Editing Your Photos #7 - Accepting Submissions

in photography •  8 years ago 

Editing Your Photos #7

Accepting submissions


It's been quite rainy and warm here so all the snow has melted and nothing has compelled me to go out taking pictures of mud and what else. So I thought I'd try to edit someone else's photos again :D

Some thoughts:

  • maximum of 2 photos per user
  • whatever the subject or theme, but nothing controversial, offensive etc
  • edited photos will be posted in my next post
  • only post original photos
  • let me know if you have a specific wish what to do with your photos
  • the edited photos are yours to use :)
  • I will pick a winner too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The winner gets 50% of the earnings. This post and the reveal.
    Who's likely to win? I don't know. With whose photo I have most fun.
    Post you images in the comments. The bigger the better. RAW formats would be awesome :D

    Happy posting! :)

    Check out my other posts @sulev

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    Here you go, I took this picture in "El Nido". What do you think?

    And one more for you - one my my very fav I took in Thule, AFB

    Cant wait to see the edits...not even sure if are necessary =)


    Thanks for the images! I'll do my best.

    This is a simple park in Hamburg but I think you can do something better with it.


    anyone else?? Last call! :D