Thoughts, Words and Photos (Twenty Seven)

in photography •  7 years ago 

How we look at the world affects us much more than the events of the world itself and no matter how bad things get, how we approach them fundamentally shifts the way we deal and, the way we recover or are harmed.

One of my favourite movies is Life Is Beautiful, written, starring and directed by Roberto Benigni. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it but since it is over 20 years old now, I think some spoilers are okay. It tells of a Jewish father and young son who are sent to a Nazi concentration camp and instead of subjecting his son to the harsh realities of the existence, he made a game out of it instead with the goal to survive. Framing is important and can fundamentally change a persons life path.

I heard of a study that looked at survivors of the concentration camps of World War 2 and there were two distinct groups, those that were damaged by the experience, and those that were released. The difference between the two groups were that one saw themselves as victims, the other as survivors. There were large differences in life experience past their release based on this. The victims were bitter and largely lonely and depressed, the grateful enjoyed life and had healthier relationships. Again, framing matters.

We often play the victim, lay blame and feel helpless by circumstance but how often is it true and how often could we reframe our position and make the most of it by turning events and experience into learning and strengths that we can later call upon? Can we come to terms with our negative situations by reformulating circumstance and repositioning how we think and feel about them?

I don't mean to avoid it through illusion or delusion though as that only ends in a fog of half-truths. What I mean is to understand the values of the experiences even when it is hard, painful and tears at who we are. Can we take an event that burns us to ashes and use what we have learned to rise anew, become a phoenix, become something altogether different, and better than we were prior?

I think it is possible, I may even know a little about it through my own limited experiences. It is impossible to compare though, except with the self between what walked into the fires and who walked out the other side.

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I am constantly telling my kids that someone else can't decide their mood. They will come home grumpy or sad and they will say "it's so and so's fault I'm like this".

My response is that others can't decide our mood, only we can. It's our choice how to react to the actions of others.

These are trivial things compared to what the Nazi's did to those in the camps, but trying to give kids the right mindset to deal with the world is important. I will not raise victims nor will I raise entitled brats...another topic that seems to plague the world today.

It's amazing how by 2nd or 3rd grade my oldest really started getting the point. Now she still has things happen, but she takes them more in stride. She also has learned if one person is being mean that it's probably not about her, but rather something at home or something that happened to her earlier in the day.

My youngest probably learned this a little earlier, but but she had a great example with her big Sister.

BTW, Amazing Photos!

I agree with you. It's something that every parents should do. Like my mum used to say: you will always have to live with the wolves in life. Never let them break you, don't become a wolf and never play the victimized sheep.
That lesson have stayed with me as a growing teen and into adulthood. Everyday I have to deal with people who wants to devour those they can, but I never let that breaks me. Keep teaching this to your kids and you will be surprise at their rate of maturity and responsiveness.

I will not raise victims nor will I raise entitled brats...another topic that seems to plague the world today.

It feels like both sides are taught at the moment

It's amazing how by 2nd or 3rd grade my oldest really started getting the point.

People seem to grossly underestimate children. Although I don't agree with the practice, in some countries the children are working at very young ages. Terrible yes but an example of ability to be responsible. In Finland, an eight year old can't be trusted to make a sandwich it seems.

You can get an idea of what an 8 Year Old can do in the kitchen with proper guidance. Have another post with her making Steak fajitas with me the other night which will be coming up. She does all the prep work now. But I know people that went away to college without the knowledge of how to make Mac N is that possible??

My kids help with my businesses and they are learning valuable skills. They are learning that life isn't a handout. They are also both invested in LTC at this point with money they earned this past summer doing odd jobs for neighbors. So they are learning about investing and the value of not spending every penny they earn.

As an Existentialist teenager (2 and a half decades ago, now) I found sustenance and inspiration in Nietzsche’s radical embrace of suffering:

“To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities — I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not — that one endures.”

I still agree that attitude is a kind of alchemy & can turn muck into gold. Only, now, in my middle age, I prefer the quieter acceptance of suffering that mystics advocate.

‘How will your mirror be polished’ asks Rumi ‘if you complain at every rub’

This is the sort of position I aspire to, now, a kind of radical acceptance and gratitude (of what is necessary) and the insight/discipline to utilize even hardships to best effect.

Thanks, for your reflections, @tarazkp. I hope mine make sense in context. 🙏🏼

Only when one has suffered enough will they ask, is there anther way?

I think at this point, one begins to wake up.

V. true and then, hopefully, transformation

This is the point of no return Kafka speaks of.

Your skills at handling both the ink in the camera and the ink on paper always amazed me. This is quite beautiful.

There's a story of Jephthah - a Biblical character - who was pursued from his father's inheritance because he was a son of a harlot. Most people would have allowed that to break them but not Jephthah. He went on to start his small family and build himself up to become a warrior. And in the days to come when his brethren were under attack they have to run to him to come save them. Truly, situations do not make us, it is what we make me them that define us.

People always strive for something in life, others are judgemental about it, we decide the wrong and right and we decline the paths over paths.

We often play the victim, lay blame and feel helpless by circumstance but how often is it true and how often could we reframe our position and make the most of it.

I used to be a victim of this, it's so unfortunate how we fail to notice that by putting ourselves in such position we always can't be able to help ourselves or rather influence a change in our own lives.
Thanks for these posts, they tune postive attitudes into us.

You are always welcome here @tesaganewton

One's own perspective is indeed the major influencer on how we perceive the universe around us.

I enjoyed your post, it is a good quality to have, being able to take a step back and evaluate the situation in a different light.

I also agree, that keeping a positive outlook can lead to eventual outcomes that are positive in nature, as perceived by the viewer, instead of negative outcomes for someone who always thinks negatively.

La vita è bella its one of my favorite movies, altough is sad one.

We often play the victim, lay blame and feel helpless by circumstance but how often is it true and how often could we reframe our position and make the most of it by turning events and experience into learning and strengths that we can later call upon?

That has been my nem way of seing life for the last couple of months, essentialy not to blame others and think what i could do better. Off course, there are situations that the blame are from others, but others i could have done things better to have a different outcome.

Strength does not come from sucess and always winning. I believe struggles and hardships develop our strengths and help us improve.

If we were to write autobiographies, they would be filled with stories of our overcoming adversities.

The difference between the two groups were that one saw themselves as victims, the other as survivors.

Yeah I quite agree with you.
I've seen retired personnel at age 60 setting up new businesses that became a house hold name.

I've seen widows, widowers (I mean aged ones) falling in love again and rekindling happiness.

I've seen losers picking up their lives and starting afresh.

You are never too old to try something and succeed in it.

How you see yourself is who you really are.
What you say to yourself is really what your mind, brain and energy acts on.

I can't agree more with you @tarazkp.
Thanks for sharing


Yes..It is possible to live a life with its full potential after going through hardships.But as you pointed out,it is the perception one carries that determine whether he/she should live a happy life.To those who have gone-through near-death experiences,the grievances we glorify to sky may appear silly.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The difference between a failure and a winner is perspective ...

The man who fails sees failure as the end but the one who wins sees failure as the beginning of his comeback story , he sees failure as an obstacle to be overcome, he doesn't let failure define his life he continues to move on because to him, failure is only a stepping stone.

Now these are the two different kinds of people we see in life. Those who chose to feel sympathy for themselves and wait for others to feel sympathy foe them as well and those who dust off their butts and keep moving. Knowing that what has happened is past and should be put behind them.

The way we see circumstances defines tells whether we will succeed or fail in life.

failure is only a stepping stone.


The way we see things really matters. Your attitude towards everything defines you. Some people see the glass as half full, some as half empty, the point is, the glass can be refilled.

Your opening is definitely in alignment with thoughts I've had on my mind this week. I move in and out of smoking cigarettes and right now I'm on the quitting train again. The main reason I'm quitting is that with the nicotine in my system and smoke in my lungs, I don't sleep as well and the my overall agitation skews the world in a negative fashion.

What I keep in mind when I'm feeling physically uncomfortable is that the meaning everything I experience has is a reflection of myself. Pain is pain of course and tragedies will always be difficult, but how I respond to those events will define the meaning that the experience has to me.

It is quite a thin line the difference between responding to something for what it is in a positive way and closing your eyes pretending it isn't even there.

Last thought, if you haven't read "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl, check it out. I wouldn't be surprised if the movie you described was loosely based on his book.

Take care fellow Steemian!

Pain is pain of course and tragedies will always be difficult, but how I respond to those events will define the meaning that the experience has to me.

This response to difficulty is where we find out who we actually are in my opinion.

I learned a lot in life with not so pleasant experiences, but I am glad I got them. I would never been the same without, even while it was a hard period. Live will never be perfect and you need the rain to appreciate the sun! Happy Chinese New Year! 🎆 🎆

@tarazkp I am impressed by your thoughts ....winner or losers its just the prespective of what a person thinks for eg when I was new to steem I used to write post and after not getting proper response used to hurt me ...But now my thinking about this has changed ie from now I just feel that this is just begining of wonderful journey

I think one of the most relatable examples of this is professional sports players who can find themselves losing a game, even by a wide margin, and they don't give up. They still believe they can use their skills, talents, and abilities to overcome the obstacles in front of them. Even when they lose, they seek to learn from it and make the previous failure a building block on which they build their future successes.

It's something that all of us can work on. There are always going to be things that happen that we don't like. The important part is our response to the hard times.

These photos are amazing!

Oh, and the article wasn't too bad either :)

Cool pictures.

I have no idea of this thing that happened but I was astonished how you presented this. This gave me a knowledge how it feels like. Thanks for sharing though. Anyway, I really like how you took the photos. (y)

Wow.....excellent story, nice photography, amazing post, thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing i will done upvote I always see your post. And follow you

How were you able to read that post under one minutes?

the photographs here is so deep and detailed that i didnt realise but i ended up with watching it for 3 mins continuously @tarazkp

It is all a matter of perspective I agree with you here totally. And I have watched the movie more than once it's really piece of art. I'm sure I'll be watching that movie few more times in the future at least.