The Pinkish Sky Over Amsterdam

in photography •  7 years ago 

I have been in Amsterdam last year around this time of the year, while I was an erasmus student. Though, unfortunately, I only stayed one night, it was an amazing day in Amsterdam. The weather was so perfect, neither too cold nor too hot and the sky is turned into a pink colour from a blue one as the sun was going down. Luckily, I had my camera with me so that I had chance to take these photos.


This one was taken just nearby the sign of 'Iamsterdam'. While almost everyone was just trying to have a photo with the sign and do not notice this beautiful sky, I was amazed with the scene that I was seeing. I think, the scene reflects the expectations that we have and how they turn into reality. When you look at the upper part of the photo, you see a perfect scene that is composed of the colourful harmony of sky and the shadows of the trees and surrounding buildings. If you look at the bottom part of it, you can see the reflection of the scene that is started to decompose as it turns into reality. I believe that life is just like this. We form ideas, expectations on the bases of the desires and motivations we have and try to realize them. However, because they are detached from reality in the first place, they cannot attach it as they are, as we imagine. As we try to turn our expectations into reality, they start to fade away. They do not come true as we imagine. Though we believe that some expectations of ours are in fact turn into reality, what happens is an imperfect reality of a perfect idea.

These are the other photos that I had taken at that day.






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Woow wonderful

Thank you dhifa!

Haha, did you have a nice time in Amsterdam? I go there every month.

Yes, I had! But one day is not enough for all the fun in there :D I will definitely go again, but this time I'll stay longer. You are lucky! Have fun when you are there!