in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)
Greetings all! I faced a very hectic week again. Our air quality was not very good, in fact labeled "Unhealthy"! Then we received some rain yesterday, which is very unusual for August. I walked around in it to absorb the moisture like my garden. It felt great on the skin. It did not last long, but it did clear out the air. The areas where the fires are did not get moisture, but they did get some "dry lighting" which started a couple more fires. "dry lighting" is receiving a lighting/thunderstorm but the moisture evaporates before it hit the ground.

Let us move on to this week photographs. I chose the title of this post to match this first photograph I took last June when we visited Manito gardens:


Here is another rose. I have so many photographs of roses that I cannot always tell which I posted previously. I know the actual photograph has not been used before because my logo was not on it. My new logo(s) were created by @afrinsultana. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to try a new logo and will use them for this series of photographs. I would appreciate any constructive feedback as to the new logo versus the one I have been using. I will use both logos on the rose photograph. The original one was created by @ikrahch. I personally like them both. Now to the rose:


Here is a Geraneum that was at Manito Gardens. For everyone's information I do very little to the photographs except I will crop a photograph to bring out it's best features and to center it:


I am not sure what flower this next one is or where I took it. Probably I saw it at Manito Gardens.


It seems I selected a lot of pink this week. Must be my mood when picking out the photos. To change things up my final Dahlia bloomed. It is a white/cream colored. It is also 8 inches (20.32 centimeters) across.


This next photographs is a very fascinating flower. I am wondering if anyone recognizes it... I know what it is and will share with all of you what flower it is after I have given everyone the opportunity to see if they know.

So what flower is this:


I enjoy closing out my post with some animal. This photograph I took with my Canon camera (most of photos of deer are taken with one of my game cameras which I attach to a tree, and it is all automatic. This doe I had to stalk to get close enough that I could get a nice shot with my Canon. She has a young one nearby, but I have not yet seen it. She knows when I run fresh water to the tub I have in the ravine behind my house. FYI I also try and bring excess vegetables and even some corn. She usually gets first take on my offering:


I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted. Most of my floral photographs I am using a Marco-lens that came with my camera. For the photograph of the doe I used my 300 mm lens.

Upvotes and resteem are always welcome. In the event anyone wants to use one of my photos please ask and give me credit.


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All photography so amazing. Sir so much for mention...I also like you so are really so kind person.God always keep you and your family happy..dear. @r2cornell
Biggest love for you.♥

Thank you very much. I appreciate your comment!

Welcome dear

This is lit sir 😍😍 beautiful photographs 😍😍 lovely. and weather is awesome at your side great :)

Thank you very much.

This is awesome photography. I love flowers.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

cool photographs i feel really bad to hear that you were having bad quality air i wish you and your family safety May God save you and everyone from bad quality air there which is very unhealthy and bless you with rain of blessing

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

The last two mornings we have had clearer air, but then the smoke moves back in. It is the first ever that our dogs are sneezing and coughing. Birds are not even coming to feeders except for the short period of clearer air. Now we wait for the rains, as do the firefighters. Hundreds of thousands of acres have burned thus far and I believe that is in Western USA alone. British Colombia also has many fires.

Awesome photography dear. Keep it up.

Thank you very much.

Fabulous flowers with a sweet a deer. All photography are so beautiful and the beer was so cute sir. I really enjoy these one.

Thank you very much.

Super photography sir. The red flower just awesome. Awesome photography from our awesome sir.

Thank you very much.

You have an accomplish compositional eye.

Thank you for your contribution!
Good fortune.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

Amazing photography dear sir. You always share with us beautiful pictures. Thank you very much for that.

Thank you very much.

Once again a beautiful photo album sir @r2cornell. Rocking photography sir. Keep rocking.

Thank you very much.

What a beautiful flowers sir. White flowers collection are super awesome. Loved it sir.

Thank you very much.

Just amazing. Amazing flowers and take all flowers brilliantl. Good to see these all flowers and the cuty deer.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

Excellent flowers photography dear sir. I like flowers especially your flowers. I am a big fan of you for your flowers photography sir.

Thank you very much.

Well done Mr. @r2cornell you taken some excellent shot. And If you don't mind I want to tell you something. You mention two account and I think both of accounts are fake and fraud. They are boy and using girls name also want to earning rewards by fraud activity so please be careful. Lots of steemian follow you and your activity so if you support their fraud activity then what are we learning? We follow you for learning something about steemit but lots of fraud follow you for your rewards. They are showing like charity education women work etc. But they haven't enough prove. So please prove it properly. And obviously tell them show their photo with steemit logo and sharing video with their work or activity. Thank you. If I say anything wrong then I am extremely sorry.

The one person I figured was male, the other is a long time follower and has always been honorable. They both did something for me at no cost. I try to be vigilant, and have a long list that I have muted. They may show up to others visiting my blog, but I no longer see them. When in doubt I investigate the best I can. Thank you for your concern.

Sometimes users are labeled wrongly, such as steem moving from one spouses account to another, or some other relative. I myself move steem to and from my granddaughters account, my daughters account, and a non-profit organization that I used to work for part time, and was blogging for them. I always made it be known as to the relationship. Others do not think about.

There are other non-English speaking users who have difficulty with pronouns (he versus she as an example) when they write in English. If they use translation software that may be part of the pronoun issue.

Yes I know that and also know that you doing excellent job for steemit community. So I just want please be careful about fraudulent activity. I notice that they always trying fraudulent activity with you. So that's my request. Thank for your everything to steemit community.

Getting sir! You are a true flowers lover. Most of flowers looking so pretty. Like it.

Thank you very much.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Best photography
Dear sir. You are always good.
Thank you for sharing.

                 - charity.orphan

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Thank you very much.

World class photography from world class photographer.

Thank you very much.

So beautiful flowers and animal. I like deer and you take it very well.

Thank you very much.

Deer looking so pretty. How can you take these one! Because the photos taken very nearly!

Thank you very much. This particular photo of the deer I took with my Canon and a 300 mm lens. I am still learning my 500 mm lens, which would have been too much at this distance. I have a tub of water for them to drink because there is very little surface water this time of the year. I can take the photograph just out my back door. Yesterday I had two that were 20 paces away. I took a photo through my window. Tomorrow's post should contain a couple more fantastic deer photos.

I always make a note in the post of it is taken by my game camera. A game camera is attached to a tree and when an animal walks by it takes pictures by motion sensor. Night shot are based on infrared.

Wow sir. That's great photography collection. You take every picture are so brilliantly. Good to see these lovely flowers.

Thank you very much.

Brilliantly taken @r2cornell sir. You are a great and excellent photographers. Good luck to your future photography.

Thank you very much.

All flowers looking so gorgeous. After see your flowers feeling better now.

Thank you very much.

Wow what a great natural place. First one is very nice. Just loved it sir.

Thank you very much.

You are a rock and taken rocking photography dear friend. Keep rocking.

Thank you very much.

You are a great photographer sir @r2cornell. Once again tremendously taken. I like it.

Thank you very much.

Thank you, Sir @r2cornell for such an awesome photography and article.

Thank you very much.

Wow. Excellent click kn lovely nature. Looking very good. All the best to your future photography.

Thank you very much. And thank you for your kind words.

very great photography sir and your all photographies are wonderfull and amazing.

good job

Hello @r2cornell this is the very beautifull flower photography.really i like it

Thank you

Your photo deserves to be praised as a perfect photography, I salute the posts that you air

Thank you very much

Wow....your dahlia the most charming, I also can find the flower that was been place in your fifth picture, but I don't know what it's names, we usually called it wild flower.
Does it is also have fruit, sir @r2cornell?

Thank you very much

fantabulous collection of flowers sir, appreciated <3 stay blessed and keep sharing

Thank you very much

The beauty of flower color and beauty are various forms of flowers, I really like your posts my brother @r2cornell
Good post

Thank you

Terima kasih juga saudaraku @r2cornell

this is really a beautiful flower show friend @r2cornell.

Thank you very much.

Hiii @r2cornell wonderful photography of nature you shared as usual. The result of your camera is awesome. Very first picture of garden is no doubt beautiful and all the flowers are attractive much. Also at the end with the photograph of innocent animal seems a good combination. and sorry that i am unable to recognise the flower you asked..
Take care and stay Blessed.

Thank you very much. It should not be easy to guess what flower it is. We shall see. I will give it a couple of days and if no one has guessed it I will share. I will edit the post so it is in the main body of the post.

Thanks for reply

I have no words for this, it is simply amazing and beautiful

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello @r2cornell beautiful flowers, roses are my favorite, but today I'm staying with this Dahlia
Thank you for sharing so much beauty.
Happy day:)

Thank you very much.

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Thank you

Everytime I go through the post of yours it sure does feels fascinating

While the entry of the garden looks really beautiful and the flowers does indeed looks beautiful indeed !

The 1st white flower might be Dahlia :)

While have a blast man !

Thank you very much.

These flowers are so special sir as they have inbuilt love from them while they comes from your camera.

Thank You very much.

Beautiful flowers sir i really love them a lot,thanks a lot sir have a nice day.

Thank you

Wonderful and amazing photographs sir i am a great fan of your work.

Thank you.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you very much!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Greetings sir.
I entered your photographic world and enjoyed all the beautiful flowers posted by you and there was a deer there to greet me as well.
Thank you.

Thank you verymuch

It is a pleasure to greet you again Mr. r2cornell, as always his images are spectacular, the initial image I loved and the last one seemed very sweet. The red flower with the white center, looks like family of cayenne or hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), although I can not say that it is a Cayenne, I will try to find out. With regard to the penultimate image, and with which raises the question about his name, I think it corresponds to the flower of the eggplant (Solanum Melongena).
On the other hand, I am glad that the rain cleaned the air a little, and that I enjoyed walking in the rain, it has always seemed a comforting experience, unfortunately, I have not enjoyed that experience for many years. I, like you, had a very difficult week, full of expectations, before what could happen next in my country, really, here in Venezuela, each day is more difficult than the other, we face a new monetary reconversion (as well the government calls it), but in reality it is a new devaluation of our currency, and well, everything is crazy, we do not know how the prices will be from next week, because the measure is accompanied by an unusual salary increase and the dollarization of gas prices, all that translates into an increase in the prices of absolutely everything, because here everything is transported by road, apart from the fact that domestic production is almost nil, so, almost everything we consume is imported, in short, I can tell you, thank God I knew, this community, and has become, in a kind of escape, it allows me to distract the mind, writing about my photos, evoking beautiful memories through s of them also enjoy sharing what users like you, always look forward to see new images share you, really appreciate it. I hope next week will be full of blessings for you and your family.

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Es un gusto saludarlo nuevamente Sr. r2cornell, como siempre sus imágenes están espectaculares, la imagen inicial me encanto y la última me pareció muy dulce. La flor roja con el centro blanco, parece familia de la Cayena o hibisco (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), aunque no puedo asegurar que sea una Cayena, trataré de averiguarlo. Con respecto a la penúltima imagen, y con la cual plantea la incógnita sobre su nombre, creo que corresponde a la flor de la berenjena (Solanum Melongena).
Por otro lado, me alegra que la lluvia limpiara un poco el aire, y que disfrutara el caminar bajo la lluvia, siempre me ha parecido una experiencia reconfortante, lamentablemente, tengo muchos años que no disfruto de esa experiencia. Yo al igual que usted he tenido una semana bastante difícil, llena de expectativas, ante lo que pueda suceder próximamente en mí país, realmente, aquí en Venezuela, cada día es más difícil que el otro, nos enfrentamos a una nueva reconversión monetaria (así la llama el gobierno), pero en realidad es una nueva devaluación de nuestra moneda, y bueno, todo es una locura, no sabemos cómo estarán los precios a partir de la semana próxima, porque la medida viene acompañada de un aumento salarial insólito y la dolarización de los precios de la gasolina, todo eso se traduce, en incremento de los precios de absolutamente todo, porque aquí todo, se traslada por carretera, a parte de que la producción interna es casi nula, así que, casi todo lo que consumimos es importado, en fin, que le puedo decir, gracias a Dios conocí, esta comunidad, y se ha convertido, en una especie de escape, me permite distraer la mente, escribiendo sobre mis fotos, evocando lindos recuerdos a través de ellas, además de disfrutar de lo que comparten usuarios como usted, siempre espero con ansias para ver que nuevas imágenes compartirá usted, realmente se lo agradezco. Deseo que la próxima semana este llena de bendiciones, para usted y su familia.

This is the flower to which I dedicate my post this week


Here I leave the link in case you can visit it and I hope you like it

I opened link and will look at it later.

Supongo que la flor es de berenjena blossum ... no es sino conocer el blossum de la berenjena. Puedo ver el parecido. La pareja de conjeturas hasta ahora está cerca.

Tiene que ser difícil con lo que está pasando en su país, especialmente porque las personas con las que he hablado aman a su país. Siempre es la política lo que acecha al mundo. Me preocupa que nuestro loco presentador devalúe el dólar y realmente arruine las cosas. Sería más que EE. UU., Que la acción afectaría al mundo. Él ya ha hecho un lío de cosas con estos aranceles y la guerra comercial. Las empresas locales ya están despidiendo trabajadores y recortando horas para los que quedan. Algunos están preocupados de que cierren.

Veo a Steemit como un lugar donde la gente de todo el mundo, tantos idiomas diferentes, puede llegar a conocerse sin que los políticos interfieran.

En caso de que quiera chatear en privado, puede comunicarse conmigo a través de Discord. Hay un área pública, pero luego puedes abrir un área de chat privada.

Tengo que irme ahora. ¡Cree que las cosas mejorarán!

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You guess of the flower being of an eggplant is not but knowing the blossum of the eggplant I can see the resemblance. The couple of guesses so far is close.

It has to be difficult with what is going on in your country, especially because the people I have talked to love their country. It is always politics scewing the world up. I get concerned that our crazy presendent will devalue the dollar and really screw things up. It would be more than the USA, that action would impact the world. He has already made a mess of things with these tarrifs and trade war. Local businesses are already laying off workers and cutting hours for those that remain. Some are concerned they will shut down.

I see Steemit as a place where people from all over the world, so many differnt languages, can get to know each other without politicians interfereing.

In the event you you want to chat privately you can reach me through Discord. There is a public area, but then you can open a private chat area.

I have to go now. Believe things will get better!

I think it's an excellent idea to be able to communicate through Discord Mr. @ r2cornell, I'm going to investigate how it's used because I've never used it to chat, so be sure that these days I try to establish communication with you through the Discord . Regards

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Me parece una excelente idea el poder comunicarnos a través del Discord Sr. @r2cornell, voy a investigar como se usa porque nunca lo he usado para chatear, así que, téngalo por seguro que en estos días trato de establecer comunicación con usted por el Discord. Saludos

Este es mi nombre de usuario en discordia: r2cornell # 5314. Creo que es lo que necesitas después de establecer una comunicación privada.

Mi canal de discordia,, debería llevarte al área de chat público y a la promoción de publicaciones públicas.

Lo he usado por un tiempo, pero tengo que admitir que no entiendo todos los aspectos.

Wonderful photographic world...sir @r2cronell....

The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all....

Thank you very much.

"It feels me like I have entered to the world of photography"

Thank you.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Flowers are a great way to express the beauty of this diverse world. It is one of the great creatures of the great Creator, in a word, flowers are always a symbol of beauty. The beauty of flowers influences the human mind very well....

Thank you very much.

Wow Whats An amazing Photography.

thank you

I will keep these photos as your memory sir they are so cute.

Thank you

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@r2cornell sir,wonderful flower and bear photography. The eligibility of taking your photographs is really very nice.IMG_2384-a.JPG

Thank you

Amazing photography and good looking nature. I like first one. The gate looking very awesome.

Thank you very much.

I never saw such wonderful flowers thanks a lot for sharing sir.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

I never saw such
Wonderful flowers thanks a
Lot for sharing sir.

                 - umamaheshwari

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Namaste @r2cornall.. as always whole book of beautiful flowers.. and I also liked the first shot of the green walkway... Its like a key hole :-)

Thank you very much.

Hi my brother @r2cornell, this is my post about macro photography, the hairy spider

really your photography world always best.because every picture you click doing right style.i am always waiting this week for saturday.this rose flower and garden very attractive.i know your are a big master of photography.flower always giving purity and beauty.its main part of symbol of our environment.this animal of deer very awesome.overall want fantastic.its really very heart touching.thanks to sharing for your best knowledge quality skills of post.very well done.take care yourself and best of luck of your great best wishes anytime with you and your family.i want you stayed live long happily in your whole life.keep it up.see you again.sir @r2cornell

Thank you very much.

This is really cool photographs you are a great inspiration sir love the photos you provide.

Thank you

Hi @r2cornell wonderful photography

Thank you very much.

Good morning sir. Hope you are well. I always love your amazing flowers photography. You are such a great man like the beautiful flowers. I always pray to God for your happy longer life.

Thank you very much. And thank you for your kind words.

Hello @r2cornell,

Extraordinary good photography & your photography world looks fabulous.


Thank you very much.

Like in the Garden of Paradise, life feels like peace.
Fantastic photography sir @r2cornell.

Thank you very much.

Very expressive color... It has beautiful combination of different color flower with it.. In green color plant looking so much attractive and fresh.. Its petals are looking so soft.. very touchable... beautiful post of nature's beauty

Thank you very much.

There is no substitute for your photography, because your picture becomes a nice nice, great macro lens, looking at…

Thank you very much.

@r2cornell Hello my sir how are you.very wonderful nature flower photography. I like it your great full post. thanks for sharing your beautiful life sir.

Thank you very much.

Great photo click...sir @r2cornell.....
Beautiful flowers, creation of God and nature.

Thank you very much.


Hello sir, all your photography has been great. This flower color has been very nice. Thank you for these things.

Thank you, and thank you for visiting my blog.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you

Happy Sunday sir @r2cornell. I enjoy your beautiful photographic world. You are really a pure hearted man as always share beautiful flowers photography.

Thank you very much. And thank you for your kind words.

Each flower has unique feature this is just we can able to see when you around with you i can see these flowers sir thank you sir.

Thank you very much.

your photographic world is amazing. Manito park entrance is awesome. macrophotography of flowers is of deer is showing that deer is your pet.nice work. keep sharing @r2cornell

Thank you very much.

So adorable photography. The Rose, Dalhia even all flowers are so beautiful. Specially the deer which is the most innocent and lovely creature in the planet always my favourite.

Thank you very much.

wonderful photography as always. My heart deeply attracts with flowers.

Thank you very much.

Nature is evergreen and beautiful this is a delight to checkout amazing shots on today's blog post :D

Thank you

Beautiful macro photography sir. I like it your every photography. I appreciate your valuable content. thanks for sharing this nature photo...

Thank you very much.

Beautiful work what a wonderful nature i am seeing so happy @r2cornell.

Thank you

Amazing post i appreciate you on your work

Thank you.

This is really cool photographs sir,these are wonderful and beautiful so cute as well sir.

Thank you very much.

This is really awesome great flower photography sir you always brings fresh energy for us,thank you sir.

Thank you very much

All your photographs are really amazing.:)

Thank you

the camera photo photo is very perfect, but this can also be used as a document in the photo, later I will tell you if you want to have this photo, thanks

Love your photographs a lot sir i hope you will recover soon may god bless you.

Thank you.

These photographs are awesome sir i am so glad to see you again @r2cornell.

Thank you!

The entrance was majestic and into the world full of awesomeness great pictures you have clicked great to check this out you made me happy :D

Thank you very much.

Very good luck post@r2cornell

Thank you

You are welcome

Wow..all photography amazing..but this one so cute
i just love your work Sir.. so much for sharing..

Thank you very much.

Awesome combination of pink and white color flower , deer click is also awesome .
Namaste .

Thank you

Awesome green gate in garden and flowers are very beautiful . Keep sharing . Namaste

Thank you!

all this time I was amazed by my father, his father did not know tirelessly in order to achieve better results among the good.
I like the rose postings from my father.
thank you for praying for you to be given strength and health always.all this time I was amazed by my father, his father did not know tirelessly in order to achieve better results among the good.
I like the rose postings from my father.
thank you for praying for you to be given strength and health always.

Thank you very much.

Howdy partner, I'm @photocurator, a curation bot; I keep an eye on the photo feeds, I vote random photos of my followers and at the end of the day I publish a post with links to the best photos. Follow @photocurator to get your photos curated in the future!

All of those picture is amazing. Specially the quality of those picture .. Keep steeming

Thank you very much!

These flowers are so beautiful sir thanks a lot for sharing have a great day sir waiting for another saturday

Thank you very much.

Here we have all moisture and heat in August... God, I hate this weather... I M going to perspire to death....
Very nice collection this week... Although predominantly pink, like you have said. But super awesome, nevertheless...

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much. The rain cleared the air, but the winds shifted and more smoke moved in from British Colombia. So many fires in Western US and Western Canada. Air quality is in hazardous category. I have lived here 36 years and never has it been this bad for air quality.

I have to wear a respirator to go outside. nasty. I used to live where it hot and humid. That is awful...that is why I moved here

Keindahan taman yang indah serta di hiasi dengan bunga bunga yang sangat menarik dan unik sangat cantik sekali saya ingin merestem postingan anda @r2cornell

Terima kasih banyak.

Sama soudaraku,,, saya sangat senang bisa mengunjungi blog anda... Sekali lagi terima kasih banyak.... @r2cornell

wonderful flower photography.looks very beautiful sir.

Thank you very much.

very very nice photography @r2cornell <3

Thank you very much.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@r2cornell Such a great photography done by you! Keep doing and posting!

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

Wao sir very very pricious are a great is more important in our life...very Amazing flowers......Flower is the reproductive part of a plant that produces seeds..plants that produces flowers...Experience a natural approach to floral are also called bloom...Flowers play an important role making the life of a human being more cheerful and happy..thanks for sharing...

Thank you very much.

You are welcome