Tree Tuesday

in photography •  7 years ago 

Days are passing by at light speed and it's difficult to keep pace with it.
I prepared a few shots for today's tree Tuesday challenge.

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The first two shots are right match for the season. Frozen.


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The second pair are dead.


2013-08-11 18.02.16.jpg

These beauties are from botanic park.

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And the last two photos from Dubai where they never experience sub zero temperatures. Lucky palm trees.

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That's all for today, my friends.

Have a great day.

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Dayum those are some frozen ass trees. I've got a snow storm where I am, and I'm loving it

Friend @oldtimer ,
I appreciate your Tuesday's challenge pictures. You have taken beautiful pictures of natural trees. I think you can take a lot of beautiful pictures in short time. Best wishes for your challenge.
And friends tell me, what challenges are some day? I will also participate.

Very lucky palm tree's :) The first dead tree shot is something special, love it.

Many beautiful posts are my friends I'm first visiting your post. I like your post very much.
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Beautiful photography. nice nature tree photo @oldtimer

wow.....the natural photography that you posted was very nice....its impressed me...i hope you post good to everyone.....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great work ...
All tree photography so beautiful....
I resteemed ...

Wonderful photography .i like always natural pic

Very beautiful view

Great photo's especially the first one! Love how the sun brightens some spots and the shade darkened some, it has a cool effect mixing two different whites. Also love the botanic park green, cant wait for it to get warmer over here so we can start getting some summer shots!

Like you mixed between different weather, snow and spring, Arabic touch and Canadian touch

posting a very-very nice friend, I like your posts friends, hope you are successful and healthy always

Very good


impressive photo shots @oldtimer special in blog is that you posted different locations.😍😍
Regards: @abishali

Prve dve su fantastične, stvarno da "se smrzneš". Četvrta mi nešto poznata... :)

Lots of different trees :) I am more for palms because we don't have them in Slovenia (at least not real ones)

2 opposing places. Time to move to Dubai during the winter.

Next month.

What else can i say? WoW!

So nice!!!!

Beautiful photography. Even though I don't like winter that much, my favorite pictures were with the trees covered in snow and frost.
I absolutely love how beautiful the trees look like covered in white.

Saya sangat menyukai postingan anda...

Excellent click dear friend ....

awesome pictures man ! This one is from Pokljuka ! :) pokluka-dron.jpg


Very good post

Very beautiful trees. I love the second one and the 5th one. I find them very unique. Great work!

Woow ,,, i like ur photo ,,, really ur photo is very amazing 😉,,, good luck my dear friend @oldtimer 👍👍😊

Great photography man... Awesome to view nature! Its marvelous to see... Your almost all clicks are taken most beautiful photo by everywhere on those place.
Ok now time to congrats you for sharing such a amazing article. Good to see you man.

Great variety of tree photographs. After looking through them I feel like its getting warmer... The dead trees overlooking the lake are quite dramatic!

Wonderful selection of trees I love the first shot but just not having to be out when it is that cold lOL

Beautiful trees dea and blooming. I lie the ones with many leaves and the palm trees are great with their fruits too.

Love those icy ones up top. Got a few like that this winter. I wish there were more frosty days rather than snowy ones.


Amazing photography.

Beautiful natural images

Trees that attract friends hopefully what is planned to run successfully

wonderful Art of photographs, this is really beautiful.thanks

This is a fantastic image. wonderful shots of excellent trees. I like the compositions and sharpness. congratulations. successful shootings.!

The first two shots are so frozen like they've got ice on them, too bad the second pair is withered, i love that of botanic park, the streets are beautiful too. Nice photos @oldtimer

I particularly admire the 5th picture. Trees are beautiful. Looking at it can just give you a higher pedestal of peace that will soothe your soul.

wow!wonderful photography.i love nature.

really an like able shots for today's tree Tuesday challenge.!
hope u'll win 😉

Fantastic photos as always! <3 So different and beatiful trees.
Keep it up @oldtimer

well the snow in macedonia is slowly going away
but that makes me happy because summer is approaching

I liked the first picture, the second one has excellent details and the panorama is very beautiful, but the third picture was really great

The snow forest (top pic) is great, and it's snowing now in the UK , so kind of appropriate to tweet it :)

Wow awesome picture @oldtimer ilove photography

Lucky palm trees, indeed! And lucky people who are there right now! Although I did see a chipmunk in the yard and I'm hearing sand hill cranes flying over! Early signs of spring!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Snowy and Cool , leafs and without leafs , Everything is wow ! Superb shot @oldtimer !

These are great photos i'm like the last two shots i've never experienced sub zero temperatures don't even know what snow is like.