Raptor nest

in photography •  5 years ago 

I found this nest at the top of a pole just off the main road about 30 minutes from town. I don't know what species they are. I've seen birds like this fishing off the coast before but never this close. I went home to get my camera and went back to get a few shots. I'm glad that I did because I initially only saw two in the nest but when i returned found 3 in the nest and another closeby on a tree top. There is also a second (empty) nest just down the road a bit so i suspect there are more in the area.


It amazes me how it can sit on the very tip of that branch. I can barely balance on one leg.

Please leave a comment if you can identify the species, I would really like to know more about them.

I'm a (very) beginner photographer so I still let the camera do a lot of the work. Any advice for these early morning outings would be apreciated.

Photos are taken by me using a Cannon T100. Unedited.

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Hi Rezlems,

Those are Osprey. I am lucky enough to see them regularly fishing near my home. I even saw an eagle steal a fish from one once. Maybe you will get some more cool shots of them soon!

Happy shooting ;)

  • Kelsk 🍻

Thank you for the information. I hope to get some more shots of them too. I am going to try closer to the sea in hopes of seeing them fishing.