ChemSky Madness - Photos & a Few Links
'Chemtrails' being sprayed into our skies is no longer a crazy 'conspiracy theory', it is a documented fact and criminal conspiracy being carried out by the 'powers that shouldn't be'. Chemtrails have now 'become' a conspiracy fact.
Airplanes were busy spraying the blue skies away in both Tennessee and Kentucky as we made our way driving from South Carolina to Kentucky over the weekend (it was cloudy from rainy weather in both SC & NC so didn't see signs of chemtrails until reaching Tennessee).
The entire sky was covered with chemtrails and the man-made clouds which they create, across the whole state of Tennessee on December 29.
Harvard warned us they would be spraying the skies as a part of "Operation Solar Shield", and the "aerosol" spraying was indeed successfully 'blocking' the sun on this day:
Of course this has nothing to do with fighting 'global warming' as it is claimed and rather everything to do with controlling the weather on a larger scale and presumably poisoning the earth.
They are obviously, demonstrably, undeniably "seeding" clouds, for what purposes exactly is the only debatable question.
The skies were criss-crossed with countless chemtrails and filled with the man-made clouds, more than I have ever personally observed at one time:
Not much different in Kentucky, obviously a heavy day of spraying across the eastern united States and possibly the entire country or even across the whole planet. The sun was also pretty well blocked in Kentucky:
The Guardian published an article in 2017 describing how scientists planned to spray "first water and then calcium carbonate particles," adding that: "Future tests could involve seeding the sky with aluminium oxide – or even diamonds." Well, they are definitely "seeding the sky" with something to make these man-made clouds, turning a perfectly clear winter day with beautiful blue skies into a fake cloudy mess.
I don't know about you, but I like my blue skies on a clear day, and the sunshine, especially in the winter time! As we got closer to our destination in Kentucky, the sky was mostly filled with much darker natural clouds, but then they began to dissipate and recede towards the horizon line, revealing the web of chemtrails which had been hidden behind them:
And they just kept on spraying, below are a couple shots of airplane spraying in action:
Notice the dark natural clouds in the distance near the horizon while the rest of the sky is filled with chemtrails and fake clouds:
What is really going on in the skies and WHY are they spraying? Controlling the weather, poisoning the earth and life on it, but is there more? And WHAT exactly are they spraying? They certainly can't be trusted to tell us the full truth of it now, as they called us all crazy conspiracy theorists until recently, despite now both openly admitting to spraying chemicals and to having done so in the past... Could they possibly be carrying out tests in an attempt to 'block' or 'weaken' or 'manipulate' the earth's electromagnetic 'shield' for any number of nefarious reasons? I don't know, but what I do know is they are up to something and they do not have humanity's best interests in mind.
Hey NWO, stop stealing our blue sky and our sunshine! WE DO NOT CONSENT! And in the words of Darren Nesbit in an awesome anti-NWO song, "There'll be blue skies when the chemtrails are all gone!"
You Can Stick Your New World Order Up Your Arse by @daznez:
And performed live a year ago in London here.
And a beautiful Kentucky sunset despite all the spraying to finish off the day and this post: