in photography •  8 years ago 

The beauty of a helpful herb in its natural environment.

There is such a joy with using raw plants for food and medicine. Many of them have been provided with incredible properties to both nourish our bodies and keep them healthy. I think that far too often the "medical industry" just isolates one helpful part of a plant, or makes a lame imitation, and then encapsulates it in sugar or some other negative substance before attempting to offer it up as "medicine."

I'd rather head out to the fields or woods instead of the hospital or pharmacy any day. The beauty of observing helpful herbs in their natural environment is an incredible experience. While checking out some local wild Echinacea, I thought that perhaps I would take the opportunity to take some photos. This is easier said than done though.

For the most part, the flowers just sit there. They are full of tiny imperfections and are even wilting slightly in the heat of the midday sun...

A wilting Echinacea flower can resemble a jellyfish, but there is not too much further to go from there.

Some close-up macro-photography can also look cool, but this flower head is round, and looks the same from each of the 360 degrees...


Soon, a little friend shows up. Just like flowers can make some of the most beautiful medicines and health boosters, butterflies can make some of the most beautiful pollinators. Now we have a photo shoot!

I hope you liked the post, and yeah, I put a "live" one in there too! You can use this post as some sort of philosophy for life too. (I think if you look hard enough, there must be a deeper meaning.)

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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Great pics @papa-pepper. I have a bunch of these in my yard and never considered taking pics of them.

Take some, even make a post. Have fun with it, I would upvote it!

Bro thank you for the encouragement. I always over think it when it comes to making a post. I need to get out of my comfort zone and just start putting myself out there without over thinking it.

Thanks again!

Glad that you find it encouraging. Just do what you like to do, have fun with it, and make some posts. If you enjoy what you are doing others may too!

Anyways, if you make a post about things, then you have the opportunity to get noticed, followed, paid, etc. Enjoy it man!

Thank you brother for taking the time to reply. You are right the most important piece to this puzzle is to make sure I'm having fun!

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People are not going to like this approach. It will be considered spam and perhaps even downvoted.

Really :-O

great pictures. what camera did you use?

A CANON Vixia.

Great photos, Papa! One of the common names for this plant is the "Coneflower". That should get some of the Potheads excited! I had a few White ones in my garden at one time too.

Yup, you are correct about the Coneflower part. Thanks mate!

I take echinacea every morning and it is great...Not like that in the wild though lol.

I guess it could be worse and be like this...

Oh no!

Thank you for sharing this beautiful and meaningful post! I totally agree with you that we should rely more on the medicines nature has to offer instead of the pharmaceutical industry

Wow! Wild echinacea is super rare. In fact I think it's endangered. I grow some and use the young flower heads to make tincture that's wonderful to take right when you start feeling like you're going to get a cold. Would love to meet the wild version of the plant though.

Saw this great post and decided to comment. As a pharmacist with some good knowledge of pharmacognosy, crude drug sources especially phytomedicine are important to medicinal chemistry development.

Often times, natural sources of active compounds like this is neglected because of issues bothering on standardization.

The same plant which grows in another soil or another enviroment is not likely going to have the same strength of active ingredients. This is the major reason why synthetic version of of most active ingredients exist.

@richguy This make total sense. Even though it's obvious I never considered the differences that the soil can make. Thank you for pointing it out.

Interesting, thank you for sharing that @richguy! I can see where that would be a factor.

You are welcome the man with a good heart. I hope to see more of this type of crude drug in their natural habitat as I am following you. Gracias.

Thanks @richguy!

Welcome. I read your post where you were trying to tell people that you were not originally with a compassionate heart as now and I paused and told myself that you were bad is not important now. What is important is you have become one of the most compassionate person I have met here.

I keep saying I would love to be like you when I grow up and it is not a joke. I hate to see people suffer.

I sincerely appreciate your interaction with me here too. Many people seeing things from your point of view would not have been as gentle with me when you pointed out what you did. Thank you for that!

You are welcome. When you see humans make noise about what they have and what they are, it is always out of ignorance. We are what we are because of the mercy of God.

If we then know this, everything ought to be done from that premises that we are privilaged to be able to do them.

This consciousness would have taken away the arrogance of the world with the ills associated with it.

While you live, nothing can be as good as your life inspiring others.

I will end with this my lovely quote:
......I believe and rightly so that at the end of time, part of what would matter most would include how much our lives uplifted others.

Nice shots and helpful plant.

Thanks @team101!

I bet that butterfly has a raging immune system!!!

LOL - Very good point! I had not thought about that!

good job

You are deep bro!


Lol, thanks!


Great, you simply AMAZING!

nice photo

Nice to have some "bling" to add to your shoot. Am with you on the modern medicine selecting one part and wrapping in sugar. So much better to utilise as much as you can. Thank you for your posts :)

Glad you agree. Modern medicine seems to put wealth over health far too often.

We pay the price for it. Glad there are many who are asking questions and not being led.

LOL Love how you post a Proof Pic.
Great photos! What are you using? :)

A Canon Vixia.

Thanks! I shall google! That macro shot is awesome.


@papa-pepper, you are an encyclopedia of information! I liked the philosophy too!

Lol, glad that you got that part!

My mom swears by taking Echinacea when you first feel a cold coming on. I do think it helps!

I like it for that!

I love this herbal healer more than any of the rest! Being allergic to antibiotics has pushed me into the direction of herbal medicine!

Cool. At least it got you looking into more natural remedies!

Echinacea is some good stuff. Great that you can find it naturally.

Yes it is. I look forward to growing many beneficial plants like this on my land.

Wonderful! Best of luck to you. I had some really great success with tobacco plants...good natural insecticide to border your gardens areas.

I have read about this before.
Great post! :)

I am looking for the deeper meaning

Look deeper...

Okay, I'll just tell you. Butterflies can make life better!

Pull the root and show us some goldenseal @xtdnrymompreneur would love see the whole plant. It's all medicinally beneficial.

It sure is! Thanks man!

wow nice I have never seen this kind of flower

Nice post. It's said to be great for snake bite but I hope never to have to test it :-)

Really? I get bit by snakes all the time!

Good flower..amazing

It is all somehow relaxing :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Looks a bit peculiar yet its medicinal properties are outstanding. Not only as a painkiller, anti-flammatory and immune booster, it has been said the phytochemicals in it is invaluable in fighting cancer. :)

Awesome photos, and a cool proof pic. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Keep on Steemin'!
(followed and upvoted ^_^)

Beautiful photos. I love how wilted and dejected they look, almost as if they're acting melodramatic, like they're sighing and say, "Oh god it's so hot. I can't even pick up my head." This brings me back to one summer a long time ago when I was 9 and my parents sent me to "Nature Camp". Well, they sent me to what I wanted, which was Art Camp, but the hippies who put on the program required that if you went to Art Camp in the afternoon you had to go to Nature Camp in the morning. I wasn't that into nature at age 9. But even though I complained at the time (especially when we went on a surprise 10 mile hike!) I have some wonderful memories of some of the things we did. This was in southern Delaware, and I'm not exactly sure where we went, but we would go on hikes through the woods every day and they would teach us how to identify each of the trees and plants by their leaves. We would dig up the red clay from under the soil and I think we actually used it to make clay pots. And we made our own 'root beer' by digging up a small Sassafras tree and boiling the root with sugar. We picked, boiled and ate baby milkweed pods, and we dyed fabric using poison Sumac berries. I remember these cauldrons of dark purple water where we boiled the cloth with Sumac berries over open fires.

Ever since then I've wished I could learn how to identify medicinal and edible plants in nature (like one of those Bear Grylls programs) and I'd love to know the names and properties of all the plants in my area.

When I lived in Sweden I knew people in the linguistics department who knew the names of every tree, flower and shrub within 10 miles of their houses, and they knew which of them did and didn't grow in the neighboring town 10 miles over. I envy that sort of knowledge.

Wow, super cool comment. I am now on the journey of learning about such things. Sassafras is a new friend of mine that I met last year!

Thank you! It was the kind of thing I thought was much cooler in retrospect because at the time I was kind of a whiny 9 year old about going on hot, itchy hikes. We also picked chickory and made a tea out of it.

Sassafras is pretty cool. I would love to make my own root beer now with Sassafras and one of those carbonation kits ;-)

beautiful photos great post good job dude hey can u take a look at my blog i hope u like it

Good photos! I'm already following you, Is there something like a photography community here on Steemit?

What a beautiful plant!

Such an amazing post. Photography is even more beautiful. I have not seen this flower yet and its lovely. Keep on posting. Will follow and support u. @papa-pepper

It's amazing what nature can bring and how it coincides with the ecosystem. Thanks for sharing these great pictures and close-ups. It really makes you appreciate the beauty.

rara pero hermosa. planta

Such beauty in this flower! I have a couple of these growing in my neighbors yard. Time to steal! Just kidding. LOL!

Very cool! They are very beautiful!

That's the beauty of our nature! Simply out of words! Excellent shots as usual!

That's AMAZING!!! thanks @papa-pepper

yeah , photography is great , Cong For Nice Photo

Good Angles for photography thumbs up

Look amazing the wild flowers. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for checking it out!


I love this plant. We have a lot of natural medicaments from it in my country :D

Cool, great to hear that.

Nice flowers, I like your post. I will follow you, if you do not mind please follow me @miftahuddin

Nice flower and great pictures :)

Very beautiful photos. I do not know how to photograph so beautifully! I will follow you)

Thanks buddy... I always enjoy your articles

Nature is always amazing.

Very nice photos of medicinal flower. Hope all is well with you!

We are doing well. And you?

All is well here. Enjoying summer and just made a trip to the mountains.
My son saw a paw print from a big cat.

Great pics. I have never seen this beautiful flower before. Oh..! Urban life.

Hiii.. I sani, plz see my account @kakilasak
I hope u can follow me n upvote my post :)

Haven't seem them growing wild where I live, so thanks for sharing!

Great one, Papa-Pepper. Now how about sharing the plant's properties, and how to harvest and use when not in tablet form? I am rather interested in going natural.

Nice post man!Keep up the good work!

Annually harvest a few roots myself. Totally agree with you on foraging your own. When you pick it yourself you have so many advantages. You know what you are getting and how it is prepared.

Gorgeous picture

Amazing Pictures.. Id agree when you said its easier said than done!

Here's a travel blog by me of Northern areas of Pakistan... Do pay a visit. .

I'm going to start growing these in my yard so photographers like you stop by and take pics of them. Hopeful to earn points with a photographer to get a free photoshoot. Not sure if you're interested down the road. If so, lmk

Sounds great! Thanks!

beautiful photos!!! upvoted :), look at my echinacea :)

@papa-pepper You've got some skills on photography. The echinacea looked amazing. I haven't seen anything like that in our place

It is wild here, but I'll also be growing my own.

This was an interesting article with nice pictures! Looking forward to more from you!

I'm going to start a medicine garden soon,I mentioned you in my blog can you check it out?

Thanks! I am honored to have a pepper plant named after me!

amazing look

We have also some of them in our garden - i love the color very much))

Very cool. I'll have to get some of my own growing too!

The best about them is that they're winter resistible.

Beautiful work. Wonderful photos, congratulations!

Looks good! :-)


those are great shots the flower looks amazing and the butterfly looks even more stunning thanks for sharing it :)

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@papa-pepper Great photos


Congratulations @papa-pepper!
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Cracking photos

WOW that flower is really beautiful. I have never seen that kind of flower. Thank you for taking a picture and sharing with us :)

PS. the butterfly is beautiful even if I am scared about butterflies .. but it's a long story :D :D :D

Lovely pictures I like the way you draw attention to its medicinal properties, many homesteaders/preppers forget the importance of a large VARIED herbal garden.

I don't know if you have heard of Moringa, if you are not growing it check it out!

Wow, those are amazing pictures. Followed and liked.

Beautiful flowers and love the butterfly too. How did you manage to snap a photo of him ? Followed and want more

Great shots so beautiful

Thank you!

You're welcome

So true !! Love your post and share the feeling! Great pictures of god creation for mankind❤️

Didn't know that was a live photo. Maybe just a quirk. Nice work. 🐓🐓