Day in the Life of LA - iPhone Photography Art

in photography •  6 years ago  (edited)

There's an expression that photographers like to say, "A great camera is the one you have on you..." This is fun bullshit you get with a shitty iPhone 6"

...grain as fuck night shots, snail fart slow to use, ergonically weird AF for creative use...I give you the glorious iPhone 6

Apple did a good job at putting a smart phone in everyone's pocket; they even did a pretty fucking good job with the dynamic range of images produced when they first came out. I still use the iPhone and cringe at the thought of the final outcome, not sure what I'll upgrade to needs to be significant.

Why can't Fuji put a phone in a Pro-1?

If I want to take nice quality images I'm not using my fucking phone.

That being said, I took a few cool images with the phone. Enjoy the comments below each image...taken in LA before and after a long bike ride.

Weird selfie face and a green tele...I’ve been rockin’ the jazz chords lately

Playa del Rey is next to the airport and apparently they have a lot of great whites

There are a handful of bars and restaurants in Playa, making it more of a local place to hang out. It's funky next to groovy.

Western Ave in Ktown

Hollywood sign view taken from Griffith Observatory. The iPhone is such a wide lens you can’t read the sign, I feel sorry for the tourons.
The bluffs in Playa del Rey overlooking the LA River. Full moon was a nice bonus.

The new Spike Lee movie advertisement on Jefferson Ave.

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