Original Art Photography Series by @iqbalzarra #012 'desert'

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)



This one was inspired by @imailrafael question about the movie' The Road 'the other day. I love to read my comments when I catch a bit of time, guys.

""Yang satu ini terinspirasi oleh pertanyaan @africa tentang film 'The Road' tempo hari. Saya suka membaca komentar saya ketika saya menangkap sedikit waktu, guys.""

Then again, some people believe that a new start is needed, that our civilization reached its peak and the only way is downward. Not sure I want or like to believe that but, as we already know, everything revolves in circles. Don't worry, if everything goes bonkers and we survive, you'll never have to worry about your loan payments, your boss, your car service, your taxes, you name it... Imagine the freedom you'll gain when the grand reset arrives.

""Kemudian lagi, beberapa orang percaya bahwa sebuah awal baru dibutuhkan, bahwa peradaban kita mencapai puncaknya dan satu-satunya jalan menuju ke bawah. Tidak yakin saya ingin atau suka mempercayai hal itu tapi, seperti yang sudah kita ketahui, semua berputar dalam lingkaran. Jangan khawatir, jika semuanya berjalan gila dan kita bertahan, Anda tidak perlu khawatir dengan pembayaran pinjaman Anda, atasan Anda, layanan mobil Anda, pajak Anda, sebutkan saja ... Bayangkan kebebasan yang akan Anda dapatkan saat grand reset tiba""

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nicely cropped dude But I found you :