Starting here

in photography •  9 years ago  (edited)

I enjoy piecing together narratives and I thought I would share some photographs, stories, and experiences. I'm going to start in college. This is a photograph from my freshman year dorm room, looking across Lake Union in Seattle at Mount Rainier at sunrise. It was taken with a little Canon A75 that I got for Christmas. No editing or filters or anything (not that I think the photo is that great - just trying to set the stage). 

This was in early January 2005. I had spent my first term taking computer science, calculus, and a Native American studies class. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, but I felt that the Java programming class had been so much easier for other students, so I decided to opt out of pursuing computer science. I didn't realize at the time that many of them had been programming for years. To be honest, I was sort of miserable my first term or two in college. I didn't like Seattle or UW at the time, wasn't interested in the frat/party scene, and had a hard time meeting people with similar interests. For winter term, I signed up for general chemistry, matrix algebra, Italian, and English composition.

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dont give up. make plans beyond your immediate environment. keep in mind that your attitudes / perspectives / vibrations will draw similar circumstances into your life, ron

Thanks @getonthebus. I'm now a doctor, and my goal here is just to piece together a little of the narrative that got me from point A to point B since it's been a 10 year journey with a lot of riveting experiences and amazing people along the way.