Sunrise on goat ( ↩️ Resteem ▶️ $0.5 👍)

in photography •  6 years ago 


Hello, I'm Joey Park working on blockchain industries. Today, I'm introducing this picture that was taken by @jinbtonic 10 months ago. I think She is most capable of taking pictures in South Korea. Unfortunately, Some of pictures were not got the spotlight. So that, I'd been allowed uploading her picture on my blog. Then, I'm sharing this rewards 5:5 ratio with her.

Below paragraphs were written by @jinbtonic.

I was at backyard every morning, and finally faced beautiful sunrise after 7 days cloudy mornings. Then this goat came to me like he is sharing this moment with me

And, This picture was taken in Gobi desert, Mongolia.

I've never seen horizontal in South Korea. Because, There are full of mountains. If you visit to South Korea, you can see mountains everywhere. So, I'm just wondering that If I actually see horizontal, What will I feel and think about that 😊 When you saw this picture, what did you feel and think about it ❓

You can look more pictures having high quality and resolution on her blog as well. Just Feel free to follow and visit her blog.

I always look for nice photography. Because, these are possible to enhance Steem blockchain and to gather more people. Anyways, Thanks for your interest and time.

↩️ Resteem ▶️ $0.5 👍

It's pretty easy! Just Feel free to Resteem this post 😊
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I like how you are splitting the rewards with her, that is a nice gesture.
done coting and resteeming :)

This comment is supported by $1.47 @tipU upvote funded by @joeypark :)
@tipU voting service guide | For investors.

Thank you for the support @tipu

Resteem and upvote commented
This is a good strategy and start for the year of 2019, sharing and giving helping Steemians to grow.

Posted using Partiko Android

This post is supported by $1.42 @tipU upvote funded by @joeypark :)
@tipU voting service guide | For investors.

Thank you so much @tipu and @joeypark.
Glad to know you my dear. Let us help each other to make steemit a better place of giving and sharing.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi Olivia, if you like sunsets, come check out these sunsets from 5 different continents !

Your @joeypark idea to help others who do not get much visibility is great. We should be helping one and other on this platform! Where a post or picture deserves to be supported but cannot cannot get the quality votes, it should be helped out through initiatives like what you have started. Keep doing what you are doing and support those posts and blogs that upload quality and eye catching contents but do not get much popularity!

This comment is supported by $1.39 @tipU upvote funded by @joeypark :)
@tipU voting service guide | For investors.

Nicely said my friend

I love the photo; it's exhaling, and the spirit of the poster-to help others get the much needed exposure and selflessness to share-not a glutton! Bravo

This comment is supported by $1.26 @tipU upvote funded by @joeypark :)
@tipU voting service guide | For investors.

Valorized the publication of person who starts or who have difficulty to obtain visibility, it is motivated these person to continue on steemit.
Thank you to you for this gesture.
Steemit hardly took off, but the potential exists and when I see other social networks known, I think we also have our place globally.
I remainem with pleasure to give even more visibility to this charming goat and of course to its author ^^ thanks to you

This comment is supported by $1.25 @tipU upvote funded by @joeypark :)
@tipU voting service guide | For investors.

I don't hate the idea of accounts with visibility sharing posts for visibility, it's just that it isn't a great picture and your write up explaining your service is also pretty weak.

Flagged for disagreement on rewards, but keep working on the idea.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

10 days ago, I commented my opinion about it on my post. Then, ackza who is COO of Steem.Inc Upvoted and Respected my opinion.

You can view the comment below the link.

The comment

And you also used a bidding bot, 「booster」. You meant you are using bots are right and I'm using bidding bots are not right?


I enough explained this post. I don't agree with you. You're generous to only yourself.

Hey @joeypark, @whatsup has offered you some constructive negative feedback. Your post has been upvoted to almost 400 STU. You could have upvoted to 50 STU and easily got in the top 3 posts on the photography tag. You may have actually made a bit of money for you and your friend. Instead your post will sit near the top of the 'all tags' trending page for a few days. You will most likely receive several more downvotes and you will lose money; probably quite a bit. There is an audience for photography, I wish all the best and I hope you can learn something.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

As far as I know, someone who work/worked for Steem.Inc is running bidding bots. And I know the resource of expense for running Steem blcockchain is a little bit based on bidding bot. I'm buying a lot of Steem. You can track my wallet. So, I'm pouring fiat money for token economy of Steemit. If anyone doesn't put it on, Steem and Steem dollars will be shit. You know well, In the token economy model, It's very important to put fiat money in, right? I can't understand why you hate my post. I'm enough contributing on Steem liquidity. And I don't understand why you didn't say another users who are using bidding bots. Am I Asian? Hatu and many projects are using bidding bots. And It helps fund for Steem Inc a little bit. You already know well.

Don't distort my objective. If you have more 50,000 Steem power, will you Upvote a lot of posts for 1 week except your posts? And wii you share the rewards?

I guess you hate people make a lot of money. I'm actually losing my money. Please, Don't judge me before you know in details.

I think you have to Downvote all bidding bots accounts. You just hate only users using bidding bots. It's disgusting.

I don't hate your post. I'm trying to help you. Many people will consider your post overvalued and therefore downvote it. I am not saying you shouldn't use bots but I am recommending that you don't promote it to the top of the 'all tags' trending page. Using very high bids will also give you a lower ROI as well.

As I mentioned above, promoting to the photography tag with more modest bids would have got you a much better return.

Power Up your steem, anything else is a waste.

I fully recommend flagging me if you feel I've been over-generous. That is the point! :)

There is no COO of Steem.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Unfortunately, Some of pictures were not got the spotlight

If there is exceptional content that doesn't make "the spotlight", it's because of the bid bots, circlejerkers and users too damn lazy to curate.

I am doubtful of your intentions especially because you have employed the bots. My suspicion is you are using an altruistic premise in order to promote a resteem scheme.

Maybe I'm wrong but you muted me before I even had a chance to comment after flagging so guess we're not going to find out. That's too bad.

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Don't distort my objective. If you have more 50,000 Steem power, will you Upvote a lot of posts for 1 week except your posts? And wii you share the rewards?

I told it before ackza who is COO of Steem.Inc Upvoted and respected my opinion.

You can view my comment below the link.

The comment

I guess you hate people make a lot of money. I'm actually losing my money. Please, Don't judge me before you know in details.

Although it is kind of amazing you think Ackza is the COO, I have to tell you, he doesn't work for SteemIt Inc. His bio on his blog is meant to be taken tongue in cheek. :)

First of all, noticed you revenge flagged my non-bid botted post. That was nice of you.

Do you understand the purpose of a flag? It is about the content and not intended to be used in a vindictive fashion as you have.

I flagged because I saw subpar and questionable content with a lot of paid votes. Furthermore, you are using others to spread the content using the expectation that they would get something out of it rather than content spread organically like it should.

If you have more 50,000 Steem power, will you Upvote a lot of posts for 1 week except your posts? And wii you share the rewards?

I do this already with much less SP. The only reason I have any self-votes at all is because of the anti-abuse curation trail and thankfully they are only 37%. I often share liquid rewards with flaggers on abuse.

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

OK, First of all, I apologized revenge flagging and canceled it. But, I don't agree with you below paragraph.

Furthermore, you are using others to spread the content using the expectation that they would get something out of it rather than content spread organically like it should.

The objective of Resteem compensation has a reason.

Anyone who has a few of Steem power and Resteemd my post are able to receive $0.5 Upvoting. You can track my previous posts. A lot of Steemians who has a few of Steem power(Actually, It doesn't matter how many Steem power they have) were already got their posts Upvoted.

At least, I don't self-Upvote a lot like you. I think I'm contributing a lot of Steemians rather than you. Many Steemians want to get their posts Upvoted. You can check their reaction on any posts. Actually, They said Thank you.

Please, Don't distort my objective before you know in details.

Alright, maybe we got off on the wrong foot so going to try again.

Maybe your motives / intentions are actually good and perhaps my real issue is your method or how you are going about it.

I have been a vocal critic against using bid bots for many reasons but one of my biggest is they promote the thing they call shit posting. Not saying that is what this post is but giving them your business gives them more power and I am against them. I may be ok with non-profit bots with high quality standards like @ocdb but most bid bots I have found support a significant amount of abuse. It is what it is.

My second issue is the resteem thing as I find it to be gimmicky. It's easy to get plankton to do what you want when you are offering something but I think it would help Steem if we had more honest curators. Not those that vote or resteem because they want something but rather because they believe in the substance of the content.

As I said, my self-votes are not intentional as they are done via steemauto. I would disable the self vote on the trail in a second once that feature is available but I like following the trail to support the anti-abuse community.

Perhaps, we have similar goals in regard to community but maybe we just disagree on the way to achieve them. That's ok. We are able to agree to disagree if that is the case.

Posted using Partiko Android

Interesting point, I'm also wondering about the ethical standard of the bitbot programme here on Steemit. It seems to be unfair. But I'm not fully informed, just an instinctive initial opinion.

You're not wrong but that's just my opinion. ;)

I've wrote about this matter in many occasions but the powers that be don't want to put away their geese laying golden eggs, if course and their users don't mind contributing to the centralization of power as long as they can get their Trending spot.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good to hear your comment and opinion Anthony. Well it seems we can still make some progress without the centralization occurring in steemit.


Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

I Upvoted this comment.

thanks for you

Resteemed because of your nice gesture! :)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

I appreciate your kind word 🤣 By the way, You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Upvote + Resteem

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Unfortunately, You look like you didn't Resteem this post 😅

Did it

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

up and reblog

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

God Bless your nice idea and gesture. May you have an amazing year! :)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

resteem done.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Resteemed and upvoted!

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Unfortunately, You look like you didn't Resteem this post 😅

Oops! Now I did!

I have resteemed.

Posted using Partiko iOS

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

nice picture

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Upvoted and resteemed

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

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interesting and done resteem

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

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Resteemed successfully

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Done :)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.


  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Thanks @joeypark!

Upvoted and resteemed 😃😃😃🙂

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

id resteemed--nice post-nice picture-nice idea.....feel free--happy new year

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

I Upvoted this comment.

Nice picture of got. Resteem done

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Upvoted and resteemed

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Waiting for next post keep this up

Posted using Partiko Android

Thats one sexy goat 🐐 🐐 resteemed

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

just resteem this post... love the pic aswell

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Enjoy the resteam

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Upvoted and resteemed!!

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

I will start posting again when I purchase a huge amount of steem

Posted using Partiko Android

the hues made the photo look like it was painted. resteemed!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

thanks, bro! just an observer here.. =D's a nice picture. and by the way, happy new year

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

I resteem this ;)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Voted and resteemed!

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Resteemed, I love the picture and I moved by your wishes to see horizontal!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Resteemed and updooted thancc

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You've not uploaded any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvoted this comment.

Thank you so much Joey! It has been great steemit journey with you :)

You're welcome! I'm glad to hear that 😊

Magnificent photo with a goat in the sunset. I got to find some more wild animal to photograph. ​

Thanks for your interest 😊


Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

I actually like this picture and love the idea of those with a lot of followers sharing others posts to help them get more exposure and possibly make a bit of steem for both the original poster and the sharing. :D
God bless you and the originator. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

I appreciate your kind words!

You're most welcome. :D It was a great picture and I enjoyed my visit. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Mongolia is such a beautiful country, this photo seems like a Star Wars scene. Amazing! Thank you for sharing her beautiful picture, looking forward to seeing more of your posts! Happy New Year.

Thanks for your kind words 😊

I hope you would get everything succeed this year 🤣

Nice picture..It enriched me with some good thoughts this morning..Pls update us with similar stuffs and above all i have upvoted your post😊🎉

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest 😊

I appreciate your kind words!

no wonder this is trending! the lights, colors and the goat (of course) created such a beautiful picture. everything just blended amazingly.

Thanks for your interest 😊

upvoted and resteemed! Happy New Year!

I love the image and i even got a couple of images my self. I took them last year and I wasn't sure if it would have much value here but am guessing you are a big fan of good images and so i know it would gain grounds eventually. Thank you @joeypark

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

I appreciate your kind words 👍

I can quote this picture as 'when silence speaks'. This photo you have taken is so relaxing , fresh and anyone can feel that freshness in your taken picture.

Thanks for your interest 😊

I think so!

This is a wonderful gesture from you. Useful at the platform and admirable !

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

I appreciate your kind words!

Beautiful, a unique and peaceful place together with that white baby.

Thanks for your interest 😊

Nice photography skills you got there. I like these kind of pictures as it tells a story that everyone can make.

Thanks for your interest 😊

That is a beautiful picture.
I like what you are doing for rhe artist.
Upvotes and resteemed.
I hope you continue this generosity.

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

I appreciate your kind words!

Thank you @joeypark for this wonderful presentation.
In my opinion, it is not easy to take a good picture. Just look good? No! What's more important is to be able to move others emotionally.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

I appreciate your kind words!

Howdy there joeypark! This amazing photo caught my attention, hananali resteemed this post. The colors and goat in that photo are stunning so thank you for putting it out there!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Unfortunately, You didn't Resteemed this post. And, This post can't be Resteemed anymore because of already paid out.

But, I appreciate your good comment!

i love the shot as well as the colors. One of the best so far

Thanks for your interest 😊

I think so!

Really nice what your doing on the steemit platform, upvoted and resteemed

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Done resteemed. Also upvoted your post. Saw some rogue downvote and hopefully small contributions by public helps you recover partial of the loss.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

I really appreciate your kind words 👍

Kamsahamnida 🙇

Posted using Partiko Android

Belated New Year Wishes to @joeypark and @jinbtonic.

When i was looking at it, i felt like seeing Beautiful face of the Mother Nature! in an intriguing way

On the Mother Nature's face, the sun looks a decorative mark(bindi) in the middle of the forehead and the horizon below it looks like two eyes with the goat looking like her nose and the space between its legs looks like her little mouth!

@joeypark this is what i felt after seeing this beautiful picture.

HATS OFF TO @jinbtonic!

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

This is a very great picture and it is a good idea to share older pictures, because that makes it easier to find it for someone who is since only a few months on steemit. upvoted and resteemed

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

I appreciate your kind words!

Upvoted and resteemed 😊 I don't know if you still can upvote me but I really like @jinbtonic photos anyway. It's cool to discover her previous work, I'm relatively new here and I knew her because of you. @joeypark your initiative to publicize and suport the work of others in steemit is admirable.

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Hi @nataliaeline again! I've not forgot you 😂 I appreciate your kind words. I've already took notes how to support you. I'll support you someday! Have a nice day.

Thank you @joeypark you are very kind for taking me into account. Have a nice day you too! :D

What a awesome thing to do for @jinbtonic, @joeypark!
I voted early, resteeming now, followed both of you :-)
Love this photo of sunrise goat, reminds me of Capricorn
with winter sun. ☀ Have a great day!

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

I appreciate your kind words!

The photography is spectacular, very beautiful you must congratulate the artist on my part for his good work.

resteem insured

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Upvoted and resteemed. Happy New Year!

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

resteem and upvoted

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

#steemit Help each other. Good luck for him

Thanks for your interest 😊

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Upvote, Resteemed and followed you

sir @joeypark

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Welcome appreciate

Posted using Partiko Android

Upvoted and resteemed 😃😃😃

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Thank you @joeypark for your help to the community.
I upvoted and resteemed

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Great picture. Resteemed it and followed author as well.

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊


Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

I liked the photograph. Seems cute goat is enjoying the sunshine. Resteemed.

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Nice photograph !

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Again Resteemed & Upvoted Done

Thank you so much @joeypark

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Thanks, @joeypark for $0.5

@automation @cleverbot

Okay Harry Potter, who is your best friend?

Do you know anything about Chamber of Secrets?

Resteem done 👍👍

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

If you wanna be happy you must look my page . By the way this is perfect bravo👏

Thanks for your interest 😊

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

새해에는 좋은 일만 생기세요 ~
좋은 분이 첫눈처럼 찾아오면 더 좋겠죠(이미 오셨나?).
돼지 저금통도 빵빵하게 채우시고요 ~^^

뭐 하나 여쭤볼게요. 이더리움이 하드포크인가 뭔가 한다고 올라가길래 따라서 조금 사봤어요. 뭘 준다고 하더라구요. 근데 이더리움을 거래소에 보관하고 있어도 에어드롭을 해주나요? 아니면 이오스처럼 별도의 지갑을 만들어 보관해야 하나요?
좀 알고 싶어서 조금 사봤습니다. 새해 첫날부터 너무 무식한 질문드려 민망합니다.ㅜㅜ
리스팀 했습니다(보팅안해주셔도 됩니다는... 빈말이고요 ...) ^^

리스팀 감사합니다 😊

이번 이더리움 하드포크로 새로운 토큰이 생길 수도 있습니다.

바이낸스 거래소에는 그럴 가능성에 대비하는 것 같더라구요 🤣

토큰 받자고, 외국 거래소까지 가입하고 싶은 생각은 없고요. 이더리움을 업비트에 그냥 놔두면, 새로운 토큰을 받을 수 있는 건가요? 아니면 이더리움 지갑을 만들어서, 그 안에 보관해야 할까요?

업비트 공지에는 토큰 내용은 딱히 안 보이네요 흠.. 그래도 지원해준다고 공지했으니 업비트에 놓아두어도 괜찮을 것 같아요


Right 😊

up vote

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your interest 😊

I like your content I hope and you continue generating more

Thanks for your interest 😊

I'll keep doing it 😂

First of all amazing photography

Second: Resteemed, Upvoted and also Followed


Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Done resteem :)

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊


Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

The photography is very beautiful.

Already, Resteem this publication.


Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

  ·  6 years ago 


Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Upvoted and resteemed

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

One of my plan pag uwi ko ng pinas..ang kaso wlang space s amin kya di ko alam kung paano sisimulan..meron n akong mga alaga kya lng yng iba pinaalaga ko muna s iba kc wlang mag aasikaso..sir jeffrey, suggest ko lng po try nyo po pumunta s livestock market s san joaquin im sure mrami kyong pagpipilian don or kung gus2 nyo s amin s antique.mlaking livestock market po yon s sibalom.mrami ka pong makikita don iba ibang klase

Could you tell me in English again?

I think this is a good idea in creating quality images, very interesting in my opinion, hopefully it will be even better

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Done upvoting and resteeming. great picture though, it eases my mind.

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Happy New Year!

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You're very much welcome!
And thank you so much!


But hey, wait, this is a drawing picture not photo? Oh wow

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

This is a photo 🤣

  ·  6 years ago 

resteem your post.

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊


Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊


Unfortunately, You look like you didn't Resteem this post 😅

새해 복 많이 받으세요!!!

기해년 새해 복 많이 받으세요 😊

upvoted and resteemed :D

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

thats a nice photography.

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

The scene is beautiful. Upvoted and Resteemed! Happy New Year @joeypark

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Thanks resteemed

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

Resteemed :D

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊


Hi 😊

Thanks for your interest and Resteem 😊

You don't have to leave the link 😅