
in photography •  5 years ago  (edited)

Today went through my girlfriend's memory card and found some old pictures of my gerbils taken by me. These two cuties were my "model boys", brothers, the most beautiful gerbils which I have owned. Especially that grey one was really peaceful and social gerbil who climbed to hand or shoulder if it was possible. They liked all treats that made easier for me to take photos of them.

It's funny how so small animals can take your heart. I think in that life situation which I had couple years ago they were really meaningful for me. Watching their daily activities bring some peace to my days. I must say watching these photos made me miss them. After all, a lot changed in my life and it seems time as gerbil owner will end soon. I'm not going to get new young gerbils to life with older gerbil. She left alone when her sister passed away in this week. Hopefully she will get new home soon. However, gerbils are really beautiful and funny little animals and they will always be in my heart.

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Aww they are such cuties :3
Really nice shots by your girlfriend!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

@celestal Thanks, they are :3
Actually these shots are taken by me, I borrowed her camera and we had common photography session, she was imporant "assistant" for me like watching where they're going and other things like that :D

Omg! I want them...not these wild dirty ones in my wall...

@whatamidoing Haha, I understand :D