不知為何,總喜歡黃昏快要完結那種落寞的感覺, Obsessive with the moment when sunset just about to end

in photography •  8 years ago 

有時候自己一個人沒事幹,朋友家人都忙著,自己一個在家呆到累,就會趁黃昏時走出去,有人覺得落日很悲涼,但我正正喜歡那時候的太陽不刺眼,令周圍的氛圍染得淡淡紅色, 很寧靜, 自己一個走著走著,就自然慢慢沿著自己腳步回想往事,靜靜思考一下以後的路,究竟是自己想走的路還是滿足社會的期望。There is a time when I am alone and my friends and families are too busy with me, plus I feel bored at home, I go out for a walk. I will choose to go out during sunset time. Someone think that is dreary but I particularly like the sun at the moment of sunset, it is the gentlest time. Surrounding becomes pink and quiet.

走到海邊,吸口氣,享受昏暗陽光底下的感覺,寧靜而不寂寞,這種是會令我暫時忘記煩惱的氛圍。是不是只有一條正路,別的都是歪路? 我不相信, 命運是掌握在每個人的手中,你不控制她,她就會操縱你,狠狠地。我深呼吸, 撇開胡思亂想。
Reach the waterfront and take a deep breath. The temperature is just perfect, warm and comfortable. It is the feeling which can make me calm.

夜幕慢慢下垂,寂寞感開始侵蝕寧靜,我討厭這種感覺,是時候回家了,我知道家人在等我,這是我唯一走下去的動力。The night finally comes. I hate the loneliness which starts accumulating against the quietness. I know it is time to go home, the only place where I feel absolutely secure.

勇敢一點,路一直都在。Let go!

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