Sometimes the camouflage that usually protects insects fails!

in photography •  2 years ago 

When insects that rely on hiding pick the wrong place to land, they no longer blend in. I suspect that their vision systems don't see color like ours.

Here is a moth hiding in plain sight:
I moved this one out to a tree after this picture was taken.

Out at the homestead this guy showed up:
If the blue barrel was brown, this insect would be well hidden!

Different breed of walking sticks:
They tried to hide on a piece of OSB plywood, a little better than a blue barrel; but not much....

I found this guy on my driveway concrete:
They are about 2.5 inches long, and live for about two weeks; after growing underground for 7 years.

Larger view:
They don't hide well this way!

Here is the hole one of these locusts dug out of, after a 7 year sleep:
Not a very good piece of real estate, but the rent is cheap. I wonder why the ants don't eat them up?

Interesting that really good camouflage, can stand out so well on a poor choice of backgrounds. Something to remember when making a Ghillie suit, for SHTF use! Also a spider hole might be good to have as a final fall back position, might be a good place to store that Ghillie suit....

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