in photography •  6 years ago  (edited)
I hope this Saturday finds everyone healthy and happy. For myself I have been fighting off allergies, due to extra windy weather. Things seem to be settling down, so I am hoping to get outdoors today and do some gardening.

I always struggle to decide which photograph to start with, and from there the flow of photos and words. I usually start by picking out photos I want to use and narrow down to a manageable number. I then may crop a few using a free photo editor called PhotoScape I only crop the photo to center or to get rid of some thing that takes away from the photo. The words just come to me as I start to type.

My first photograph to today is a macro-photo of a Dianthis that we planted last year. Many Dianthis are perennials even with our cold winters. They come in other colors besides this bright pink.


This next one I took when we were visiting Manito gardens a couple of weeks ago. I am not sure of the name.


Here is a Japanese Maplee that was growing in the Japanese Gardens at Manito Gardens.


This next scenic shot was taken when we went on vacation last week. The field was full of wildflowers. This was on the _Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation_. I was stopping to take photographs when we got a call and had to head straight home. Next trip I will get more scenic photographs.


Here is one of our own patches of Shasta Daisies:


This next flower is a Calendula, which is related to Marigolds. I usually plant quite a few, but this year I am relying on those that self seeded. I have used them to make salves, but they also add wonderful color to a salad (I usually pull the petals off and sprinkle on top of my salad.


I have been trying for a long time to get some Macro-photograph of butterflies, although they never seem to want to "pose" for me. I finally was able to get a few pictures and today want to share one of our prettiest butterflies. This is a Swallowtail, and I believe it is a Two-tailed Swallowtail.


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Thank you for sharing these beautiful photographs!

Thank you! And thank you for visiting my blog

most welcome..

@r2cornell sir Very beautiful flowers photographyIMG_2914-b.JPG

Thank you. Looks like I missed commenting and upvoting your comment on the steepshot photo of my salad. It was on oversight. Really I had a lot of replying and upvoting with 2 posts a day apart.

I appreciate your visiting my blog.

Dear @r2cornell i am a new follower of you.
I am impress to see your photography.
Thanks for share..

Thank you. And thank you for visiting my blog.

I see you have yet to do an introduction post. Take some time and read what others have written on the introduction posts. If they are newer posts (less than 7 days old).

Reading and commenting on posts of any kind is a great way to start. It helps you build a following and start earning a little. Be patient in these early days here. It takes time.

Very beautiful flowers and the butterfly on flower is more beautiful... Natural beauty

Thank you

you are an amazing photographic skills @r2cornell.
Love your photography ::)

Thank you very much!

beautiful and amazing photography sir thanks for sharing these amazing pics

Thank you

Beautiful photography , take care of your body from allergies . Namaste

Nameste! Thank you. I am feeling better today. Our winds have eased off. At least i was ableto get some work done outside.

Very good capture. @r2cornell

Thank you

Welcome @r2cornell

Natural beauty spreads around and green is green and beautiful and beautiful in nature, it sits in the mind, thanks you sir

Thank you very much.

Yes! It is really fantastic!!! Thanks for sharing sir @r2cornell these beautiful photographs!

Thank you

this flower looks very beautiful, the color was quite beautiful.

Thank you very much.

Your welcome

Perfect! It's like looking directly at nature. What a magnificent beauty. Thank you sir. Have a wonderful and fun day always. Regards!

Thank you very much.

Wonderful sir,take care.


Thank you very much!

Best photography ever. you are always best @r2cornell sir

Thank you

All pics are awesome but first pink capture is best . Namaste

Thank you very much!

You are absolutely right @r2cornell sir. You always give us amazing photography. We are very inspired from you sir. Thanks for your best wishes alltime with you.i want you stayed live long happily.. sir @r2cornell i respect your great thought and you.

Thank you very much!

Dear @r2cornell:- you have some fantastic photo. I like your post becausre I also love photography. I have many flower photo...One of this I sharing with you.
I hope you have a wonderful day.

Thank you very much!

The flowers look really beautiful, seeing them fills you with joy and you fall deeply in love. It is very common to take this as a hobbie and capture different photos of flowers and plants, it is like having a valuable collection.

You really know how to get a good image, all with excellent quality and dazzle those colors so saturated. This time you were lucky enough to find a model butterfly for your gallery, I really loved the latter.

You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.

Thank you very much!

wow awesome photography...
thank you for share @r2cornell

Thank you very much. And thank you for visiting my blog

outstanding view.
great click..
thanks @r2cornell

Thank you very much. And thank you for visiting my blog

Exceptional envision undoubtedly staggering photograph accumulations with best clarifying @r2cornell.
please sir see my blog

Thank you very much.

wow,just wonderfull photography of flowers.i am not expressed
your quality.because its always real and perfect.every photo
you pic up very perfectly.really very attractive and pretty photo
capturing sir @r2cornell

Thank you! And thank you for visitingmy blog

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you very much.

You have made my sunday so special sir,mind blowing photographs @r2cornell.

Thank you very much. I am glad you liked it.

wow beautiful flower.
nice photography
thank you @r2cornell

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog.

@r2cornell its amazing. Every time you share such a beautiful photography.
that orange one i like it. All pictures are nicly clicked

Thank you very much.

Extremely stunning choice of your photos! Amazing full scale photograph of a Dianthis and spread flies,

the dazzling vivid Calendula and Shasta Daisies extremely exquisite, you are the considerable picture taker in my eyes, on account of offer your everything lovely photos.

Thank you very much.

Extraordinary photography and a greart introduction of nature.

Thank you.

Creative photography of flowers and butterfly.
Those picture are really beautiful and refresh my mind.I want to try for it but donot do it.
Thanks for sharing sir @r2cornell.

Thank you very much

My pleasure sir.

Thank to because of seeing these beaitiful nature.

Thank you

You are doing very good with your photography! Thank you for sharing

Thank you very much for visiting.

Hermosas tomas ,la naturaleza es la perfecta creacion de Dios

Muchas gracias. Agradezco tu comentario Y gracias por visitar mi blog.

A la orden amigo....lo invito a que visite mi blog para que conozca mas sobre mi ,el pais donde vivo y mis proyectos ,saludos

To the order friend .... I invite you to visit my blog so you know more about me, the country where I live and my projects, regards

To the order friend .... I invite you to visit my blog so you know more about me, the country where I live and my projects, regards

I will do that

Wow very very beautiful photography and wonderful flowers.

Thank you very much

You are also great.and beautifull flowers

Thank you

This is a professional flowers photography .

Thank you very much.

Such a beautiful flowers pics , thanks for sharing . Namaste

Thank you very much.

really outstanding photography
@resteemed your post to present you dear...

Thank you

You capturet beautyful images especially the red flower

Thank you very much.

I am very happy to read this post, without a doubt you are a very creative person, I follow your work since I started working on the platform, I always cause pleasure to visit your blog, congratulations for all your achievements and continue your success !!! !

I love flower......

Thank you very much

wow so beautiful photography....nice flower..

Thank you very much. And thank you for visiting my blog.

good post

Thank you

the natural beauty of this flower are just awesome.its bloom sourrounding.good click.

Thank you very much!

Wonderful flowers and photographey@r2cornell sir.

Thank you

Are you professional photographer? What a lovely captured is it. Brilliant click sir. Sorry i download some photos without your permission.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Thank you for letting me know you downloaded some photos. My logo are on most of my photos. I am pk with downloading as long as people do not try and post as their own. There are bots that catch this and will flag. I did see someone used one of my photos, without giving me credit. They did not get any upvotes, because there was no narrative.

Your flowers snapshot is looking so pretty. Flowers has different colors but all of flowers represent smile ..... fabulous photography @r2cornell. Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world.

Thank you very much.

i am fine sir @r2cornell.i hope that,you are good.your photography always best.because every photo you capture very perfectly.obviously its your big are a big minded man in this platfirm.because anytime doing good work for every steemians.every flower looks very attractive and pretty..i am appreciate your work and anytime doing fully supported you.your blog is a best blog this community.i am really happy to see your blog.your thought knowledge anytime perfect and original.i want your support my work.because you give any time support my every work and encourage doing to write your nice word sms.butterfly on flower just amazing.i hope that,you enjoy your great day of manito gardens.thank you for your good supporting and fantastic macro photography post.very well done.take care yourself and best of luck of your great work. may god bless you and your family.i wish that,this time your wife fully best wishes alltime with you.i want you stayed live long happily.. sir @r2cornell i respect your great thought and you.

Thank you very much. I am happy you like my photos.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

welcome sir.. @r2cornell your post always perfect and original.i am attracted them your high quality photography skills.i am not expressed your quality.its anytime fantastic.absolutely powerfull. thank you for your good support and best help my own steemit always giving encourage and inspiration to write your energylevel sms.i wish that,you support my every work and giving your help its very essential my future success this needs your support.i know you are one of them big minded man this,you can success doing very soon this platform.thanks to know again for your nice word..sir @r2cornell i respect your every work and thought.very well done take care yourself and best of luck of your great work.may god bless best wishes anytime with you and your family. all the best . i wish that always yiu stayed live long happily in your whole life.

It's always difficult to pick when you have beautiful photo and beautiful flowers around you. Hopefully you will completely get rid of allergy. All the pics are awesome. Butterfly in the last pic is amazing. Keep sharing @r2cornell

Thank you very much.

Delightful bloom photography, I like merigold blossoms, where we grow a considerable measure however different shapes, look all the more new in your photographs.

Thank you very much!

Butterfly on blossom are so likely marvelous, I simply astounded to see your photography of bloom @r2cornell

Thank you very much

Butterfly on flower are so likely aw


Thank you. It looks like I may have missed replying to your comment on my steepshot salad photo. I ran out of time.

Sir I need your all flowers for my wedding! Next year my wedding so i need lots of beautiful flowers & you are the king of flowers so please king i want my wedding gift advance!

Sweet! When is your wedding? Thank you for visiting my blog.

next year my wedding sir.

To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.

Thank you very much.

If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change .

Thank you very much

Thank you for your love and support for making us bring this event to reality.

Thank you

nice flowers

Thank you

yes same same
sir @r2cornell

Without our fully realizing it, flowers would become for us an expression in form of that which is most high, most sacred, and ultimately formless within ourselves. Flowers, more fleeting, more ethereal, and more delicate than the plants out of which they emerged, would become like messengers from another realm, like a bridge between the world of physical forms and the formless.
Just wonderful photo click @r2cornell

Thank you very much.

Wau, beautiful photographs, I congratulate you.
I am a fan of photography, although I am a beginner.
This is one of my photos


Thank you and thank you for visiting my blog. I am still learning as well. Your photograph is beautiful.

Wonderful photos of flowers. I also grow different flowers on the plot. I especially like lilies. But with allergy they can not be grown. Lilies have a very strong flavor.

Thank you. Most flowers do not bother me, even with a strong scent. Grass pollen is the hardest on me.

Final one attractive with butterfly. Flower and butterfly giving various color combination. Excellent photography @r2cornell. Just brilliant.

Thank you. The butterfly landed on the perfect colored flower.

So much colorful flower.
Its look nice.thank you @r2cornell sir

Thank you very much. I appreciate your comment!

Sir, we have a wonderful new post every week and a nice way to prepare us in the middle. thank you sirIMG_2914-b.JPG

Thank you very much!

Beautiful flowers photography. I like it this photo. thanks for sharing your life.

Thank you for visiting my blog post!

Most welcome sir..

wow beautifull flower photography.
thank you so much for sharing @r2cornell

Thank you. And thank you for visiting my blog

Oh dear you made my day you know that. I want to say I love you! are you laghuing? I say that because i want your all flowers dear @r2cornell sir. You know i feel love to you when i see your flowers photography!

I am smiling but not laughing. Just remember the beauty we see in flowers are a reflection of our inner self!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

right sir. flowers are explain our feelings & emotion!

Very beautiful flower.....nice photography...

Thank you very much!

Thank you for sharing these beautiful photographs!DQmavEYxhkcSJ1NZknoGKdQtmihXwBj15iufN3cH4aW3Fhm.gif

Thank you very much.

Your the best photography this flowers, nice and beautiful flowers thank you for you shring sir @r2cornell

Thank you very much!

the beauty of flowers you can bring kedamain in the heart of everything, I am very impressed with you @r2cornell

Woow Postigan anda selalu bugus dan cantik saya ingin membagi sekali lagi Postigan anda semoga sukses berkarya di esteem @r2cornell

Beautiful bright flowers. You bring about the best in flowers.

Thank you very much.

You're the King of Macro photography. Your picture location is really awesome

Thank you. And thank you for visiting my blog

yeah i'm fine but fighting with flue :'(
Here is the reason i felt in flue.


I hope your will be allergy free soon!

enjoyed your photography as always.

Don't eat these kind of food.this will harm your throat.

hahaha, yeah i'm not going to eat it again :p

What is this food made of?

Thank mister r2cornell it s very biutiful very nice photography

Thank you

All pictures are beautiful! I like the butterfly photo most. Perfect shot at the perfect moment, @r2cornell.

Thank you

It was a beautiful photography that I would like to thank you for putting such a post. We were really happy

Thank you very much.

Awesome flowers photography. You are amazing @r2cornell

Thank you.

Amazing photography and very nice flower...

Thank you

@r2cornell, Happy and peaceful weekend to you and family. You have introduced impressive coloring flowers clicks. Very well description about flowers. My heart deeply touching with Japanese Maplee plant. It has awesome looks. Nice you decided to sharing.

Thank you very much.

Hello dear @r2cornell sir. I hope you are very well. Recently you change your profile picture ! These one very nice sir. You looking so happy.

Sir i write a witness post & searching you for give my witness vote to you but i didn't find out you at here. Any way i will mention you at my post. If you see these one then i am happy for that.

Thank you in regards to the new photograph.

I checked out your post. Thank you for the mention. I have not looked into the witness aspect of steemit. Right now I would not have the time to even learn what it is or do much so I just blog, reply to comments and look at followers posts.

Thank you very much for your visiting. I am glad you like it. But honestly said you deserve more & more. you are the real steemian sir. You are always my favourite sir. My heart always said that @r2cornell sir is the best man.

Beautiful captures of flowers and butterfly pic is very nice . Namaste

Terima kasih banyak. Saya menghargai komentar Anda.

Please visit steemjet Bangladesh Community

Here this link:::

What's its meaning sir ?

What does what mean?

Terima kasih banyak. Saya menghargai komentar Anda. translates to:

Thank you very much. I appreciate your comments.

Boht boht dhanyavad in hindi
Means very very thanks

Beautifull and stunning photography.
Always love your phoyography.

Thank you very much.

Wow! It's fun to see it. You are photographing with an incredible ability. Very happy to enjoy all this, sir. Thank you!

Thank you very much.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you. I am doing well. Trying to catch up on replying to comments.

Beautiful flowers
Good post

Thank you

Sekumpulan bunga bunga cantik dan menarik bunga yang beraneka Ragam dan bentuknya yang berbeda beda sangat lah menarik, thank you @r2cornell
Upvote and resteemit done

Terima kasih banyak

The flowers look amazing, your garden must look beautiful with all these kinds of colourful flowers

Thank you very much.

Pretty awesome post @r2cornell.
I just loved your post sir.

Thank you very much.

Really awesome photography my dear friend and I love flowers very much. thank you very much for sharing with us .you doing really very good job, keep it up

Thank you very much.

Outstanding photography. You brilliant sir @r2cornell

Thank you very much.

Beautiful photographs Grandpa. They all look great!

Thank you very much.

@r2cornell sir, your nature photography is so beautiful. your photography is really great. thank you

Thank you very much.

Your photography is nicely done. Keep it up. Looking forward to your next post

Thank you very much.

Fotografi yang luar biasa tuan...
Ini sangat menyenangkan dan saya sangat menikmati suasana seperti ini..
Sukses selalu tuan...

Terima kasih banyak.

Very nice flowers and photographey@r2cornell sir.

Thank you very much

I love your photography sir, it is truly beautiful and glad to know that you are also a lover of nature and flowers in particular.

Thank you and Have a great day.

Thank you very much.

A rose can never be a sunflower, and a sunflower can never be a rose. All flowers are beautiful in their own way, and we are like that too.

Thank you

A flower’s appeal is in its contradictions — so delicate in form yet strong in fragrance, so small in size yet big in beauty, so short in life yet long on effect.

Thank you very much.

Awesome flower photography sir,you always brings great amount of joy for me.

Thank you