in photography •  7 years ago 



Apature is the hole that allow light into the camera. Increase in apature increase in light, decrease in apature decrease in light. This also have effect on the depth of field of your final photo.


Iso is the sensitivity of light. The higher you increase your iso the more sensitive the light will be.
Note: it also introduce more digital noise into your photo, and digital noise also known as unwanted signal are small black dots that disturb your image this is commonly caused by low light in the area you are shooting and happened mostly when shooting in the night.


Speed is the rate of time the door of the camera open and close. The speed at which this happens determine the amount of light that comes into your camera and also the motion blur. When you want to capture sport activity make sure your speed is high for wedding ceremonies probably your shutter speed should be 1/100 to be able to get a clear image cause when your speed is low its take time for the door of the camera to open and close that means any image you take will be blur.



  • Consumer camera
  • Pro summer camera
  • Professional camera
  • Super chips - ultra camera


  • Standard lens- comes with camera
  • Prime lens
  • Fish eyes lens - arc kind of view
  • Telephoto lens - takes out unnecessary details
  • Zoom lens - can take wide zoom
  • Wide angle lens
  • Tilt lens

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Thank you so much for posting this information. It is my dream to one day purchase a camera that can take great action shots of my son playing flag football and now I have a great introductory lesson @majot.

Thanks so much.

Fantastic introduction to the camera. This information was well written and very easy to understand! Have a great weekend! @daviddivergent


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