two garden butterfly videos and galleries from aceh (Bilingual)

in photography •  6 years ago 





Jangan ke mana-mana, terus nikmati, binatang unik dan langka, yang saya tunjukkan di posting blog saya @sultan-aceh

do not go anywhere, continue to enjoy, animals unique and rare , which I show in my blog post @sultan-aceh

Anda bisa melihatnya di video yang saya tunjukkan di atas, semoga terhibur.

You can see it in the video I showed above, hopefully entertained.

Lihatlah galeri foto yang saya tunjukkan di bawah ini :

Take a look at the photo gallery I show below :

Galeri Photo  Photo Gallery 1.png


Gambar 1 ( Figure 1 )


Gambar 2 ( Figure 2 )

semoga apa yang anda lihat di video ini, bisa bermanfaat bagi semua steemian, agar kita bersama-sama membangun tumbuh di komunitas Steemit.

hopefully what you see in this video, can be beneficial for all steemian, that we must together build a grow in a community Steemit.

Terima kasih telah mengunjungi dan melihat fotografi dan video di blog saya

Thank you for visiting and looking photography and video on my blog

@sultan-aceh, siapa pun yang memberikan komentar bagus dan panjang,
menurut gambar posting, untuk mencegah terjadinya SPAM Komentar di STEEMIT
Anda akan mendapatkan upvote bagus dari saya.

@sultan-aceh, anyone who gives good comment and long
according to picture posting, to prevent the occurrence of SPAM Comments in STEEMIT
you will get a nice upvote from me.

salam @sultan-aceh

regards @sultan-aceh

• Camera Photo Handphone Samsung J3 - 2016
• Camera Video Handphone Samsung J3 - 2016
• Location Indonesia forest - aceh
• Videographer @sultan-aceh
• Photographer @sultan-aceh.



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Love butterflies, this one is beautiful @sultan-aceh

hai @xpilar

you come here again ...

yes @xpilar
I had guessed
surely you like it
thank so much @xpilar

Very beautiful butterfly.. your captured are great

hai @davidad

thank so much ok
hope you are fine there @davidad

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I am fine... bedside crypto that is bleeding..

Seekor Kupu-kupu yang hinggap diatas sebuah Bunga, Begitu menikmatinya dalam menghisap setiap Inti sari Madunya, dengan Kepakan sayap yang lemah dan Lunglai, Pengambilan photo yang sempurna dan Gambar Vidio yang sangat bagus menandakan sebuah Profesional dalam Bidang Ini, terima kasih telah berbagi @sultan-aceh dan @xpilar dalam Vidio dan Gambar

A Butterfly perched on a Flower, So enjoying it in sucking every Essence of Honey, with fluttering wings and Lunglai, Perfect photo taking and excellent Vidio Picture signifies a Professional in this Field, thanks for sharing @sultan-aceh and @xpilar in Vidio and Images

terima kasih @helmibireuen

haloo @alfan ingin mengikuti Kontes @xpilar yang ke 10
Terima kasih untuk @xpilar dan @ sultan-aceh yang telah menyelenggarakan kontes ini lagi, semoga kalian berdua terus sukses dalam kontes ini atau dengan hal lain.
Saya mengikuti # xpilarcontest, dalam kontes ini saya akan menjawab gambar nomor 1
Dan saya akan mengirimkan link di bawah ini
Saya telah meninggalkan komentar di posting @ sultan-aceh, saya telah reestem, upvote posting dia dan Anda
Inilah kontes terbaik @xpilar dan @ sultan-aceh terimakasih telah menggagas kontes ini, mudah-mudahan saya bisa mendapatkan salah satu posisi kemenangannya: D
from @alfan13

Hi @alfan13
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

Saya ingin mengikuti #xpilarkontes hasil kerjasama tim yang bagus untuk gagasan kontes.
Sesuai post #xpilarkontes
Setelah mempelajari gambar maka jawaban @adnan-mp gambar no 1
Dan saya telah meninggalkan/membagikan post @sultan-aceh dan @xpilar dan upvote.
Terimakasih semoga dewi fortuna memihak kepada saya dalam kontes kali ini.

Hi @adnan-mp
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

m following #xpilarcontest
The corresponding answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1 (figure 1)
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, i have received, upvote, post him and @xpilar

Hi @emisuhaimi
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

Thank you @xpilar and @ sultan-aceh for choosing me one of the #xpilarcontest participants
May I be one of the winners
I will always follow @xpilar and @ sultan-aceh

Terima kasih untuk @xpilar dan @ sultan-aceh yang telah membuat kontes.
Saya ingin mengikuti # xpilarcontest,

dalam kontes ini saya akan menjawab gambar nomor 1 sesuai post #xpilarkontes
gambar nomor 1 jawaban yang tepat

Saya telah meninggalkan komentar di posting @ sultan-aceh, saya telah reestem, upvote posting dia dan Anda
kontes terbaik @xpilar dan @ sultan-aceh terimakasih telah menggagas kontes ini, mudah-mudahan saya bisa mendapatkan salah satu posisi kemenangannya: terimakasih kepada #xpilar kontes.

Hi @boile
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

I'm following #xpilarcontest


The answer that fits the #xpilarcontest puzzle with this post image is picture no. 1

I have re-steemed, upvote posting him and you

Hi @arfah
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

I really hope to win this contest.
Hopefully I am one of the champions.
Best regards @arfah

I'm following #xpilarcontest
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no.1
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote posting him and @xpilar

Hi @alfisyahrin
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

I'm following #xpilarcontest
The corresponding answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1 (figure 1)
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, i have received, upvote, post him and @xpilar

Hi @syamsud
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

sebelumnya, saya tidak sanggup menahan kata2 bahwa postingan ini sangat bagus...

Saya harap anda tidak bosan2nya membagikan foto animal lainnya seperti meu -ru-a (Meurua)(biawak, ind), kalau anda bisa mendapatkan potret meurua dari jarak dekat maka saya katakan anda hebat dan layak menjadi kurator @sultan-aceh

Bisakah anda melakukannya?

meurua payah tajak to krueng ile hehehehe
hai @fadhilaceh

Menjadi KURATOR bukan niat dan tujuan saya di STEEMIT
tetapi keberhasilan dalam berkomunitas di dunia Steemit yang ingin saya bangun
apakah saya, teman dan teman yang berkomentar di akun blog saya sudah berhasil dan berguna bagi Steemians yang masih pemula

jika belum .... pikirkan sekali lagi ....
mari bersama sama membagun Komunitas Steemit

Being a CURATOR is not my intention and purpose in STEEMIT
but success in community in the world of Steemit that I want to wake up
whether me, friends and friends who commented on my blog account has been successful and useful for Steemians who are still beginners

if not .... think again ... @fadhilaceh
let's together build the Steemit Community

Regards @sultan-aceh

Luar biasa.... Saya kagum dengan jawaban Anda, mudah-mudahan banyak steemians di negeri ini berpikir sama, jika memang benar maka kita akan menjadi hebat bersama meski tidak menikmati hasilnya bersama. nyoe meunan @sultan-aceh?

Extraordinary.... I am amazed with your answer, hopefully many steemians in this country think alike, if it is true then we will be great together though not enjoy the results together. is it like that? @sultan-aceh?

please sent my best regard to @xpilar

Hi @fadhilaceh

Hai @

Ingat ....
@ sultan-aceh dan @xpilar
menjadi teman seumur hidup
di dunia nyata dan komunitas dunia Steemit

jika Anda melihat apa yang kami lakukan
lakukan di Steemit .... @fadhilaceh
berarti Anda akan tumbuh bersama @ sultan-aceh dan @xpilar dan para profesional Steemit lainnya.

Remember ....
@sultan-aceh and @xpilar
be friends for life
in the real world and the world community Steemit

if you see what we do
do it, in Steemit @fadhilaceh
means you will grow together @ sultan-aceh and @xpilar and other Steemit seniors.

Ragards @sultan-aceh and @xpilar for you @fadhilaceh

@sultan-aceh and @xpilar, I have recently had issues with my posts, including low upvote values, previously my posting is pretty stable and I'm confused why recently upvote value has gone down? but in my opinion, my post was and is still the same. Is there a solution? @sultan-aceh and @xpilar. Or maybe you have a hashtag or any posts what should I publish? thank

If Steem earns value on the stock market, you will also see that the value of your post increases.
It goes with the course up and down.

The same goes for your upvote

ooh iyaaa.. saya senang mendengarnya.. semoga saya bisa mengikuti jejak anda @sultan-aceh dan @xpilar.

Bagi saya menjadi steemian bukan hanya untuk mendapatkan bayaran, namun bagaimana memancing diri sendiri dan orang lan untuk menulis dan terus saja menulis hingga mereka lupa bahwa mereka sudah menghabiskan waktu untuk hal bermanfaat di steemit

ooh iyaaa .. i'm happy to hear it .. hopefully i can follow your footstep @sultan-aceh and @xpilar. For me to be steemian not just to get paid, but how to lure myself and lan people to write and keep writing until they forget that they have spent time on things that are useful in steemit

I'm following #xpilarcontest
The corresponding answer from post @ sultan-aceh is picture no. 1 (figure 1)
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, i have received, upvote, post him and @xpilar

Hi @mfaisalyusuf
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

Thank you @sultan-aceh and @xpilar for my chance to follow #xpilarcontest
I'm waiting for the next contests.
I always follow @sultan-aceh and @xpilar.
regards @maisalyusuf

I'm following #xpilarcontest
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no 1.
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote posting him and @xpilar


Hi @wadynoer
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

Saya mengikuti #xpilarcontest
Jawaban yang sesuai dari post @ sultan-aceh adalah gambar no.1
Saya telah meninggalkan komentar di posting @ sultan-aceh , saya telah kembali steemed, upvote mengeposkannya dan @xpilar

Hi @fadhilaceh
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

I'm following #xpilarcontest

A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture figure number 1

I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote his post and also @xpilar


Hi @fianna
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

Answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no.1
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote posting of @sultan-aceh and @xpilar also.

Hi @rakib505
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

I'm following #xpilarcontest
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no.1
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote posting him and @xpilar

Hi @beritabola
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Kupu Kupu yang menawan @sultan-aceh

I choose figure number 1 for @xpilar contest bit of Image part 10


Hi @ericha
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

Once again Thanks @sultan-aceh, hope This SBD will be mine :D

Cantik bang @sultan-aceh kupu-kupu jih, suka koleksi animal ya bang @sultan-aceh.. Hehe

terima kasih @bellaputry
ya ... senang mendengarnya

Hehe :).. Sukses terus bang

wonderful photography and awesome butterfly.i love butterfly. just nice one

I'm following #xpilarcontest
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote Posting him and @xpilar

Hi @mr-on
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

I'm following #xpilarcontest
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is Gambar 1 ( Figure 1 )
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote posting him and @xpilar

Hi @birrex
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Wonderful butterfly photographs @sultan-aceh. Butterflies are looking different from videos and photographs. Photographs are looking more nice and colorful than video. What is the name of this flower?

thank so much @mdfahim

You are welcome @sultan-aceh

They are collecting honey from flower looking so beautiful.Butterflies are symbol of love @sultan-aceh

thank so much @rakib505

Welcome @sultan-aceh

Bellas me encantan y el video hermoso, gracias por alegrarnos la tarde con esta bella naturaleza.

thank so much @yosicrespo

A tu orden cariño, siempre al pendiente de tus post, me encantaria que me dieras tu opinion en mi ultima publicacion sera d gran apoyo para mi contar con tu punto de vista. Saludos

Hello @sultan-aceh

I'm following #xpilarcontest
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote posting him and @xpilar

Hi @rablo
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

I'm following #xpilarcontest
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote posting him and @xpilar

Hi @rendo
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

I'm following #xpilarcontest
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote posting him and @xpilar

Hi @rafli
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

I'm following #xpilarcontest
The corresponding answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1 (figure 1)
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, i have received, upvote, post him and @xpilar

Hi @nantha473
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

Ini pendapat saya mengenai postingan anda (@sultan-aceh) tentang "dua kupu-kupu di taman".

Sebenarnya alam sudah menyajikan pemandangan yang menarik dan indah kepada kita semua, namun sering kita tidak menyadarinya. Dan Tuhanlah yang menciptakan itu semua, hendak kita selaku manusia menjaga kelestariannya agar dapat dinikmati oleh generasi berikutnya. Nah, dari gambar diatas bisa kita lihat bahwa ada dua kupu-kupu yang lagi hinggap dibunga yang ada ditaman. Bukan tanpa tujuan dia berada disitu, tapi karena ingin menikmati manisnya nektar yang dihasilkan dari bunga tersebut. Akan tetapi ada beberapa jenis kupu-kupu yang tidak suka menghisap nektar dari bunga, dia lebih suka menghisap pada buah-buahan. Sehingga kehadiran kupu-kupu disuatu tempat itu dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan bahan makanan. Namun pada gambar diatas kupu-kupu tersebut lebih menyukai untuk menghisap nektar dari pada bunga. Kenapa dia melakukan hal itu? Ya, diakan juga makhluk hidup sama seperti kita manusia, yang membutuhkan makanan untuk bertahan hidup dan juga berkembang biak.

Itu saja dari saya, terimakasih @sultan-aceh telah membagikan postingan kepada kami. Sukses terus.

## best regards from @helmidvllen

**English language**

It's my opinion about your post (@ sultan-aceh) about "two butterflies in the park".

Actually nature has presented an interesting and beautiful scenery to all of us, but often we do not realize it. And God is the one who created it all, we want as humans to maintain its sustainability in order to be enjoyed by the next generation. Well, from the picture above we can see that there are two butterflies that again perched on the existing flower garden. Not without purpose he was there, but because he wanted to enjoy the sweetness of the nectar produced from these flowers. But there are some types of butterflies that do not like to suck nectar from flowers, he prefers to suck on fruits. So that the presence of a butterfly in a place that is affected by the availability of food. But in the picture above the butterfly prefer to suck nectar from the flowers. Why did he do that? Yes, also living beings just like us humans, who need food to survive and also multiply.

That's it from me, thank you @ sultan-aceh for sharing our posts. Continued success.

## best regards from @helmidvallen

terima kasih @helmidvallen

Terimakasih @sultan-aceh

Very beautiful butterfly .. Your photographer was great in your captivity

wow! beautiful butterfly.
just amazing.

terima kasih @rimon24

Benar benar unik dan menarik apalagi warna motif abu abu putih sangat jarang episies kupu kupu ini kita lihat terutama di daerah aceh,

terima kasih @zaim4d1

Terima kasih untuk @xpilar dan @ sultan-aceh yang telah membuat kontes.
Saya ingin mengikuti # xpilarcontest,
Dalam kontes ini saya akan menjawab gambar nomor 1 sesuai post #xpilarkontes
gambar nomor 1 jawaban yang tepat
Upvote and Re-Steemds

Hi @kimki
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

Fotonya bagus bang, semoga difoto selanjutnya bisa diambil dari beberapa sudut yang berbeda 😊

terima kasih @shafwandi

Foto yang sangat terhibur..

terima kasih @kamalsaputra

Hewan adalah makhluk yang bebas. Mereka tidak serta-merta akan menampilkan ekspresi yang bagus setiap saat. Jika menemukan hewan yang menarik perhatian Anda, cobalah luangkan waktu untuk mengamatinya dan terus mengawasinya sampai sang hewan menampilkan ekspresi yang menawan. Dengan meluangkan waktu untuk mengikuti sang hewan, siapa tahu, Anda bisa mendapatkan wajah menarik yang tidak terduga.Selain itu, pada hewan yang tidak mau bergerak sama sekali, mungkin Anda bisa mencoba kembali di waktu lain, atau nantikan saat waktu makan hewan. Untuk mengambil foto yang bagus, Anda harus segigih mungkin seperti paparazzi.Juga penting untuk mengambil bidikan yang banyak sekali. Kemungkinan hanya ada momen sekilas saat hewan menunjukkan ekspresi yang bagus. Jangan takut untuk mengambil banyak bidikan, atau bahkan lusinan bidikan pada sebagian kasus, di satu lokasi

terima kasih @mustaghfirridwan

Foto yg sanagat menarik

terima kasih @mhdrisky

saya membaca postingan @xpilar, dan dia menyarankan saya untuk melihat postingan anda @sultan-aceh. dan saya memilih photo nomor 1 untuk kontes @xpilar.

Hi @rahmads
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum @sultan-aceh
Sebuah pemandangan yang biasa akan indah jika di tambah kan seni foto.
Saya berfirasat anda sangat dekat dengan alam liar. Dengan kata lain anda seorang petualang.

@sultan-aceh terus lah berkarya agar nama Aceh harum.bejithe ban Sigom Donya.
Lewat steemit tanyo brithei Aceh nyo. Ken lah primitif.
Salem ACEH ke bangsa lua

get @rajaaceh

terima kasih
senang mendengarnya

salam juga untuk anda @sultan-aceh

Kira2 Nye tapakek bendera Aceh bak Poto DP ek jet ke masalah @sultan-aceh

Selamat malam @sultan-aceh. Saya sudah menjawab gambar no 1 pada postingan @xpilar. Saya juga meninggalkan pesan pada ppstingan anda no 1. Semua rulesnya suda saya ikuti. Terima kasih

Hi @eastwadi
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

Its an amazing photogrphy from @sultan-aceh . Good work keep it up .
Stay blessed steem on👈

terima kasih @syedkashifhussai

Nice picture, yang saya lihat pada gambar diatas adalah penggambaran suatu keindahan binatang yang di ciptakan oleh Tuhan.
Tapi dalam hal ini saya juga mengikuti kontes yang dibuat olwh @sultan-aceh dan juga @xpilar tentang menebak teka-teki gambar.

hai @onenagari

jika anda ingin mengikuti kontes
no berapa yang anda tebak.

disini belum tersebut
mungkit anda lupa, segera isi no. ... berapa

salam @xpilar dan @sultan-aceh

Good morning mr @sultan-aceh, I @junsusukhairi from Naggroe Aceh Darusalam want to follow the competition New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10" To participate, I have Re-steemed and upvote mr @xpilar contest and and mr @sultan-aceh blog. From the puzzle image competition that mr @xpilar show


I have found an image that matches the one in your post mr @sultan-aceh in figure 1 (figure 1).


I have found the picture and have commented in your post mr @sultan-aceh and I would like to get your agreement to continue this competition to post contest Mr. @xpilar. Come together for success at the mr @xpilar contest. Thank you so much mr @ sultan-aceh.

Hi @junsusukhairi
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

Hello @xpilar and @ sultan-aceh at this time I joined to join #xpilarcontest hopefully this contest is fun for all participants.
let me choose a different picture that is number 2.


Thank you @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I have meresteem this post.

Hi @syehlah
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 2

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

Thank you @sultan-aceh

very good post @sultan-aceh
I am @rajarimba really like your post, because I also include animal lovers. maybe you can visit my post, just to see it.

thank @rajarimba

Hi @sultan-aceh, good afternoon.. This afternoon I participated in the #xpilarcontest you created with @xpilar. I've done resteem, upvote and leave comments on post @sultan-aceh and @xpilar. I give answer on number 1 (figure 1)

Hi @iebalgamge
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

Assalammualaikun tgk @sultan-aceh, pue haba?
Terima kasih untuk @xpilar dan @sultan-aceh yang telah bekerja sama membuat kontes ini untuk membatu kami yang masih kecil.

Setelah saya melihat video dan gambar yang ada pada blog ini, kemudian saya pelajari dengan seksama, saya memutuskan untuk mengikuti #xpilarcontest.
Dan inilah entri saya untuk kontes ini.
Saya memilih dan menjawab gambar nomor 1.
DQmaZt1Y2PPx5JXJkdFLDzN85G6J4teBtBWkbLd98nLtk4A.jpg di ambil dari blog @sultan-aceh
Terimakasih banyak.

Hi @sofianmbs
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

Kupu-kupu yang berada di atas pohon yang layu. warna dan bentuknya sangat indah.
saya jadi tertarik dengan kupu-kupu indah itu.

terima kasih @syehlah

Ini adalah foto yg sngat menarik

terima kasih @dennygunawan

I'm following #xpilarcontest
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote posting him and @xpilar

Hi @mausuh
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

I'm following #xpilarcontest
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote posting him and @xpilar

Hi @audymacro
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

I'm following #xpilarcontest
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is Gambar 1 ( Figure 1 )
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote posting him and @xpilar

Hi @alamjaya
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

I'm following #xpilarcontest
a suitable answer from Post @sultan-aceh is Gambar 1 ( Figure 1 )
I have left comments on Post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote posting him and @xpilar

Thanks @sultan-aceh

Hi @fahzi
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

I'm following #xpilarcontest
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote posting him and @xpilar

Hi @imakam
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

I'm Following #xpilarcontest
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is gambar 1 ( Figure 1 )
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have re-steemed, upvote Posting him and @xpilar

Hi @girang
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 10"

You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1

hopefully be a winner

Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh

Kupu yang indah dan unik sedang menikmatai madu ditaman nan indah. Good @sultan-aceh, seperti nyanyian kumbang kumbang di taman jangan kau menghisap madu yang ada pada ku. Ha ha ha

terima kasih @boile

Posting yang sangat bagus teman.saya menyukai nya teman.

terima kasih @imrans

Saya menyukai foto anda @sultan-aceh , karena foto ini terlihat bagus karena anda memotretnya dengan momen yang tepat. Dimana kupu-kupu ini sedang membuka sayapnya. Bisanya susah mendapatkan momen ini, kerena kebiasaan kupu-kupu akan menutup sayapnya.
Videonya bisa menjadi bahan regleksi bagi peneliti pemula dan siswa.

terima kasih @mfaisalyusuf

I love butterflies. it's beautiful photography.

terima kasih @muhammadkamal

Beautiful photography thanks for sharing..

Wanderful photography @sultan-aceh

thank @bgreza

amazing @ sultan-aceh,
I realize that being the best photographer is very difficult, and I salute you, the pictures of all the animals you share are perfect.

thank @syamsud