A bundle of Leaves

in photography •  6 years ago 


When I go hiking in the woods or just walk around the city I often look down trying to spot any cool leaves on the ground, especially during fall. Sometimes I even pick up flowers with the intent of drying them afterwords.

Most of the time I forget about my little treasures once I get home, how weird is that? It's kinda stupid, but whatever haha, there were times where I didn't forget to take the leaves out of my purse and successfully dried them in a book. This is one of those times.


I collected all these last summer in Eastern Kentucky. Surprisingly, you can always count on finding different color leaves in the woods regardless of the season, well, unless you go in winter time hahaha.

This is what these looked like fresh.


logo by @kookyan

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I'm pretty sure it's a common hobby of many people in the world. Nothing unique about it, so relax haha.

Perhaps, you will be able to pick up nicer specimens whenever you go somewhere else if you're trying to expand your collection. Thanks and have a good night as well!


No, I haven't heard of them, Steem blockchain has a lot of front ends, I am not worried about steemit.com.

But the books of specimens you're talking about is a very common task for middle school kids, so collect away!


You'd be surprised, it's so common that almost everyone I know collected leaves in a book at some point.

Anyway, don't worry about the backups, nothing's leaving the blockchain, every word your said on here is preserved forever and is accessible at any time.


I don't know, ask your parents.

HOW BEAUTIFUL and lovely , im going to save these pictures :)
love the first and the last one , love that little colorful cuties ,,, :D its so girly xoxoxoxo

Aw, you're so sweet @adelepazani! I'm glad you liked those, thanks!

I am so happy to see a collector like me 😊

Oh, I love these, it's pretty cool how some of them are both red and green!

Oh, I love these, it's
Pretty cool how some of them
Are both red and green!

                 - kotturinn

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Thanks @haikubot. It's so cool how I'm being deep talking about dried leaves in haiku. I feel like I just leveled up in life.


I was very surprised too .) i collected every leaf from the same tree, at the same time. it was autumn
all the autumn colors were in the same tree 😊

That is awesome, the nature is full of little amazing things like that haha

Nature is an integral part of our lives. Flowers are vital expression of nature. Thanks for sharing.

Indeed! Nature's awesome!

Cool shots—and nice hobby. Back in the day when I would carry real books on me (ie not a kindle) I also saved neat leaves that I'd find. I should restart that habit—both the carrying a real book and saving leaves.

Thank you!
For sure, you should go back to your old ways haha. I have dried flowers in all of my haiku books too, I think it's pretty cool :)

I really love the colours, Autumn colours. Really beautiful, I do the same sometimes and its a nice reminder of some special places.

Exactly, a bunch of different colored leaves that I collected in mid summer last year, pretty amazing haha

Похоже, каждый из нас увлекался гербарием)) У меня были все книжки с листочками и цветами, я даже делала картины). Но это уже отошло на другой план, я хочу сделать еще много разных вещей...

beautiful flower.

Thank you @molynar!

You are welcome.

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О, Анька школьные икебанки вспомнила:)
но красиво!)

Это мои прошлогодние находки в лесу, с ночевой ходили. Я уже их выбросила в том году хахаха

Very creative and pretty.

Очень красивое цветовое сочетание листьев цветов!

Спасибо :)