Photos in Trip to Keuh Island Aceh Jaya

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)


God Bless Steemians ^_^

Pertama kalinya, Saya melakukan perjalanan ke Pulau Keuh, Aceh Jaya. Saya pergi bersama teman-teman steemians yang sama-sama punya hobi traveling. Dari kota Banda Aceh menuju Aceh Jaya menempuh perjalanan sekitar 3 Jam, menempuh jarak sekitar 117 km. Saya dan steemians menumpang boat nelayan berkapasitas maximal 6 penumpang. Naik boat nelayan membutuhkan 15 menit perjalanan menuju ke pulau Keuh kalau cuaca bagus. Saya sangat mengagumi kecantikan pulau ini. Pulau ini menawarkan keindahan yang sungguh luar biasa. Terima kasih Tuhan sudah menciptakan Alam yang luar biasa cantiknya.

Perjalanan ke pulau ini, kami meminta izin kepada kepala desa. Masyarakat di sini memiliki peraturan lokal yang disebut reusam gampong yang disebut hukum syariah dimana perempuan tidak boleh bergabung dengan laki-laki. Ini berarti membatasi hubungan antara pria dan wanita. Wanita tidak diperbolehkan berkemah di pulau ini.

It's a first time I'm visiting to Keuh Island, Aceh Jaya. I went with My friends steemian who have a traveling hobbies. From Banda Aceh its be takes time about 3 hours to Keuh Island, covering a distance of about 117 km. I rode a fishing boat with a maximum capacity of 6 passengers. A fishing boat rode to the island was taken 15 minutes to Keuh Island. I was stunned from the boat to see owesome beauty of this island. You could be some activity likes fishing, camping, snorkling, looking for shells, sea cucumbers and diving to seeing the beautiful reefs and nemo. Thank God for creating an amazingly beautiful world.

A Trip to Keuh island, we were asking permission with head of the village. The community here was had a local rule its be reusam gampong. it was called sharia law where women should not join with men. Its means was limiting the relationship between men and women. Women were not allowed to camping on this island.














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fantastic photos

Trims infonya yg menarik @iqballangdon!

Postingan yang sangat bagus. Teruslah berkarya @iqballangdon