My Home City, Liverpool
I went out yesterday on a lovely day to a spot called Everton Valley, that has a great veiw of our city, to take some pictures to share with Steemit. Hope you enjoy them!

A shot of the city centre, focused on the famous Royal Liver Buildings

A closer look at the Liver Buildings,here you can see the two Liverbirds sitting proudly on their perch, legend has it that the city of Liverpool would be destroyed if the birds ever left

Another shot of the city center, this time focused on St. Johns Beacon (aka. The Radio City Tower)

A close up of the tower, it originally functioned as a revolving resturaunt but has been a popular radio station since the year 2000.

A shot of the South side of the city, you can see the Anglican Cathedral dominates the skyline here, this is one of two Cathedrals we have in the city.

A view of our neighbours across the River Mersey

This is where the River Mersey meets the Irish Sea know as the bar.

A zoomed in view, out there is Ireland our second home :)