Removal of tentacles may cause unfired nematocysts to come into contact with the skin and fire, resulting in a greater degree of envenomation

By Avispa marina.jpg: Guido Gautsch, Toyota, Japanderivative work: Mithril (talk) - Avispa marina.jpg, CC BY-SA 2.0,

I think I've seen similar jellyfish!
It was indeed causing rash and terrible itchiness. A friend of mine got a swollen eyes after swimming on the beach. So yeah, that time we were assuming he was in touch with a nasty jellyfish !

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

That's a standard jelly fish, you can find them all around the world for the most part. That box son of a bitch up there will kill you quicker than most can get out of the water! Still worth the risk though, the coral reef is amazing :D

Unedited​ photo of a small part of the Great Barrier Reef
(So, ignore the blue tinge.. everywhere! Lol)

I scratched my legs while diving among corals but it definitely worth the risk and I can say the fishes were amazing ! just like on that picture :)

Disclaimer: I know nothing about the native wild life of Australia, just thought I'd share some photos from my collection and give my personal commentary. If you come to Australia, stay out of the water at the beaches, everything will try to kill you.

I'll stay home, lol!

Wise choice :)

You live in a death trap... how are we supposed to come visit you?!

Literally had an Emu beat me up when I was younger, it is a good story... great at parties. Still, ​hate them though those beady eyed bastards!