Hello, my dearest friends! Of course, the festival was organized and exhibition of medieval weapons.
What is there just was not.
The kids were even allowed to measure all these armor, armor and armrests...
Although some were able to raise not only swords, but also the sheath.
I think that such a long sword was quite easy to pierce just two offenders. I have them and the frame does not fit, feet will :-)
Many adults also could not resist. All were photographed and tried on medieval armor, chain mail and helmets.
We saw here and powerful convex cuirass, like in the old days were Spanish conquistadors in the period of development of the New World.
The first time we saw and amice cloak with a hole in the middle for the head. In the movies it is in such clothes to wear of the knights Templar, Hospitaller and others.
We stopped at a bladed weapon. In addition to swords and swords, there were different axes, shields, various tips and blades, axes and whips.
Children strove to hold or at least touch everything. So many different questions were asked, it was possible to go crazy.
Each sword or dagger was decorated with a kind of ornament, stamp or coat of arms. And on the scabbard, too, were all sorts of medieval attributes.
Thank you for your attention and visit. I appreciate your feedback and comments.
I wish you luck and have a nice day!