
in photography •  3 years ago 

Esta es la villa de Vernazza, también en las cinque terre.
This is Vernazza, one of cinque terre villages.



A la izquierda la iglesia de Santa Margherita.
On the left St. Margherita's church.


El castillo Doria.
The Doria castle.


Going to Monterosso
Nos vamos a Monterosso.

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Hola @kokoliso esos sitios si son hermosos con sus castillos e iglesias.

Si, es una región muy turística por ser tan abruptos sus acantilados y tan pequeños sus pueblos.

I like its architecture, simple but beautiful.

Thank you for the complete and beautiful article on Monterosso even with its geographical location.

I like the third photo the contrast of those two structures. Greetings. Thanks for sharing.

Yes it's nice the contrast between old stone and pastel painted walls of the newer buildings.