Steemit Photography Guessing Game #5: Up to 15 SBD Prize!

in photography •  8 years ago 

So here's the next quiz.
The first one to recognize what it is, will win the prize.

The prize will be 5 SBD if the post gets to 10 SBD
The prize will be 10 SBD if the post gets to 15 SBD.
The prize will be 15 SBD if the post gets to 20 SBD or higher.
Winner will be declared within 10 hours.

May the odds be forever in your favor :)


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rust ? mildew ?

CORRECT! :) it's rust :) 5 SBD to you my friend :)

A rock? Maybe Granite?

Haha! Great answers. I think its a piece of burnt toast! Lol

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

A time lapse picture of a part of a cosmic nebula.

wood with resin

Resin on wood

A rug

Its a carpet, probably from a lounge :O)

It's a meteorite

Macro of a Red Granite Stone

Red granite is a variation of pink potassium feldspar abundant granite, where the k-feldspar takes on a redder than pinker colour. Also, you can get red colouring from iron oxide in hematite grains or inclusion within feldspar, essentially the same process that makes rusted metal ruby red coloured.

Nope, but thanx for the awesome explanation :)

food mold.

burnt spaghetti sauce on the stove

Weird shroom ? Or mud ?

tree sap on bark

This... is a picture. And what is a picture you ask? A picture is a photo and photo rhymes with solo. Solo means to be alone. Alone is pronounced Al-one almost as if they're trying to tell us something... what they're trying to tell us is A1. A1 is a steak sauce. Steak sauce can turn dry steak into great steak. You know what else is dry? The desert. And what's the largest desert of all? The Sahara which is located in Africa. Now, stick with me here... Africa is pronounced, "A-Fricka" just like "Ahh I Frickan stubbed my toe in the doorway." Well boys and girls, what is a doorway? A doorway is the safest place to stand during an earthquake. On 3/11/11 Japan was hit with a massive earthquake. Remember that number = 31111. Anyways, japan is home to Tokyo. Tokyo rhymes with Romeo as in Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare. Shakespeare was a writer. What do writers do you ask? Writers write books. Books are knowledge and knowledge equals power. "With great power comes great responsibility" - Uncle Ben from Spiderman. Who is Spiderman though?... does anybody know? Well I do. It's TOBY FRICKAN MCGUIRE!!! Yeah that's right. Toby Mcguire is an actor. Actors are in movies and movies come from hollywood. Now, get this. Hollywood is exactly 311.11 miles from Las Vegas. Yeah. Vegas is the world center of gambling. Gambling rhymes with "bling, bling" like rappers like to say while they're showing off there gold chains. And what is gold? The perdiodic name for gold is AU. Like AUstralia. Now, Australia is home to Koalas, Kangaroos, and all other sorts of creatures. Last night I did a thousand hours of research trying to figure out what makes AUstralia so great. I finally found out what it was after 674.83 hours of no sleep last night. You see, Australia is a country, a continent, and an island unlike any other place in the world. Australia is the land down under. Can't you hear can't you hear that thunder? Well I can. They mean thunder as in Oklahoma City Thunder. The basketball team. Basketball is a sport. LeBron James is a basketball player. For who? The Cava-FRICKAN-liers! The Cavs are in the NBA. The National Basketball Association. Or does it mean the Niagra Bellyflop Area in New York? Well New York is home to the Empire State building which was once ruled by King Kong. King Kong is a giant monkey. You know what else is giant? Jacks beanstalk! Bean...Stalk. As in stalker. Stocker rhymes with Stocker as in stockbroker. A stockbroker trades stocks. Like trading baseball cards. One of the most valuable baseball cards involves Babe Ruth. Babe Ruth is also a candy bar. So with that being said I have finally come to the conclusion... that this is... a... Smushed butterfinger candy bar. MIND BLOWN.

LOL thank you for this amazing mind f*ck, it's 10 minutes of laughing :)

Good. Now give me your frickan money -_-


In all seriousness though, how did you get this picture of my grandpa's toe fungus?