Hello again dear Steemians...
Today I'd like to upload some spring pictures from my garden.
It's actually a rather late post, because some flowers are no longer to be seen now. :-D
The picture of the snowdrops for example, was taken a couple of weeks ago, unfortunately I haven had the chance to post it.
I don't have much to explain about these flowers as they are not exotic species, so let's just enjoy their beauty. :)
I'm not really sure what it is , sorry. But it's quite pretty. :-D
Another crocus...
White Daffodil...
Short tulips that bloom rather early in spring.
Cherry blossom...
And the last one is Thyme flowers.
Very pretty, don't you think so? I still have a bunch of spring pictures, but I think it's better to split them into at least 2 articles, otherwise this post would have been too long.
I'll see you soon with the next spring photos. Thank you for your upvotes. ;)
Sehr schöne Bilder!
Ich habe in meinem Blog vor einigen Tagen auch einen ähnlichen Post gemacht, wenn du Lust hast dann sieh Dir die Bilder gerne mal an 😁
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Ich gehe gleich dorthin, um deine Bilder anzusehen ;-)
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Zauberhafte Frühlingsboten!
Wie schön muss das sein, im eigenen Garten das Erwachen und Gedeihen der Natur beobachten zu können!
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Ich versuche dieses Jahr meinen Garten wieder zu begrünen. Letztes Jahr habe ich ihn etwas vernächlassig, da das Baby gerade geboren war.
Außerdem hatte ich ja einen Kaiserschnitt bekommen, deshalb durfte ich meinen Körper nicht viel belasten.
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Dieses Jahr kann dir ja schon deine kleine Prinzessin bei der Gartenarbeit helfen ;-) Oder vielleicht doch lieber in der Sandkiste spielen?
Ich hätte mir sehr einen eigenen Garten gewünscht, als mein Sohn noch klein war. Der tägliche Weg zum Spielplatz im Großstadtschdungel war teilweise doch etwas mühsam.
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Die sind wunderschön ♥ Toll, einen eigenen Garten zu haben. Wir wohnen gerade auf Bali in einem Family Compound mit eigenem Häuschen samt Garten und es ist toll, so nah an der "Natur" zu sein :)
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Ja, im Garten unter der Sonne und zahlreiche schöne Blüten zu sein ist wie ein mini Urlaub. ^_^
Ich hoffe ihr habt viel Freude in Bali. :)
Wir verreisen dieses Jahr auch nach Indonesien, wissen aber noch nicht, ob wir Bali besuchen würden.
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Wunderschöne Blumenbilder!
Ich liebe es, wenn die ersten Blumen im Frühling ihre Blüten zeigen. Die Farben und der Duft sind unbezahlbar. Danke für diese tollen Fotos!
Herzliche Grüße aus dem Van,
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Gerne geschehen. Danke auch, dass du vorbeigekommen bist. :)
Schönes Wochenende.
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Bin gespannt wie es bei euch im Sommer aussieht, s letzte Mal war ja brrrrr, kalt :)
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Das stimmt. Die Frage ist nur, ob wir im Sommer überhaupt zu Hause sind hahahaha. Letztes Jahr war Ja, da ich kurz davor ein Baby bekommen hatte. Meistens waren wir aber im Urlaub. Dieses Jahr wissen wir noch nicht. :)
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Wow ich staune!
Dein Garten ist richtig schön bunt.
Sehr schöne Blumen :)
Bei mir im Garten ist das Problem, dass ich meinen Hasen frei rumlaufen lasse.
Der stürzt sich direkt an alles Neugepflanzte, was nur Blühen andeutet..
Ein Hochbeet wäre hier wohl eine sinnvolle Lösung :)
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Ja, Haustiere sind zusätzliche "Feinde" im Garten LOL. Ich habe auch ein Hochbeet für Salat, da es bei uns sehr viele Nacktschnecken gibt.😣
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so schön... - und wir mussten gefühlt eine Ewigkeit darauf warten (also auf den Frühling und seinen Blumenpracht)...
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A lot of beautiful flowers with bright and lovely colors! You took great photos of them. I especially like the white flower in the first photo with the snowdrop and the white Daffodil and the Cherry blossom. You have very nice garden indeed. . ;)
Looking forward to seeing more spring pictures from you with much interest. :))
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wow die Magnolien sind ja der Hammer! Endlich blüht alles wieder.
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Ja...endlich 😀😊.
Leider dauert es nicht lang mit den Magnolien. Jetzt sind sie alle schon auf den Boden gefallen.
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Spring is my favorite season. The reason is that color goes back to nature and your pics are the best proof. Thanks for sharing. :-)
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semua fotonya sangat indah dan luar biasa...bolak -balik saya lihatin terus..
pinjem kameranya dong mbak ? hehehe
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Ini pake kamera HP kok hehe. Kalau dipinjem nanti saya telepon pake apa dong hahaha.
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Bunga2nya bagus2 bgt mb..aku suka yang magnolia tuh seneng liatnya..
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Sebenarnya aku lebih suka yang warna violet, cuma ini bukan aku yg nanam. Waktu beli tanah udah ada pohonnya,makanya dah gede gitu hehe. Kalau nanem sendiri mah mesti nunggu bertahun tahun utk bisa sampe segede ini.
Kalau pas berbunga cantik banget, tapi sayang cuma 3 hari bunganya habis itu gugur semua 🙂
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Lah ko cm 3 hri lngsng gugur mb??sayng bgt ya..
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wow, saya pikir @kobold-djawa orang eropa, ternyata orang indonesia, ngomong2 tinggal di eropa negara apa?
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Bagus-bagus mbak fotonya. Taman yang banyak tanaman bunganya akan memberikan sensasi yang berbeda bagi pemiliknya.
Kepuasan tersendiri ketika kita merawatnya dengan hati. Menghabiskan Waktu luang di taman, bermain bersama keluarga adalah impianku dari dulu. Suatu saat nanti aku akan mendesain rumah dengan sedikit taman yang berseri. Amin
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Iya...ini yang tahan dingin. Jadi ngga perlu tanam ulang. Kalau yg sayur mayur masih mesti nunggu Frost usai dulu. Mungkin 2minggu lagi baru bisa tanam diluar. Sekarang mesti nyemai dipot didalam rumah dulu.
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Sayur mayur organik pastinya.
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Bagusnya memanfaatkan ruang kecil utk jenis tanaman hidrophonic.
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Wow very beautiful flowers flowers I will wait for the next article,@kobold-djawa
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All the photographs of flowers look very beautiful! I like the mixed color of the tulips - red and white, it looks very lovely and beautiful. In Thailand are not as beautiful as flowers in Europe, I saw a lot of shops importing flowers from other countries. You're very lucky that you can enjoy looking at them in your own garden. :)
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Mmm... I don't think so... there is no such words better or worse things here or there... they are just different.
Everything has its own beauty. :)
There are plenty of flowers I wish I could plant here in Germany, but they just can't survive the winter and some can't even grow. The flowers in Asia are blooming nearly all the years... here the spring flowers bloom normally only for few days, then they are gone. Only summer flowers have sometimes few weeks flowers but then they must prepare for the winter again.
So it's not always beautiful and nice. It's more hard work to take care of garden in Eurepe. and you have more to learn, so that you won't end up wasting money as your plants keep dying after winter. :-D
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I have heard about that, too. My guests who showed me their garden with beautiful flowers in Europe, it's very beautiful! But I didn't know much about it and how to take care of it. I have never been growing the flower before, maybe I will do it in my room and I will show you later. :D
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Bunga-bunga dikebun itu terlihat sangat cantik dan sangat menawan mbak, saya belum pernah melihat sebelumnya disini, terlihat sangat unik antara satu bunga dengan bunga lainnya, saya sangat menyukainya, terima kasih mbak telah berbagi keindahan bunga-bunga yang ada disana, sukses dan sehat selalu untuk mbak dan keluarga😊
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Yang difoto diatas kebetulan memang tanaman yg khas dari negara 4 musim. Jadi wajar kalau ngga dikenal di Indonesia, karena disana ngga bisa hidup. Sebaliknya tanaman tropis masih bisa hidup disini, asalkan pas winter dilindungi (di rumah kaca) atau dibawa masuk ke rumah.
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Mbak, saya punya pertanyaan yang sangat penting.. bagaimana caranya postingan tentang foto bunga agar bisa trending di steemit?? Tag-nya apa aja ? Makasi sebelumnya mbak @kobold-djawa
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Masuk trending itu mah lucky strike banget, saya aja belum pernah bisa, dah setahun lebih gabung dan dah punya network lumayan. Yang di trending page tuh biasanya para akun gede, yg powernya sendiri dah gede dan networknya dah top. Senior gitu deh.
Tapi ngasih tips sih bisa aja. Yang jelas kalau mau sukses, kunci utama ya mesti bikin content yang berkualitas. Kalau mau fotografi ya kualitas foto yang bagus. Tag itu fungsinya cuma untuk memudahkan artikel kamu ditemukan orang, krn dia ngumpul di kelompok artikel yang sama. Tag apa yang dipakai, tentunya ya yang relevan dengan isi postingan kamu lah, kalau bunga dari kebon sendiri ya tag yang relevan contohnya aja "gardening", tapi bisa juga nature... dan kamu tinggal lanjutkan aja pilih yg cocok dari daftar tag di steemit.
Soal tag yang biasa dipakai ini kan kamu bisa temukan sendiri di "page" steemit. Dihalaman utama kamu bisa temukan daftar tags yang umum, dan kamu tinggal cari aja yang sesuai dengan content kamu.
Kalau ingin punya audience banyak tentunya usahakan kasih teks bahasa inggris yang bagus, yang bisa dipahami dengan benar. Kalau ngga yakin bahasa inggrisnya bagus, bisa minta tolong orang yg lebih oke bahasa inggrisnya utk ngoreksi, jadi pembaca diseluruh dunia yang liat artikel kamu bisa ngerti dengan bener.
Dan terakhir yang nggak kalah penting: jangan spamming orang, apalagi kalau kamu mengharap support dari mereka karena upvote 1 persen aja dari orang tersebut udah bisa ngasih duit lumayan apalagi kalau upvotenya gede. Kalau kamu bikin mereka risih, bisa2 malah jadi BT orangnya dan ngga mau upvote.
Lebih efektif kalau kamu ngga pelit dengan upvote kamu sendiri.
Jadi... take and give, gitu lho. Kalau kamu sendiri juga upvote, pada umumnya orang yang kamu upvote dengan sendirinya akan upvote balik.
Kalau kamu masih baru, 100 % upvote dari kamu ngga akan bawa pengaruh apa-apa, 1 sen pun nggak... jadi kalau cuma mau upvote diri sendiri komen sendiri ya konyol, karena ngga ada gunanya.
Tapi kalau dipake upvote orang, apalagi yang powernya dah gede, itu jauh lebih berguna... meskipun upvote kamu ngga bawa apa2, itu nggak masalah, karena yang lebih penting adalah niat baiknya.
Supaya akun2 yang bisa bantuin kamu itu ngga nganggap kamu egois dan oportunis, jadi kalau kesannya baik... mereka ini juga akan dengan senang hati balas gesture positive kamu dan upvote balik.
Upvote dari mereka biarpun ngga ada 10 % sekalipun dah lumayan isinya.
Itu saran dariku...
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Terima kasih banyaaaaakkkk mbak @kobold-jawa.. terus terang, belum pernah saya koment akun yang Segede mbak tapi dibalas balik sepanjang ini... Aku jadi terharu mbak..
Makasi yaa.. oiya balasan komentar mbak akan aku jadikan tulisan ni...kereenn...
Aku akan bekerja lebih keras lagi deh...
Terima kasih......
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you got some nice flowers in your garden :)
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Wife Really Festive Photography! All Photos Photos Really Execellent, Things So Share Your Beautiful Photography
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Yang ungu, berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan agar bunga tersebut mekar dengan sempurna begitu. Warna yang sangat memukau karena keindahannya. Saya pencinta bunga.
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Maksudnya berapa lama apanya? Mekarnya berapa hari atau umur tanamannya berapa lama supaya sampai keluar bunga?
Kalau mekarnya cuma beberapa hari, terus layu. Kalau dari nanam sampai berbunga sih tergantung juga. Kebanyakan orang nanam musim gugur, jadi pas musim semi nanti keluar sendiri dan mekar. Tapi bisa juga nanam di pot beberapa minggu sebelum musim semi tiba, nanti pas anget mekar juga.
Ini tanaman bawang2an, bisa dibayangkan aja kalau nanam bawang berapa lama tumbuhnya, dan berbunganya, kurang lebih sama lah.
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Iyaa.. Terjawab sudah mbak. Memang kalo di negeri lain harus diperhatikan betul ya mbak. Kalau salah nanam ga jadi hasilnya..
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Lengkap sekali kebun bunganya, sebagian bisa mudah ditemukan di Indonesia, tapi sebagian sepertinya susah ditemui. Keren N top, halaman rumah saya sedikit bunga2 ... (:
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Mmm no no... yang ada diatas semuanya bunga yang cuma tumbuh di negeri 4 musim, ngga akan bisa hidup di Indonesia. Kecuali tulip, saya ngga gitu yakin, apakah kalau dibawa ke daerah dingin seperti puncak Dieng misalnya, bisa hidup. Kemungkinan ada, krn bawang-bawangan cukup tahan banting. Tapi yang jelas itu bunga yang nggak umum di Indonesia sih.
Btw... kalau halaman rumahnya cuma sedikit bunga, itukan masih bisa diubah.. Kalau mau punya banyak bunga, tinggal ditanam aja hehehe.
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Though the leaf is small, the flower is much more
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The flowers come first at spring for most trees, then the leaves follow after the flower are gone. That is why you can't see the leaves yet.
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This is very beautiful photography and great work
Thanks @kobold-djawa
Have a great day
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Very beautiful post, let alone flowers combined with morning dew 😊
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wonderful photography. Take this picture below myself.
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What flower is that? Beautiful too.
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Such a various coloring flowers photography taken @kobold-djawa. I'm totally inspire watching now. Look at.....Nature has how so far beautiful assets. Thanks for sharing and giving happiness to me early morning here.
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Your garden has many more flowers. It's fashionable style of the mother nature. Both of you really like and love to environment when I saw. Some of flowers I haven't see before. But you updated me nicely. Thanks @kobold-djawa.
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Wow so beautiful photography and looks flowers
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Really amazing flowers, your collection of colourful flowers very wonderful, terimakasih @kobold-djawa, saya juga dari indonesia
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Terimakasih kembali ...
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Sama sama @kobold-djawa, sukses selalu di negeri orang
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Wow really fantastic photographs! All the photographs really excellent, thanks to share your beautiful photographs ,upvoted.
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Nice photos. but a better photo point of view is taken from the other side to reveal the authenticity of the flower fracture. Nice to know u!!!
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Wow Amazing Photography.
For your post propagation.
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Nice flowers my friends and good luck @kobold-djawa
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This is wonderful photography ,very beautiful flowers
Upvote Resteem
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all photos looking pretty eyesight.
very impressed heart.
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This Is Really And Ancient Artificial Boot Who Wants To Be The Day Of The Day, The Detective Of The Giving Attacks Its Dissert
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beautiful flower is the flower that can make us become fres and rilek thank you for sharing this beautiful flower @kobold-djawa Thank you for @jaki01 who has helped me I wish good luck continue to make @jaki01,@kobold-djawa
and also on all members steemit best wishes all
greetings from me @fadliestem
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This is really an ancient artefact but what bothers me this day is that do they get the attention or respect they deserve during those days
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Beautiful photography man.☺
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I loved the pictures, I am patiently waiting for things to bloom here in this part of Canada. I look forward to your next post. Thanks for sharing.
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so interesting interesting indeed is the flower picture you share, so see what i think with what camera you photo.?
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A quite beautiful. Aku jadi ingin memiliki bunga-bunga itu. Terima kasih untuk sharing foto-foto kecenya
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Is so beautiful and nice ....dis Is the wonderful work of God
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Beautiful photography. Thanks for sharing
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Good photography
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I am very interested to see photografhi flowers that you post it, whether the flower can live in hot weather, because in Indonesia at this time almost 34 derjat weather, especially western Indonesia.
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Extraordinary flower photography
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Very pretty! Thank you for sharing these.
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I love the spring flowers too.
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Luar biasa semua kecantikan photography Bunga mbak @kobold-djawa dan Bagus bagus. Dan Membuat saya menarik pandang Mata atas Bunga nya. Terimakasih telah mau Berbagi...
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wow... what a beautiful flowers.... i just love to see this flowers.. your garden is amazing and so beautiful... you have so many flowers... wonderful flowers colour.... i also love flowers...just awesome flowers
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Great photography. You are awesome.thanks for sharing your post.
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Wow amaging photo...i like this flower
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Schöne charmante verwöhnen die Augen. Lassen Sie mich es auf meiner Homepage auswählen und wiederverwenden. hehe
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I love magnolias and thyme too, oh the nice scented smell of thyme!!
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I love the season of the privavera, how motivating this publication is. How magical it would be to wake up in the morning and observe how nature makes its way into daily life, while enjoying a good coffee. Your garden of magnolias is very beautiful @kobold-Djawa. thanks for sharing. I hope to see the next evolution of your garden.
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