in photography •  5 years ago  (edited)


Greetings all! I trust everyone has had a good week.

On Tuesday my daughter and I went to Manito Park and Duncan Gardens in Spokane, Washington. It had rained that morning so the humidity was higher than we are used to, but it was a beautiful day. We spent at least 5 hours walking to the various specialty gardens and through their greenhouse. Besides all the great exercise we got, there were so many flowers to enjoy, and of course take pictures of. My daughter started using a macro lens for the first time and the above flower is one of hers. This flower was found in their greenhouse, and I believe it is a double Begonia.

Someone recently asked if my photos are "touched up". The only thing I do to my photos is to crop them to eliminate some of the necessary items that may take away from the photograph, and I crop to center the subject.

I did not have time this week to do a mid-week post so I am posting this Friday morning my time.

I debated whether to use the above photo as my first one or to start with a rose. It was a toss up, because which rose would I choose to be first? And I thought the first photo above was wonderful. But I decided to put the following rose second:


My daughter of course took the next photograph, which turned out to have one of the gardens as a nice background


I want to include the following photograph that I got from one of my game cameras. Because of the lighting I could not crop very much. This little one is only a week or so old. It has been a long time since I have seen one this young. You can barely make out part of my house in the upper right hand corner, to give you an idea of how close to my house this was taken. This does had her young close by and I had been watching her this year, figuring she had a young one close by.


Next up is a Zinnia. My mother loved Zinnias. She said it was one of the few flowers that had flowers also in the center.


I saved this last one until the end because I was so impressed on how it came out. I have others from the plot I found this one that I will share in upcoming posts.


This brings us to the end of the photographs for my weekend post. I hope you find at least one item here that you enjoy. I was able to get many photographs this week to add to my portfolio.

I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted. My daughter uses a Canon EOS Rebel T6.

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@aid.venezuela continues to do an excellent job. Here is a link for @aid.venezuela's recent Fundition Program:!/@aid.venezuela/7kvlw6ot4

Whether you do a donation or go to their blog post the money is used to help their fellow citizens.

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I shared previously @socialbot, which is a bid bot, raises money for @schoolforsdg4, and eventually additional social programs. You can use their bid bot or delegate to them. I am doing both.
Their link is

The following campaign is underway for "Crowdfunding Campaign for Our Weekly Fruits Program and Monthly Lunch Program"!/@schoolforsdg4/n3onxnpik

They are making progress toward their goal, although even after achieving their goal the need will still be their and many time Fundition will continue to collect monies.

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@zaxan is the founder of @aid.venezuela. I was lucky enough to be chatting with @zaxan as he was pulling @aid.venezuela together. I had met @zaxan previously (maybe a year prior) when he warned me about someone from or claiming to be from Venezuela. The charity they were trying to convince me donate to did not exist. I had not decided to donate when I was given the warning.

Currently @zaxan has done a wonderful job with @aid.venezuela, although they will continue to need support such through the steemit community to help children and the elderly, until their internal issues are resolved.

I am providing this short background information to lead into a Fundition program "A request for support for my design work on the blockchain" by @zaxan.!/@zaxan/9ip1vvj57

This project is to raise money to purchase a a computer. He has been able to save some of the money for this purchase. He does graphic design work to help support his family and to do the work he does for @aid.venezuela.

You need to read about this Fundition campaign because for certain amount of donation he is offering his graphic design skills. You can read about this by following the above link. You will find what a certain donation will make you eligible to receive. You will find this information under rewards on the right hand side of your screen.

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As usual I would like to list a few charitable users that I try and support. I include them as partial **beneficiaries** of my posts. It is a small amount that they will receive, yet each is doing a lot to help people. Please check out their blogs and support them in anyway you can.

Another charity program has come to my attention. I am currently gathering information. This program is located in Africa, and I have a messages sent to the person I believe is the founder. It is a school for poor children. Once I am comfortable with the charity, besides donating myself, I will share information here.

Some I have supported for quite awhile, while some are newer.


Each of these users have a unique service they provide and I applaud their good work. Thank you for considering them.

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i liked your image with the camera hehe
nice shot grandpa

Thank you very much.

Very beautiful photographs Grandpa.

Thank you hon.

Have a great weekend, love your new profile pic

Thank you very much. Thought I needed a change with the profile photograph.

Wow these pictures are really incredible. Flowers are really mind refreshing I love to see these photographs.

You are also looking amazing. You are cool personality.

As you are so creative in photography I suggest you to use #creativecoin tag do you can earn some token andalso have a look of your Steem engine wallet there is an airdrop for your from creative coin.

Thanks. I staked tokens and joined their Discord. Server. There were users there that i knew. Was not sure if photography was accepted and found out it was.

Hello sir @r2cornell, nice to meet you again. as usual you display lots of beautiful flowers. I prefer roses as the first flower.

when I see your photo, I smile and feel amazed, because this is the first time I see you very clearly. you look really cool sir. I also like to see the park behind you. it looks really beautiful. surely there are lots of beautiful flowers. hope your days are always nice sir.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much.

I like the bambis that were near your house, the flowers are also very beautiful but my favorite is the zinnia, near my house there is a company that has a zinnia garden.

Thank you. I am glad you liked the deer. Zinnias come in so many colors, and they make a wonderful cut flower for a vase.

end of post graphic.png

Gracias. Me alegro de que te gustara el ciervo. Las zinias vienen en muchos colores, y hacen una maravillosa flor cortada para un florero.

Fabulous Clicks of beautiful flowers all are just incredible, you are looking great sir have a good day to you

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

First and second flowers images so impressive. I really like to these micro photography. Have a nice weekend.

Thank you very much.

So many beautiful flower there. Especially you were smart guy. Deer so innocent. I love all of your photography collections.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

I like your pictures, Sir. All are beautiful.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much.

Lovely flower sir, if your daughter used the micro lens for the first time n if this is d result, then I must say that photographic skill is spot on. Both the flowers are epic. Thank you . Have a nice weekend.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Yes my daughter has great artistic abilities in many areas, so I am not surprised at how she did for the first time.

  ·  5 years ago 

I love flowers and this photographer. Your picture looks like a hero.
oky ,it was a great photography . i have some photography . i will upload soon.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

I look forward to seeing more of your photos

  ·  5 years ago 

tomorrow i will upload my photography

Espero igual haya tenido una excelente semana @r2cornell de verdad que pasear y disfrutar al aire libre por lugares como esos parques debe ser una experiencia única, algún dia nosotros aqui en Venezuela podamos tener sitios donde estar en contacto con la naturaleza, realizar ejercicios y enseñarlas al resto del mundo. Tenga usted un maravilloso fin de semana

Gracias por visitarnos y por sus comentarios. Esperemos que llegue el día en que tengas lugares tranquilos para estar en contacto con la naturaleza.

Wow it's very nice photography my dear friend @r2cornell
You have great day

Thank you very much.

Nice flowers

Thank you

@r2cornell omg very nice photo clicks , I like the pink one very much , the petals are very clear visible and looking very beautiful. Keep up the good work dear. @adityajainxds #thealliance

Thank you very much. I appreciate it! For the pink one the credit goes to my daughter. I only cropped it to make sure it was centered. She was amazed by her first attempts at Macro-photography

For you, we can see pictures of many beautiful flowers and see some great photography . These flowers are very beautiful . When you share flowers with us, we see an extraordinary photography. I have now started using various tags in my post such as palnet, neoxian, creativecoin . Please see my blog.


Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Glad to hear you are using these other tags. One post goes to multiple platforms. Those of us who upvote comments here on steemit make it so you can earn more than you could on steemit alone. Creativecoin is new to me and I had already posted before I realized I had CCC. I did an edit but looks like it has to be in place when you first post.

Everyone should be using those tags, especially neoxian and palnet. Whether they know it or not they are still earning there.

Before I forget even at a 20% upvote here on neoxian city my vote has more of an impact because of the amount of NEOXAG I have.

I just saw your photo post on creativecoin. My vote did not count. I looked in your wallet and you have 1000CCC that have not been powered up. I am wondering if that is why my vote came up NaN.

Power it up. They are doing another airdrop and you may have to have the first staked to get more.

Sir, just now I stake my 1000 ccc but my neoxian token is 000

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much for your information . I will do it soon


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The 20% upvote here amounts to $0.13, while on Neoxian it amounts to $0.462. With the 50:50 split you still make more. My next post the creativecoin tag will work. It will not pay as well as as neoxian city because I have so much more tokens there and have no plans to delegate any of it. But there should still be earnings. Adding it all together it should help a lot of people grow and earn more.

A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love, and the steem community thrives with your posts and your help. Thanks for everything you are doing.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I like your choice of words @zammie

Hey. Photos, as always awesome. The question is, how is your crop of black and red currant this year. We have no harvest in Latvia and onions, too. In the season of onion ripening, the price is under 2 euros per kg. Although potatoes must be born, because it rains.

Thank you. I currently do not have any currants growing. It should be on my list for future purchase. This year I have a large crop of plums. Two varieties. The one variety usually does not set fruit due to frosts when they are in bloom. My potatoes and onions are doing well, but too early to tell how productive. This year I am going to have a great crop of beets. I have not had any for the past couple of years.

Glad you enjoyed the photos

Sir @r2cornell, this very interesting photography. Even though there was a debate about picture which became first, second, third and so on. I really like everything. The most thing I like again here is the way you tell all this, flow like a water. Thank you for this inspiration. God bless you sir

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Thank you very much. I appreciate your words.

Very good that your daughter started with macro photography, it's great for flowers, and the first photo you chose is very successful, it looks very delicate.
Retouching photos is not a negative thing, on the contrary, they can be improved a lot by balancing lights and shadows. Anyway, the photos look great as they are.
Very beautiful the photo where you appear, the garden in the background is a beautiful frame.
Greetings :D

Thank you. Someday I will learn more of my photo editor and try a few of the things it offers.

Your photo collection always talented. Why I'm telling that? These are very beautiful and colorful.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Greatings sir @r2cornell. Really amazing flowers photography. I also enjoy your photographic magic. Have a nice day sir, God bless you.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

O wowww such a beautifull flowers and amazing photography ❤️:) share your post on my blog :)

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

I was anxiously waiting for his tour of the garden and I loved every one of the photos captured. The rain made the rose look very bright and highlights that beautiful color.

Have well over 1000 new have plenty of photos to work with. Happy you enjoyed photos.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you very much.

1st one is amazing sir, I think this is a rose.

Thank you. Its is a beauty.

A most needed incentive to start the weekend. Really tiring over here.
I love your T-shirt. I think I'll have a similar one made. Beautiful background.
A dream garden.
I also liked the picture after the deer. Interesting how around the red (fucsia?) petals tiny yellow flowers decorate even more.

Thank you very much. My daughter bought me the T-shirt. I Love it

That daughter of yours is a treasure. She nailed it with that present :)

Beautiful garden. The flowers looking so beautiful. Amazing.

Thank you very much.

Good to see an actual photo of yourself among all those beautiful flower close ups :) Excellent way to start the weekend indeed. Enjoy yours. And feel free to join my latest photo contest. You did amazing in the last round with your butterfly shot. This time, the theme is reptile photography.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

As always, your flowers are beautiful. Now is the time to enjoy them, looking at them I want to believe only in good. Thank you for your elevated mood.

Thank you very much


Wow...what a brilliant title you selected. I'm completely inspiring before read your post. Such a beautiful garden captured your photo. Whole area so beauty. Flowers captures so brightness. Have a great weekend.

Thank you very much. Glad you liked the title.

You are looking good man

Thank you very much.

I always, a poem for our eyes!

Thank you. Well said

Wow! They are extremely gorgeous flowers! 😍 Thank you for sharing it with us.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much.

Looking awesome @r2cornell beautiful shots too looks like the weather too has been great there thanks for sharing these amazing shots now i can feel a bit more relax :D

Thank you very much.

Beautiful flowers. Colors are very attractive .

Thank you very much.

beautiful photos 😍😍😍👏🏽

Thank you very much.

Just awesome pics. Thanks for sharing. Namaste

Thank you very much.

I love this post very much. The photos are beautiful, you chose well, the first one is beautiful, I love its color and its petals.
and the wonderful park. I want to see more pictures of the park should have many beautiful photos with a lot of variety of flowers.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I have between 1300 and 1500 photos from this excursion. Some did not come out but will have plenty to keep my posts going and enough to get through the winter months. So stay tuned

wao, how cool, I'm sure I'll enjoy every picture !!!

Lovely flowers . Thanks for sharing . Happy weekend . Namaste

Thank you very much.

All the photos are fantastic and hallucinatory.
The shot from above of the first rose is a fantasy.
Zinnia first time I see her, she is very beautiful.
Thank you @r2cornell for all the support humanity.
May God continue to bless you with your beloved family.

Thank you for the visit and the kind words. Zinnias are fascinating flowers. I have quite a few Zinnia photos that I took that day. So I will have more to come

Wow excellent photography sir @r2cornell.

That deer is so dear to me.

For the first time I can see your full photo and you are a pro-photographer as always. I love that Zinnia as I have also grown Zinnia at my home also. Love you sir and wishing great health for you and your family.

Thank you...steem on and stay blissful....

Thank you. Zinnias are wonderful view. Glad you liked the deer photo. Wish I could have taken the photo with my Cannon, but then the mother would probably not brought her young one in if I were too close.

Wow so lovely flowers . it is really look and sir your very smart .this is excellent photography
thanks you sir
Have a nice day.

Thank you very much.

oh! wonderful photography. nice sir

Thank you very much.

Beautiful flowers @r2cornell.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank You!

All photos are very nice looking and attractive.

Thank you very much @syedshakil. I appreciate it. Also welcome tom my blog

Sure Sir, I will visit your blog your blog is very interesting.

Really amazing Sir, I got surprised after saw the capture.

Thank you

After a long time I am browsing your blog page Sir and its again an excellent feeling to take look on your shots and I think I can also see you with your camera.

All the flowers are really looking beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for visiting. Glad you like photographs

Grandpaa @r2cornell, you are looking handsome today.

The flowers are just awesome and your blog is one of the ways to see the weekly flower shots of a different variety. But I believe as now so many tribes are in place now in this Steem ecosystem, at least you should post twice a week.

Thank you grandpaa, namaste

Thank you.

I am hoping to getting back to posting twice per week. I have more of my SP back and seem to be recovering my voting power quicker. On neoxian city I am not concerned about running my power low.

Nature is so beautiful and you always capture the amazing beauty of it through your posts m loved it sir @r2cornell
Have a great weekend ahead.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much. Hope your weekend went well.

Really beautiful flowers. I prefer the red one.

Thank you very much.

A few days ago I saw your new picture. I know you took seven days to post one. It's great to see you and the garden of flowers behind you.

Hi, @r2cornell!

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)