Recently i went outside to take a few pictures of different plants and textures for my sisters art degree, they looked pretty cool so i thought id post em here!
Heres a really crusty tree trunk
Heres some bamboo (or Bambuseae for u nerds)
Heres a giant leaf (ulmus alata as per google, but this is rather big for a ulmus alata)
And heres a cactus
more cactus
its a climber( google says its a chinese plum tree so yeah, not gonna google anymore)
Its a clover (only 3 leaves tho)
Its coconut tree trunk
doggo fur
some random flower
god fruit from naruto

a bush from fortnite (they made it into a real thing!!)
tiny leaves (so cute)
Leaves with skeletons
More climbers
A wild finger (and some leaves)
more leaves
those leaves u saw a while ago but a bigger picture
moss (is this loss?)
tiny mushrooms
Papaya tree trunk
more tree bark
tree bark and something weird in the middle
more tree barks
more tree barks
![tree bark 10.jpeg]
weird tree branch thingy
more leaves