Mushrooms occurring in Europe - Lactarius scrobiculatussteemCreated with Sketch.

in photography •  5 years ago 


Lactarius scrobiculatus - Hat diameter 70 to 200 (230) mm. Straw, straw-yellow, lemon-yellow or gray-yellow in places with yellow-brown spots, sometimes with a brown or olive shade, with indistinct stripes of a darker color. In the shape initially convex, later spread, flat, broad-toothed, strong. Smooth dry surface, covered with fine adhering fibrous villi, in a moist state, mucoid viscid. The shore has long been tucked up, felted - hairy.

Whitish to cream with flesh tones, in places of compressions turn dirty and dirty. Mixed, relatively dense, broad, flexible, sometimes at the stem, forked, adnate, often with a small notch.

Stem in the shade of the hat, but slightly lighter at the base of the brownish-brown. Lengths 30 to 65 mm and 15 to 35 mm thick. In the cylindrical shape, towards the base can be slightly narrowed. Matte surface, as if mossy, often covered with watery drops of liquid in the youth, with irregular elongated pits of dark yellow, even light-colored pits. When young, full, it becomes empty early.

Pale yellowish pulp, after damage is covered with a richly secreted milk. White milk, on the air, taking on very quickly the color of sulfur yellow, palatable in the taste sharp. Flesh firm, compact, quite hard. The smell is weak fruity, the taste is spicy.

Occurrence: In coniferous forests, especially in the mountains under spruce and fir. Fruiting bodies from July to October.

Value: Unaffected fungus.

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