What Are Your Weekend Plans?

in photography •  7 years ago 

Hey There - It's Friday!

Got any big plans for the weekend?


Why not go on a trip?


Take the kid!


Or just close your eyes and dream yourself someplace else.


Don't panic. You're almost there.


Do you work a regular Monday through Friday schedule?

I know it's rare these days. Jobs are scarce, and lots of people work from home.

But if you do have the weekend off, how are you celebrating it?

Try and make it something great. Remember - summer isn't going to last forever!



Unless otherwise stated, photography is the work of the author. Feel free to copy, remix and share photographs from this post according to the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike 4.0 International license.

Camera divider and signature illustration by @atopy.

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'summer isn't going to last forever'....music to my ears ;)

I guess I am replying too late for this. However, I spend the weekend at home watching tv and sending job applications. Boring isn't it?
Next weekend I'll go to the capitol city, Phnom Penh, for some fun and trying to network to get a job somewhere.
ANd you? How was your weekend?

We all need a little bit of boring sometimes. I hope you feel well rested!

I worked on Saturday - and took another batch of pictures. Sunday was all about naps and writing up posts for the coming week.

Friday yes yes !!!! Two more hours for me and than svushhhh..
Well, movies, walk to town with a friends and Sunday lazy afternoon with some movies...Who want's more :)

Sounds like a relaxing change of pace. Enjoy!

I work from home (freelance translator), but weekdays are always busier - lots of e-mails to answer, etc. And tonight I'm hosting a free belly dance class on the beach (it's full moon) to benefit a local nurse who was in a car accident and is now in a coma. Not sure how to handle yet, I'm weird about benefits, they put me into a sad frame of mind, but I was asked to do it - so I will. I'm also turning 35 on Tuesday, and it's just mind-boggling (I feel like my mom is 35, not me lol). So yeah, it's a big weekend for me!