Blue sky's hit me deep, traveling through time.

in photography •  8 years ago  (edited)

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Exactly my friend, I can see that in so much clarity . The sky has always made me feel so free and alive. I truly do believe that it is a mirror image of another life form.... looking back at me. Knowing that so many universes exists is a mind blow in it's self! We take so many aspects of life for granted. Your right the world has fallen so deeply in love with cell phones , social media , computers ... electronics in general.As long as we stay true to what's truly beautiful. Nature and all it's glory.

This brings me a relax sensation :)

Thank you so so much ! When I was a child I would stare at the clouds, seeing so many different faces and creatures ! It's insane how nature takes you to a different universe .

That is a wonderful memory of my childhood too. Imagine a parallel world floating over our heads and spend hours lying on the grass without feeling neither hungry nor cold. We did not need cell phones to be happy.