Boletus edulis (White mushroom) - King of the mushroom kingdom

in photography •  6 years ago 

White mushroom is the best known of edible mushrooms, it is a mushroom of 1 food category, it is found throughout Ukraine and grows like in deciduous forests (under oak, beech, hornbeam, birch, honey), and coniferous forests (under pine, fir). Boletus edulis often is flattened with a hat less than the leg (as in the first photo), and a wide, with a cap four times larger than the leg (the mushroom on the first photo could grow to such sizes, if I did not tear it).

Білий гриб - найкращий з відомих їстівних грибів, це гриб 1 харчової категорії, він зустрічається по всій Україні і росте як у листяних лісах (під дубом, буком, грабом, березою, ліщиною), так і хвойних лісах (під сосною, ялиною) . Трапляється як приплюснутий гриб, часто з шапкою меншою від ніжки (як на першому фото), так і крислатий, з шапкою учетверо більшою за ніжку (гриб на першому фото міг би вирости до таких розмірів, якби я його не зірвав).

white mushroom 1.jpg
Olympus PEN E-PL7 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-1600, 1/30

white mushroom 2.jpg
Olympus PEN E-PL7 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-1600, 1/15

white mushroom 3.jpg
Olympus PEN E-PL7 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-1600, 1/20

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Sir you can tell how many species are in mushroom and which mushrooms can be eaten in these species
How to identify and eat mushroom species

It is difficult to describe in two words; it is better to read the corresponding directories. And even better to collect only those mushrooms that you know or know by the person with whom you went to the mushrooms

very beautiful photography and wonderful sir.


Wonderful fungus, especially the first shot where the mushroom is at the tilted angle, showing off for the camera.

Wonderful information on this post! Thank you!

You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it!