in photography •  6 years ago 
I hope this weekend is going well for all of you. I am a little late in doing my post today. I have a lot to do this weekend, so figured I better sit down and pull this together.

Our air quality has been better, although there are days when it gets bad. We are suppose to have a cooling trend with some rain. But it does not sound like there will be much of the rain.

The crypto-currency market took a big hit after moving up early in the week. In the stock market and even in the commodity markets some refer to this as "shaking out the weak hands". It is nerve racking, but with things this low I am not about to sell. Hopefully we can hold onto our nerves as we go through this.

On that note let us brighten our weekend a little with some flowers. Our first flower is one of my own roses. This rose does not last long. Usually it buds one day and by the end of the next day it is finished. I happen to spot this one just as it was opening. I believe the name of it is Jacob's Coat.


I was able to capture this bumblebee, and as you can see it's legs are fully loaded with pollen to take back to the hive.


Here is a blossom on a Hollyhock. It grows on a tall stem sometimes reaching 5 feet tall. I love the pink blush on it's edges.


I believe this next flower is an impatiens flower. I probably took this on my trip in June to Manito Gardens:



To close out I have here the start of sunrise.


So we reach the end of another post. I mentioned last week that I was going into the hills to put out some more game cameras and work on a blind. I went out this morning and my blind was gone and I sign was left that no one was allowed up there. I heard new owners have taken over the place. I am disappointed, but they did not find my game cameras. I have moved them to my daughters property and will work on a blind there. They are closer so I will be able to check them more often.

I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted. Most of my floral photographs I am using a Marco-lens that came with my camera.

Upvotes and resteem are always welcome. In the event anyone wants to use one of my photos please ask and give me credit.

I have taken photographs of my canning tomatoes that I mentioned last week. I may add a couple of photographs next week in relation to that activity. I have put up 25 quarts so far and today there should be another 15 or so quarts I will be working on today.

Have a great weekend all!


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In fact, in this busy life many things happen to me. Life means living witness to every good and bad work. Similarly, flowers are the good sign of human life.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

You are most welcome!

Such lovely flowers, i personally love the rose bud so beautiful like most everyone here in this community, like you Sir and many others :)
Happy weekend too! Our weekdays starts tomorrow Sunday till thursday.
From UAE sending you peace and Blessings!

Thank you very much. Have great weekend

I love flowers. This post flower is so beautiful.

Thank you very much.

Congratulation r2cornell for yourFLOWERS TO BRIGHTEN YOUR WEEKEND is very nice.

BEAUTIFUL FLOWERpexels-photo-357189.jpegpexels-photo-357189.jpegphoto-1487435636644-3ad040f0195b.jpg

Well done

Thank you.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Beautiful butterfly! Monarch correct?

I did not see any recent original posts in your blog. Let me know when you post something

Like you i have also a good weekend sir. How are your wife now? I always enjoy your marvelous flowers photography. You are such a pure hearted man. God bless you.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

My wife's health is stable now. Thank you for asking

wow such as amazing and mind blowing picture.It is a good practice and good skill photography. I wanna to be a good photographer. You are my idle.You are a beauty of photography.Again resteem.........@r2cornell

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Thank you dear...........@r2cornell

Very very nice photographery. I like it this post. Thanks for sharing this post.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Wow Amazing photographs sir looking at the quality they are mind blowing sir thanks for the special gift sir,god bless you.

Thank you very much.

That,s great the air quality is getting better, I am still hopeful about crypto currency market ,beautiful shot ,blossom on a Hollyhock is very beautiful flower.

Thank you very much.

Nice photography , good colors combinations in flowers . Sky view is awesome . Thanks .
Happy weekend . Namaste .

Thank you very much.

The very first rose is very interesting. In fact, all the flowers just meticulously gorgeous and beautiful.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful shots here.

Thank you very much.

These flowers really brightened not only my weekend but also my life thank you so much @r2cornell.

Thank you very much.

Wow really amazing photography. good article
For your post propagation.

Thank you very much.

Wow i cant express my feelings sir these flowers are so cute i always keep my eyes wide open for your blog post sir.

Thank you very much.

Those are beatiful flower! I really love how the bumblebee looks like fully loaded with pollen.
I really love the fact that you post everyweek despite being busy.
Hopefully the market will go back up but we're for the long term right hahaha
Still hoping that crypto will bring us to the moon.
Anyway thank you for sharing this post! May you have a wonderfull week!

Thank you very much. patience is difficult in the market. Just when it looks like it will get a foothold and keep moving the bottom drops again. I believe it acted similarly last year.

You're most welcome sir!

@rcornell, There are so many beautiful and various coloring flowers. I really like to see mind blowing flowers images. Mind can easily meditate through seeing flowers. Well description indeed.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Wow.. Mr @r2cornell . Bunga2 yang anda foto sangat indah dan menarik, walaupun anda tidak tau nama bunganya..
Itulah kekuasaan tuhan menciptakan berbagai jenis bunga.
Warm regards from Aceh Indonesia.
@rijalaronaceh .

Terima kasih banyak. Saya menghargainya

Each flower has unique feature this is just we can able to see when you around with you i can see these flowers sir thank you sir.

Thank you very much.

@r2cornell I like your photos, especially the macro where the bee is next to the purple flower, I also want to say Lord that I have a post worthy of your attention in today's date. orchid_bacgraun_black

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

Such a gorgeous Orchid. Love the coloring. Great photography, thank you for sharing.

Beautiful photographs sir i am so glad to see these flowers again hope everything is going well.

Thank you very much.

goodbye, we meet again even though via message.
thankful the weather at the place of the father has improved, the activities of the community have started smoothly not the father? Last week I couldn't follow Mr.'s post because I was busy with my brother's wedding party in the village, Mr.'s post could be useful and be an experience for others because my posts are indeed honest, I honestly say.

Thank you very much. Our weather continues to improve with cooler temperatures and some rain.

Beautiful photographs sir,i am thankful to you sir as in this busy schedule too you have posted this photographs.

Thank you very much.

Gorgeous flowers with a lovely sunrise also
Upvoted and resteemed 👍

Thank you very much.

As always just awesome clicks sir !!

Thank you very much.

I like steemit. It's my husband's steemit. First I've followed you. Sir beautiful flowers postFB_IMG_1536503694045.jpg

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

Really beautiful captures....Flowers are wonder creature of nature....It can enrich ones mind with full of joy..Thats why one of our national poet said"If you earn one bucks;buy food for hunger;If you have two bucks buy flower my devoted man.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

I am Enjoying Your Flower Photography So Much,Thanks a lot for sharing sir,Have a great day,keep smiling.

Thank you very much.

Best collection of flowers sir as i am always blessed with your amazing photographs.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Your blessing us with amazing plants sir,thank you so much @r2cornell.

Thank you very much.

Lovely flowers with lovely natural photographs. You are a good photographer. I like your photography.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Amazing clicks sir.
Hollyhock blossoming is really beautiful.
Thank you, c u again.

Thank you very much. I appreciate your comment! And thank you for visiting my blog.

Another great flower photography post sir. The purple color flower os just awesome sir. I like it so much.

Thank you very much

Wow the last one is so beautiful sir. I think you are a pure natural lover that's why you click a lovely natural photo.

Thank you very much

You always share with us beautiful flowers. That's very good job sir. I always looking for your flower.

Thank you very much

Beautiful Flowers sir probably the best i have seen in my life,thanks for sharing sir.

Thank you very much.

In my every post, unknown information about your new flowers and flowers is very good to me, sir

Thank you very much.

Nice flower photo sir

Thank you.

Great Exhibition of flowers sir,Thank You so much for sharing.

Thank you very much.

Steem rate day by day going down,Everyone so worry about the price of steem,Every hopes steem price going up soon as soon,and Wao such a very impressive photography,Your weekend post always to good,Everyone wait your weekend post,jacob's flowers looks so great,Really this bumblebee looks so cute,white flowers looks so fabulous,Pink flowers so beautiful,I really like flowers,Flowers are more important in our life,Flowers more important in your good health,and the sky looks so amazed,thanks for sharing your valuable post,

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Yes let us hope steem starts back up soon. If people are just starting out then they have found a good entry point. Those that were here when it hit its highs it is difficult to watch...But I believe it will settle and start moving up.

Most wellcome Everyone wai for this great time,hopefully steem rate going up soon,

Nice macro photographs sir the way you brings nature into my life is really amazing.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Great pictures overall..
All these pictures express our natural beauty basically...
In our busy life only this kind of pictures were memories.sir you also have great photography skills..
Must say its pleasure to following you.
Cant wait to see your next post.
Thank you sir.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

I wish you get your game camera as soon. Please don't be disappointed. I am with you! I like you.

Thank you very much

Nice pictures r2cornell
I will now follow, upvote and resteem this blog.
I followed a link here from another post and glad I did...

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

Greetings @r2cornell I liked the post and the photographs very much, I loved the blurring of the background in the photography of the bee.

Thank you very much. I appreciate your comment! Macro-photography is amazing.

Supar photography sir. you are a great photographer sir. You are a genious man.

Thank you very much.

Oh no sir! Your game camera was very well but you lost it.. so sad sir.

Thank you for visiting my post.

Good evening @r2cornell, I agree with you in relation to cryptocurrencies, it is better to wait and maintain. You are a very active person, always in your posts you talk about your activities, it is always good to be occupied both mentally and physically.
This my favorite

Have a nice night.

Thank you very much. Yes I am busy, almost too busy. ;o)

Very bright and beautiful flowers and sunset too. I liked rose and daisy flowers. Amazing photographs. keep up the good work.

Thank you very much.

After a long time you are back sir.I am really miss your photography in those days.There are my new photography sir @r2cornell

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Thank you for sharing these beautiful flowers!

My pleasure sir.

very beautiful flowers give coolness and peace in life, your camera shots are so perfect i like it. thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

You are welcome

Greetings Mr. @r2cornell, it is very nice to greet you again. I hope you and your family are in good health.

I am glad that the situation with regard to air quality continues to improve, and I pray to God that the rains come soon, so that they can be resolved definitively.
Thank you for your comments on the world of cryptocurrencies, they are very successful, given the behavior that the market is currently having.
I am very sorry, that I could not make the shots in the mountain, I was waiting to see them, but I am sure that soon we will be surprised with them.
The images of today are beautiful, as I have already commented on other occasions, I have a weakness for roses and that orange button, it is simply beautiful, and the second photograph with the bee is great, I congratulate you.
Well, I say goodbye, hoping that you and your family have an excellent week and that health and prosperity flood your home, today and forever.

separador 1.png

Me alegra que la situación con respecto a la calidad del aire continúe mejorando, y ruego a Dios que las lluvias lleguen pronto, para que se resuelvan definitivamente.
Gracias por sus comentarios sobre el mundo de las criptomonedas, son muy acertados, dado el comportamiento que el mercado está teniendo actualmente.
Lamento mucho, que no pudiera realizar las tomas en la montaña, estaba esperando verlas, pero estoy segura que pronto nos sorprenderá con ellas.
Las imágenes de hoy están hermosas, como ya he comentado en otras oportunidades, tengo debilidad por las rosas y ese botón naranja, es sencillamente hermoso, y la segunda fotografía con la abeja le quedo genial, lo felicito.
Bueno me despido, esperando que usted y su familia tengan una excelente semana y que la salud y la prosperidad inunde su hogar, hoy y siempre.

Thank you! I am going to hold off upvoting until later in the day. My voting power is not as strong as I would like it to be, because of overuse. As the day goes by it will increase. I will have this ready to upvote when my SP gets stronger.

Not all my photographs turned out on my hike. I have sorted some out for future posts, possibley a couple for next week.

It is actually a good time to enter crypto, with the prices so low. One must buy quality coins at this point for future rise. It was during one of these times I bought Steem for $0.16 USD. I was just learning about steem and steemit and with current hindsight I should have bought a lot more and then sold a bunch when it went over $5.00.

end of post graphic.png

¡Gracias! Voy a retrasar la votación hasta más tarde en el día. Mi poder de voto no es tan fuerte como me gustaría, debido al uso excesivo. A medida que transcurra el día, aumentará. Tendré esto listo para cuando mi SP se vuelva más fuerte.

No todas mis fotos resultaron en mi caminata. Tengo un par para la próxima semana, tal vez un par para la próxima semana.

En realidad, es un buen momento para ingresar a crypto, con precios tan bajos. Uno debe comprar monedas de calidad en este punto para una subida futura. Compré Steem por $ 0.16 USD. Estaba aprendiendo sobre el vapor y el vapor y, con el tono actual, debería haber comprado más y luego vendí un montón cuando superó los $ 5,00.

What a wonderful flowers sir as it occupies less place to grow they will be a special attraction.Thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much

Wow i am so glad to see you again,btw these flowers are awesome thanks a lot for sharing sir.

Thank you very much.

Howdy partner, I'm @photocurator, a curation bot; I keep an eye on the photo feeds, I vote random photos of my followers and at the end of the day I publish a post with links to the best photos. Follow @photocurator to get your photos curated in the future!

The Flowers you are providing is always wonderful sir,glad that i have found your again sir,namaste.

Thank you very much.

This is really cool photographs you are a great inspiration sir love the photos you provide.

Thank you very much.

Namaste sir. You doing very good job. You write it very well. I enjoy your blog.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

The weekend is already over, but these flowers brightened my day anyway. :-)

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome

Tremendous flowers photography. The natural beauty of the earth. Great job buddy.

Thank you very much.

Beautiful and wonderful flowers sir once again great exhibition from you sir,thank you.

Thank you very much.

Excellent collection of flowers. All are colorful and very gorgrious flowers.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

Many beautiful flowers. I have seen many flowers going around. The flowers you give are very beautifulFB_IMG_1536591845529.jpg

Thank you very much.

Excellent Flower photography sir you are having a great collection,thanks for making my day very special sir.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Hollyhock growing 5 feet tall. Its huge! Its so beautiful. I like these one.

Thank you very much.

I like flowers and flowers photography. Your photography type is very well. I really like it.

Thank you very much.

I like rainy day. I think you passing a great time. Your photography very well. I appreciate it.

Thank you very much.

Wow... awesome photography. Lovely

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

Excellent. Just awesome. The flowers can make your mind fresh and cool. Nicely captured. You deserves a thanks for your job.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Excellent job dear friend. Your photography just superb friend. Keep photography dear friend.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

I like your sunshine natural photography. You always share flower photography. That's very good job sir.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Wow... awesome photography... upvoted.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

its really very brilliant shots photography..every flowers looks very attractive.flower always main symbol of our nature beauty environment..its good create of god.i am always appreciate your photography skills..because its alltime super and marvelous..this last picture of sunrise view very my day very good to seen your amazing post of flower.i am very lately comment in your,sorry for that..your photography always my heart touching.because a big master can this types photo caturing doing..i am really frustrated this time.spd prize again up and down.i am not improving my power..some days ago i not comment your reply in my own family work.but i know you always encoraging my all work and giving full support.again this person to take mu upvote.its really bed for me..overall mindblowing.very well done.take care yourself and best of luck of your great work..i want u stayed always livelong happily in your whole life..keep it up.see u again.i wish your great success in your brighy future..thanks again to gift your extraordinary thought post of flower photography.have a great day and i respect you always. sir.. @r2cornell

Thank you @timuann.

thank you for your supporting..sir @r2cornell i am really frustrated my own problem sbd prize again down, i am not invest any dollar in my post and second problem this person again to take my upvote.i don,t know whats problem this person.i am not comment reply in your before post.because some days ago i am very busy my family,sorry for that..but i know you always supporting my every work.this time i am not giving post in my blog.because i am not got any vote other steemians its very bad for me.but your support and energy level comment to giving encourage in my work..thank you again for your good work always..may god bless you.sir.. @r2cornell stay blessed..

Here is a little back that he "stole". His power keeps going down considerably due to getting flagged. I found another person he did this to, but that person had a little power behind him and flagged him. His previous user name was taken to negative reputation, so he started this new user name. That reputation score keeps dropping. He flagged me so I went to his "blog" (he really does not post anything, adding no value to steemit, and I then double flagged for every flag he hit me with.

If he put all this energy toward putting together a decent blog that added something to Steemit he may do well.

If you look at many people on steemit they upvote their posts and their comment. Just in my blog they do that. When I started out here there were articles about doing this to to help grow, and I did it all the time. Now I save those upvotes for followers.

Don't give up. Some people have issues that cannot be explained. In time it will come back to haunt him.

When you upvote yourself you really are not making that much money. On my website I try and upvote everyone's comment except those who are muted. It isn't worth it for you to upvote your comments on my posts. I would also back off on some of your upvotes of your comments all together. Let me know when you post something on your blog and I will try and get to it and upvote it along with a comment. It may save you some of this hassle.

There is another clown who is more quietly down-voting people. They are just Prejudiced against people who have not yet built up there Steem Power. They do not want newcomers to be successful. If they would spend the time upvoting these users posts then there would be no need for self voting. Personally I do not think they are very bright. Those type of people tend to be prejudiced against something.

When you have nothing of quality to offer then people pull this kind of thing. Gives Steemit a bad name, a black eye...

Hope you understand.

really very good suggestion..sir @r2cornell i am obviously trying this rules in my work.this is a very important solution for my are writing this methoud very,i am understanding your all word.respect always for your big thought..but i am not invest my any post.because sbd prize again down.when i am giving any post in my blog i am not upvote any steemians.only you supported alltime my work.pls tell me how i am improve my power and gots alots of vote other steemians..thanks again for your great work..i wish your best anytime..very well done.take care yourself and may god bless you..have a great day..i want you stayed always live long happily in your whole life..i salute you..sir.. @r2cornell

Steem price is too much low. We don't know when steem ptice growing ot this is the fixed price. Thanks for these information.

Thank you very much.

One of the best flower photography album i have ever seen. Keep it up sir.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

What a great shot. You captured all photos are very well. You deserve a oscard award for your photography. Keep rocking sir.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Tremendous flowers and flowers photography @r2cornell sir. I like your great photography.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Superb photography dear sir. All photos look like alive! I really appreciate your photography sir.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you very much

Flowers to brighren my weekend sir. I waiting for your next flowers post. I like your flowers post.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Your thought about cryptocurrencies very well. I like your discussion and thanks for shating with us.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Wonderful red rose make my mood sir. I always like red rose. Thank you so much for your red rose flower.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Fantastic flowers. I want to see more flowers from you because your all flowers are too much beautiful.

Thank you very much

So much beautiful flowers with a lovely natural photo make your post very well sir. You are always best sir.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Very nice flowers photography sir.
I like it your beautiful flowers photography. I appreciate your valuable content. thanks for sharing your beautiful life..

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Life is all about ups and downs and so is the case with the prices of the steem at the moment. Best thing at the moment to buy more steem at this time and then HOLD it.

As usual the level of photography is awesome and off course your pictures are giving the positive vibes in a tight crypto situation. I would like to put this pic as my display picture for my laptop with your permission @r2cornell :)

Thank you very much. You are welcome to use the photo on your laptop.

@r2cornell my weekend is going great:) i hope yours too... and the flower you have shared is superb... amazing!

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Crystall clear pictures sir just cant bealive myself,as these flowers are so cool,good job sir.

Thank you very much.

Very nice photography. All flowers are very nice. I like your all flowers.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

Your all pictures are very nice. I like your all pictutes. I am new. Follow me.

Thank you very much.

Hollyhock is so preety dear. You sharing very important post. Thank you dear.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you very much.

These flowers are so beautiful sir thanks a lot for sharing have a great day sir waiting for another saturday.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

I really like these flowers are lot sir you are a great asset to our community i am so glad to see you again.

Thank you very much.

This is great photography sir its amazing you always have the best collection loving these color flowers sir.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

It not only brighten my weekend, but also my mind and my soul gets refreshed when i see the beauty of flowers.

Divine-sound prevails everywhere.

Thank you very much.

Have a great weekend Grandfather, your photo shoot are like blessing.
All are beautiful.
Thank you.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

What an amazing photographs sir i am so glad to see this and i am so happy to see you again sir after many days,i was lonely in steemit with out you.

Thank you very much.

Yes price is too low so i buy some steem. I wish steem price will be high as soon. Thanks for sharing lovely information.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it