Dark Forest

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)


This image I took in a dark forest during a misty season. I like the darkness and creepyness of this image =)

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great photography love it

Oh super its nice

Where is this place

This is the great one shot! It's not horrible as your followers says but it's an artistic piece of good photography. 😊

wow amzing I see like this picture only in movie like Harry Poter , Nice shot man

Your posts are very good buddy @rockz, I like to post mu.semoga you more successful.

wawoow thats superb amazingly done siR!

What a nice shot? I didn't visit forest yet but I took some images of wild garden which was in front of Museum. I'll share today.

BTW, your all photography admirable! Keep On! :)

amazing you are a great photographer and as always you have deep thoughts in your photography... <3

Darky forest , nice stuff mate, have you visited the forest for this , or this was unintentional ?

Na I visited the forrest for a picture like this. I always go out with a picture in my mind which I try to take.

That is a photographer mind which always keeping his view up in his mind... great stuff :)

It looks like the horror movie scene.I love dark and alone places :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh! You dOn't fear darkness. I liked lonely and peacfull placess. I'm always astOnished by a forest. It makes me realise that the fantasy of nature is much larger than my own fantasy. SOmetimes darkness in silencse feel sOo relax..
Every time I have some mOment on a seashOre, or in the mOuntains, or sOmetimes in a quiet forest, I think this is why the envirOnment has to be preserved. :)

Moody :)

Wie in einem düsteren Märchenwald.
Sehr stimmungsvoll.

nice photography ... can you tell me you capture this photo

great picture thanks for sharing

and I took misty night foggy night

Wow, that's awesome!

yours also :)

Wow i adore the darken background look great wonderful shot im phorographer too feel free to take a look at my works in my blog

As if you are watching a horror film, a beautiful shot

The color of the sky with darkness showed the picture a beautiful view
good photo sir
you are a great photographer

Very niceeeeeee...please can you vieew and upvote my blog

A frightening image that terrorizes the uncommon soul to live in the wild forests
Thank you
good night

great picture thanks for sharing

Beautiful! To me it looks magical!

confused! is a day or night?? or even evening, good capturing

it was about 6 or 7 PM :)

@askmee hey can u go through my pics too?

I really like the mood of this picture! It's so dark...

great photographic skill rockz.
look at my new photo. it is also of environment showing trees and all.

Deep picture its really wonderful shot

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Omg.. How you stayed there.. Its horrible.
I cant stay dark places even i cant turn off my light at night.. I am kind of darkness afraid lady..
It has another meaning that you are very brave

haha im afraid of the sun :D
The darkness in a forest and the silence are kind of hypnotic ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hypnotic.. Yeah its like that.. But my senses cant afford such hypnatism.. I am good with light..
But why you afraid from sun?

Haha, it was just a joke :) Im not afraid of the sun. I just enjoy winter and autumn over summer =)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hmmm.. I thought you are serus.. Haha.. But how you can be.. Only vampires hate sun and they are only in tails.. You are kind of blood giving not taking..Here summers are tooooooo hot and long.. From april to october season is hot.. May, june, aug. Omg you cant imagine how we suffer, no electricity 12 to 18 hrs load shedding, no A.c.. And even now natural gas they also stop for hours.. Hahhhhh
Now again no light..
Yesterday night light goes this time at 4am and came at 2pm in the noon.. Then again went after one hr..

Wow, sounds harsh. Where are you from?

Its famous among world i think.. From a small city of pakistan..
Here load shedding is a big issue..

In winter situation somehow better but in summer it become worse.. Winter was better till few days ago.. Since 4 or 5 days again it is causing trouble

Will you please tell me one thing.. Dnt know whats time there on your side but almost 12 hrs ago steemit stopped working and again started after 9 hrs.. It is daily routine here in pakistan .. 12 hrs ago means round about 5pm to after 12am.... I wana ask are you facing same problem or not? Is this in our country or whole world? Not working means we cant post comment upvote balance addition etc type all things during this time.. Only read articles even cant follow..

from where in pakistan?

amazing like always ...

creepy it is! but i definitely love how it appears to be a mystery, for me. this type is one of the photos which i love to use as my wallpaper :)