in photography •  7 years ago 

Hello Everyone!
Today I have prepared a few facts about a lovely Spanish city located on Tenerife.


ABOUT Santa Cruz de Tenerife :

  • largest of the western islands in the Canary archipelago.
  • Capital City:
    -full of black beaches , luxury shops , birdsongs, fountains , galleries , museums,
    -filled with palms and trees - it is truely green paradise, amazing place to explore and relax
  • The Port of Santa Cruz:
    -takes up almost the whole of the city coastline,
    -is the biggest harbour in Spain,
    -important for the cruise ships which visit Tenerife from around the world
  • The Carnival of Santa Cruz :
    -The best time to visit Santa Cruz is in carnival time in February.
    -is the biggest carnival in Spain , the second biggest in the world after that of Rio de Janeiro
    -popular and meaningful one that it is being considered for UNESCO World Heritage status.

    [All photographies taken by myself ]
    To next time!
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Amazing place @riina .. actually your black and white photo so good i loved it :)

I am so glad ! i love b&w photography and have always big fun taking such photos.

oh i will think about it :)

I hope to be soon there...

I have never been in this area. Your beautiful photos are very inspiring to go there.

I love the images how you capture it @riina