[DAY 11-13] Does one's journey ever come to an end? | MELT2017 - M4H

in photography •  8 years ago 

Watching the evergreen grey asphalt surrounded by wide woods to both of its sides, hitting the road leading to a new adventure.

One could think nothing has changed over the last 14 days. I am sitting in the same coloured bus . Just the direction I am facing is different now. I am going south. Oh, and I could use a warm bath.

But what happened during the MELT? Way too much to put it into words but I'll give it a try.

Days started with a refreshment


And ended under a giant disco ball


In between we offered some open air DIY colouring-


and stencil workshops in front of the "Glücks-Kiosk"


Furthermore, we modified our space day after day


To offer something new for each visit


We made new friends


and adopted Angie in her role supporting Oxfam


Who always had a keen eye on our visiting friends


Party people who turned night into day are enjoying the precious sunshine at the beach

In a Neverland inspired scenery


Meanwhile at the festival site


Human ecstasy was brought to its fullest


And woods got all shiny


Ready for the final rave


Although some of mentioned above just happened 20 hours ago it feels like there's a lifetime in between today and the day before.

Changing settings changes mindsets.

The next time we'll be reading from each other I am going to be in China. Unbelievable! I am looking forward to that even though my head is unable to wrap itself around the idea of being in other country soon.

See ya and thank you for Being!


Mein Abenteuerurlaub auf Ferropolis ist zuende.

Schon sitze ich auf rollenden Rädern Richtung Süden. Eigentlich wollte ich erst morgen nach München, aber da hatte ich ja auch noch im Kopf dass ich Mittwoch fliegen würde und nicht schon morgen.

Pläne ändern sich.

Nach 14 Tagen intensiv Lebenscamp braucht mein Kopf ein bisschen Erholung. Hoch komplizierte Sätze zu bilden, die den Leser auf ein Abenteuer nehmen, muss warten.

Für den Moment wird die Geschichte der letzten Tage in Bildern erzählt. Die sagen ja eh viel mehr als Worte.


Mit diesem melancholisch angehauchten Bild der schwimmenden Inselkonstruktion von heute morgen bringe ich die Geschichte in Ferropolis zu einem Ende.

Ab Donnerstag liest man sich dann aus China.

Ich freue mich total, meine Gedanken sind jedoch noch bei dem braun gefiederten Habicht, der gerade im Gleitflug an einer Partie Fichten in Richtung Abendhimmel vorbeischwebt.

Schön, dass es dich gibt!

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wow that's was really fun..i wish one day i could get the chance like you. Great and nice adventure!! @rootingrobert

I wish you the best to make your wish come true @tieuhong. The human existence hits it's epitome by the experiences one is able to live through. May yours be most fullfilling! :)

Great idea, nice result !!!

Thank you Ingrid! The time spent there was marvelous!