RE: Picture Stories #198 - Little Birdie 🐤

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Picture Stories #198 - Little Birdie 🐤

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

That is very cute, but I'm telling you man, I've owned several budgies... and I've we've had them all extremely healthy. We allow them out of the cage at all times, the bird poop is so small and dries quickly... pretty easy to clean up. but they are so so happy when they can fly around, get better at flying.. having 3 budgies seems to make them very happy. In addition to this I think it is also really important to feed them well.. supply seed of course, but give them some organic rice every day, greens (organic pea sprouts and lettuce, you can even grow the bird seed and feed them the green grass it grows they love it. and for drinking give them reverse osmosis water to avoid harmful treatment chemicals. They can easily live over 15 years like this, fantastic pet. budgies are so fun and goofy and can sometimes they do warm up to you when you interact with them, and talk to them. Fantastic photo he looks like my last little guy :)

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