One EV: a solar powered electric vehicle capable of driving 800 kilometers

in photography •  8 years ago 

According to the developers, tests of an electric car One EV should be completed in 2018

It would seem that the creation of an electric vehicle using the energy received from solar batteries for the movement is an extremely logical step in the development of this automobile industry. This is true, but only the development of this vehicle is fraught with a lot of technical limitations. But, it is quite possible that nevertheless the idea of ​​realizing the idea will be realized by Dutch company Lightyear. Their auto One EV will be able to recharge from the energy of the Sun right on the run.

According to the developers, tests of the electric car One EV should be completed in 2018, and the market entry is planned for 2019 already. In addition, the owners of such cars, living in countries with a lot of sunny days, will be able to drive for months without having connected the car to an external charging station. The capacity of the Battery One EV is 130 kilowatts per hour, which is enough to overcome the distance of 644 kilometers without taking into account the makeup from solar energy. Thanks to the possibility of charging right on the road, the car can drive up to 800 kilometers without stopping. There is still no information on the type of batteries that will be used in One EV. But, most likely, they will prove to be something similar to the batteries used in the Tesla models.

The car itself is a four-wheel drive sedan, and solar panels are planned to be placed on the roof and car trunk. By the way, make a preliminary order for a car One EV is already available on the website of Lightyear. The cost of this vehicle is 119 thousand euros for Europe, or 137 thousand dollars for the United States. Delivery directly to your home. However, only in 2019.

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Very nice post, congrats 🎊