Balcony or closet?

in photography •  6 years ago  (edited)

On my bicycle this afternoon, I passed this building and my attention was attracted by the balconies; mostly used by people to store their bicycles and stuff, instead of making it into a nice place to sit and relax...

I corrected the perspective and the color a bit in Photoplus X8 to give it a bit more "power", and a bit of a more oldfahioned look. A bit more "romance" with a warmer color..

here is a screenshot of the original photo:

The use of the balconies as closets goes on and on as can be seen here:

There are 4 of these buildings next to where I live, and they are rather big.
On some balconies people park even scooters or motorcycles..

And this is true for all four of them.

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Obviously their flats are crammed up with stuff hence they turned the balconies into garages.That is the uncool side of urbanization.

Thats what we call the updown of life depending on where u c it

Nice post vjbasil

awesome photography you are so creativity.

Depending on where we see it, if we see the good side we will have balconies, if we see it on the wrong side, it will only be a closet.


Every man with different perspectives.


wow dear you are a great graphic designer.

Excellent photography dear vjbasil.

This is a excellent photography.

obviously this photographyy is a so wonderful.

very nice place

Also nice dear