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@ruth-elise I hope, you are okay? Miss your presence on steemit.

Hi dear friend! That's really sweet of you to say that! :)
Everything is okay, I've just been so busy with work lately, but it's getting better soon and I look forward to posting again. I'm changing jobs atm and this month I've been working at my old job and also got into the new one which is so much better. I'll be writing about it soon I guess. I hope all is well with you. I really enjoy your posts, I find them so unique and inspiring. Thanks again for thinking about me :)

Ohh I see and understand. Happy to read, that you´ve got a new job which is much better for you! May you do well and not that much stress during the changing! :)
Thank you for your kind words again. I did not expect them, but I feel really flattered.
Anyway, waiting for you, my friend.

Is that the sun shining through the trees? Beautiful!

Yes. It is :) thank you☀️