Mushrooms occurring in Europe - Verpa conicasteemCreated with Sketch.

in photography •  5 years ago  (edited)


Verpa conica - The mushroom head attached to the stem only at the top. Size 10-40 x 10-15 mm, bell-shaped, conic-throated, caped. Surface smooth, wrinkled or vertically folded. Some forms have a crinkly / cavity surface that resembles corrugation of the cerebral cortex. No ribs. Color olive-brown, honey-brown to dark brown.

The stem is hollow, cylindrical, 50-150 x 10-20 mm, white, cream-colored, yellowish to pale yellow. It has delicate transverse wrinkles, and on the surface are visible orange-brown grains.

Flesh thin, waxy, brittle. Taste and smell pleasant but barely perceptible.

Occurrence: In Poland it is rare, grows in thickets above watercourses, in damp places, in deciduous forests, riparian forests (less often in coniferous forests), also in gardens. He likes luminous places. It appears in spring (April-May), singly or in groups. The fruiting bodies are short-lived.

Value: Edible.

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