Water Drop Lens & Camera!

in photography •  8 years ago 

Water drop lens - 2956807673_cr.jpg

A photographer from Netherlands, Robin de Puy, has made first studio portraits with a camera that has water drop lens instead of expensive glass optics!

Belgian bottled water company SPA, found a most interesting way to promote their product. For their campaign “The Purest Picture” they have engaged electrowetting experts to create a camera that can use a water drop as a lens, and a pro photographer to do first portraits.

The idea of a water drop lens isn't new, first “microscopes” were actually a water beads. but this is first serious creation of a camera that can make usable photos of a cheapest possible lens.

The 'camera' consists of a glass plate with a water-repellent coating, sitting atop a diaphragm, which is in turn sitting atop an image sensor. Camera looks like this:

Here is a technical breakdown for the tech geeks:

While results are not perfect, they have a distinct art character, and are very usable. Do not forget this is just a first step into the new technology. Imagine how it it going to look like in ten years or so!

What do you think?


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I absolutely love "low-tech" technology like this.

Thank you for bringing it to my attention! :D



Thank you for your support @creatr

absolutely outstanding.

We shall see how outstanding will be in the future @tahirafd17

This is amazing! !

Most amazing @jasonrussell, it shows how a bit of true science can make magic 😊

The Aqua photographer, interesting!

Down with those pinhole cameras! Give us waterlens! 😊

Cheers, @apprenticeoflife

Next is to use water with bubbles for some special effects! :)

Wow this is really cool invention.

Would like to see it on Nikon body @rocksg 😉

Can we use it on iphones or some other flagship smartphones.

I think that is really cool!

It is. Can be done with tap water also @mikej 😉


Thank you @jeffreylikeyou

i love low tech, also. brilliant.