The 50 Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following Right Now

in photography •  7 years ago 

Travel + Leisure's list of the people who make Instagram a traveler's favorite social network.

Instagram is the place to find beautiful landscapes and jaw-dropping travel photography from around the world, but what goes on behind the scenes?

First we took on the difficult task of narrowing down the list to the 50 accounts you should absolutely be following. Then we asked these amazing Instagrammers to share a photo of what it looks like when they’re creating an image. For photographers like @danielkrieger, this is a minimalist point-and-shoot set-up, while for those like @beijing_silvermine, the process starts with over 500,000 film negatives that become just a few carefully curated shots.

The list is broken down by category: What You Wish Your Vacation Looked Like, Travel the World in Food, A+ for Creativity, Globetrotting Pets, The Ultimate #TBTs, Brands + Companies You’ll Actually Want to Follow, New Perspectives / Favorite Places, and Video Masters.

Check out how these artists are documenting beauty in the world, and we're sure you’ll love them as much as we do.

If you’re looking for a big dose of wanderlust, you’re in luck.

If you’re looking for a big dose of wanderlust, you’re in luck.

Kevin Lu
Kevin Lu’s Instagram account has a little bit of everything: photos, videos, illustrations: “I think the best place to photograph is anywhere you can feel a sense of belonging. It's somewhere you'd want to be part of, because photography is very intimate and personal ... I am quite curious and I crave the sense of discovering something new. So for me, the best place for photos is somewhere I haven't been.”

Even when he’s not taking photos, he gravitates toward creativity: “I love art and I am quite involved in the art world. In my spare time I enjoy visiting museums, browsing galleries, attending art fairs, and meeting artists.”

Lu's favorite Instagram account: @ari_fararooy.

Follow Lu at @sweatengine.

Simone Bramante
Edoardo Lavagno/Simone Bramante
Simone Bramante captures delicate patterns in many of his photos, whether it's an eye-catching brick road or the gentle curve of a hillside in Tuscany. Some of his photos seem so perfect, in fact, they don’t even look like they belong in this world. Italy is his favorite place to photograph: “Italy in general, you’ve tons of different breathtaking spots in just one hour of driving.”

When he’s not photographing, he's in the water. “It’s not a real hobby, but when I can, I go swimming: photography for my brain and swimming for my body.”

Bramante's favorite Instagram account: “I follow a few very inspiring photographers on Instagram, one of them is @lielaine.”

Follow @brahmino

Dave Krugman
Dave Krugman
If you want to get to know the streets of New York past the landmarks you see cluttering your feed, head to photographer Dave Krugman’s street-specific account. Here you’ll find the people of New York buried in their day-to-day schedules, unaware and incredibly real. “New York City is the best place for photography.,” Krugman said. “I love the vibrant, creative energy that permeates this place, the organized chaos that swirls in the streets. There's always a moment to capture, new people to meet and new places to see.”

When Krugman isn’t shooting, he’s most likely writing. Much like his photography transports us to a lesser-known New York City, writing sends him to another place. But that’s not all: “I can also freestyle rap, which many people would be surprised to hear!”

@secretstreet’s favorite Instagram account:

“I have too many favorite Instagram accounts to pick just one, but @jnsilva is someone who comes to mind. He balances photographic talent, philosophy and community building in a way that I think is a great example of effective use of the platform.”

Follow @secretstreet on Instagram

Christina Tan
Christina Tan
The only thing more impressive than Christina Tan’s stunning photos is her huge network of photographer friends. She makes sure to give them shout-outs on her account, sharing photos from the people who inspire her.

The variety of color on her account is what really pulls us in. It can also be hard to capture a solid photo of a hotel room, but the photos on Tan’s account focus on the views, which is what we’re all looking for anyway.

Follow @sassychris1.

Lucy Rose Laucht
Lucy Rose Laucht
If there were an award for “most color-coordinated Instagram profile,” Lucy Laucht would win it. Her entire pastel palette comes together in the most dreamy way, from bluer-than-blue infinity pools to pristine beaches dotted with sunbathers.

If you hopelessly follow the stories of those more adventurous folk who quit their jobs to follow their dreams of traveling, pay attention to Laucht. She took off on a months-long road-trip with her husband after working in New York City.

Follow @lucylaucht.

Altug Galip
Altug Galip
Each of Altug Galip's photos is more stunning than the last. The one thing he wishes he knew before he got started: Editing. (Though a look at his account shows he's figured this one out.)

His favorite place to take photos: “I love Norway and especially Lofoten Islands because you can take photos 24 hours.” Now, that’s the response of someone who really loves what they’re doing.

Galip has many favorite Instagram accounts: @oldkyrenian, @saaggo, @golden_heart, @sennarelax, @sassychris1.

Follow @kyrenian.

Matt Thiessen
Matt Thiessen
Matt Thiessen is based in Alberta, and his shots of the Canadian landscape give us serious wanderlust. But he doesn't stop there: Quaint lakes with canoes, foggy views of Machu Picchu, overwater bungalows in Bora Bora — it's all stunning.

By day (at least during the school year), Thiessen is a teacher, as is his wife. But when summer comes around, the duo hits the road to find the world’s most beautiful scenes.

Follow @mthiessen.

Jessica Sample
Jessica Sample
Jessica Sample photographs some of the most iconic places in the world, but keeps everything fresh. From detail shots of off-road signage to box lunches on picnic tables, it’s an intimate look into the life of people around the world: “I love to photograph cool people in interesting places. I am most inspired when discovering new places.”

Sample's favorite Instagram accounts: “I have a weak spot for all corgi Instagram accounts.”

Follow @jessicasamplegram.

Jacob Santiago
Jacob Santiago
You won’t find many videos on Jacob Santiago’s account, but that doesn't mean there isn't any movement. Whether it’s a person battling one of New York City’s snow storms or fall leaves tumbling to the ground in Central Park, Santiago has a knack for capturing a moment.

On his favorite place to shoot: “Hands down New York is still one of the most photogenic places. You can shoot landscape, urban, street all in one place. The city is so diverse.” And on his other love: “I always say if I didn’t get into photography I would probably have gone to culinary school. When I’m not shooting I’m home trying to reverse engineer my favorite restaurant food.”

@jacobsantiago’s favorite Instagram account: @benjaminheath

Follow @jacobsantiago

Teresa Freitas
Teresa Freitas
Lisbon-based photographer Teresa Freitas finds pastels everywhere she goes. If you gravitate toward soft pastels, you’re going to wish you could post Freitas’ entire Instagram feed on your wall.

On her favorite place to photograph: “I'm divided between somewhere by the sea and somewhere I've never been. You can't wait for inspiration to strike. Just take pictures and ideas will come.”

@teresacfreitas’ favorite Instagram account: @nguan.

Follow @teresacfreitas.

Sam Horine
Sam Horine
Sam Horine on his favorite place to take photos: “I’m really not sure if there's any one best place to take photos, but if I was totally pressed into it, I might say Japan. On one hand, you have the epic futuristic cities. Just a quick trip away on the bullet train, you have vast tracts of unspoiled nature, plus the people of japan are really amazing. I love the Zen principles that guide their life and design choices.”

When he’s not taking photos, Horine makes sure to return to some of his other hobbies: music and exercise. “I've always loved music, in fact shooting bands was one of the ways that I started out on my career in photography. Then I started shooting food when I was doing more editorial work in NYC. A couple years ago, I picked up the running bug and have been devoting a decent amount of time to getting out, listening to some good tunes and just getting into the run and getting away from the day to day.”

@samhorine’s favorite Instagram account: @f64s125.

Follow @samhorine.

Alex Strohl
Mathieu LeLay
Alex Strohl’s travels take him all around the United States and overseas, but you’re most likely to find him near mountain or the water. He seeks out extremes: “Whether a place is too damn cold, too difficult to get to or too hot, I’ll be intrigued by it. Harsh conditions help me create images that will, hopefully, stop the viewer in their tracks for a few seconds, or minutes.”

On his photography: “A thousand things come to mind like thinking about the meaning of your images, knowing how to edit in a more subtle way or the rule of thirds. But I don’t wish I knew all that before. I think it would have limited me in many ways. When you start something there is a sort of ‘naiveté’ and you create things accidentally. You try without any boundaries; nothing is dumb enough for you to now try it. When you develop more knowledge you can limit yourself without even knowing it.”

@alexstrohl’s favorite Instagram account: @codycobb.

Follow @alexstrohl.

Andrea Dabene
Andrea Dabene
Andrea Dabene has a way of making viewers feel like they're right there with her: “I traveled my entire life, this is how I started taking photos. I wanted to share my experiences and my travels. Traveling is a big part of who I am — I grew up with two different cultures. I’ve been open to the world since I was born.”

Dabene’s favorite Instagram account: “If I had to choose, beside my husband @alexstrohl, I would say Emily Blincoe (@emilyblincoe). She's the most creative person I've ever met.”

Follow @andreadabene.

Beth Kirby
Beth Kirby
Beth Kirby knows how to capture a table setting: “I love directional light, whether it's direct patches of harsh light or diffuse light. That light is everything. If you don't have good light, you don't have a good picture. Whether it's natural light or studio light, you need good light.”

Kirby is hard at work on her first cookbook, which ties right into another one of her passions: cooking. “I don't really have any hobbies. My work is my hobby. Aside from taking photos, I'm a passionate cook.”

@localmilk’s favorite Instagram accounts: “I have a lot. I currently really love what the team over at @herriottgrace is doing as well as @heidijswanson's fun videos, @sundaysuppers food, @thedenizenco's portraits, and @andreagentl's travels. And I'm obsessed with @healthy_ish.”

Follow @localmilk.

Sylvia Matzkowiak
Sylvia Matzkowiak
Sylvia Matzkowiak loves the Maldives, and you too can get lost in cerulean hues at @goldie_berlin: “Underwater photos are easier to take in the Maldives than in other places. In Maldives, I always get the colors I need.”

@goldie_berlins’ favorite Instagram account: “My favorite Instagrammer would be someone who improves the skills in photography, tries new techniques and is focused on landscape. There is no particular one person as the community is too big just to select one.”

Follow @goldie_berlin.

Brands Companies
These brands and companies have mastered the art of Instagram (and getting us to jump on their bandwagon).

TSA Bob Burns
Bob Burns
Who hasn’t wondered about all of the crazy things that are left behind at airport security checkpoints? Bob Burns is the person behind the account.

The thing he sees the most? Loaded firearms. But the strangest item that’s made its way through security: “The rotting corpse movie prop from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre II. They wheeled it right up to the checkpoint in a wheelchair and presented him for screening. It was a head scratcher for our Atlanta team at first, but they soon figured out that the prop would fit perfectly through the X-ray.”

Bob Burns’ favorite Instagram account: @itsabandoned.

Follow @TSA.

Travel Noire
Travel Noire
Travel Noire founder Zim Ugochukwu: “We're excited about our capacity to help transform lives through travel.” The photos include stunning landscapes, outtakes from travelers on Travel Noire trips, and gorgeous portraits.

Ugochukwu's favorite places to photograph: “Beaches and other beautiful destinations with water.”

@travelnoire’s favorite Instagram account: “Anyone who treats their Instagram like a work of art!”

Follow @travelnoire.

Red Bull collaborates with social creators like Casey McPerry (whom you can follow at @caseymcperry) to craft stories that inspire people. “I look for content that visually tells a story just from a glance. I want people to be able to experience the emotion that is taking place and feel swept away. You want to capture photos in a bright colorful location ... if you are able to transport [people] around the world to a beautiful location I believe you have created a great piece of content," says McPerry.

@caseymcperry’s favorite Instagram account: @paperboyo.

Follow @redbull.

Roger Smith Hotel
Roger Smith Hotel
The Roger Smith Hotel in New York City shows off the best that the city has to offer. You won’t find many photos of the hotel, but you will find trip itinerary suggestions, must-have-meals, museum exhibits, and street scenes.

Follow @rshotel.

Leanne Johnson
Need to strap a camera to your body or attach it to a car? These are the situations GoPro was made for. Leanne Johnson, GoPro's senior director of social and digital marketing, says the best photos are “anything that involves animals, travel or babies in a shark costume.”

When asked where the best place to take photos is, Johnson said: “Anywhere, aside from in front of the mirror.”

@gopro’s favorite Instagram account: “Too many to choose from! GoPro is a family of great content creators.”

Follow @gopro.

Aspen The Mountain Pup
These pets’ vacations are extremely photogenic.

Chloe The Mini Frenchie
Chloe The Mini Frenchie
Chloe the Mini Frenchie hops around the country, enjoying In-N-Out Burger in Los Angeles, lounging poolside in Miami, and hanging out on rooftops in Chicago. If you’re looking to travel with a dog, Chloe’s owner has some tips: “Make sure to do your research before booking anything. Rules vary by airline, by hotel, and if traveling internationally, by country as well.”

Of all of the places Chloe has been to, there’s one spot that marks above the rest: “Milan! We're actually heading back there next month,” says Chloe’s human friend. “It's very dog friendly, has a great vibe, and incredible food.”

@chloetheminifrenchie’s favorite Instagram account: @TorontoTartare”.

Follow @chloetheminifrenchie.

Aspen The Mountain Pup
Aspen The Mountain Pup
This long-haired Golden Retriever is incredibly photogenic. From his owners, Hunter and Sarah: “Aspen loves taking photos anywhere where there is water. He loves to swim, and so we often take him places where he can jump in a river or lake afterwards.”

Most of the shots feature Aspen posing gracefully in front of monuments, on bridges, in hats, chilling in lakes — all of the things we do on vacation, too. But he’s not the only one who loves heading out on an adventure. “As a family we love road trips. We love taking off to a new destination with no plan in mind.”

@aspenthemountainpup’s (and his owners’) favorite Instagram accounts: @natgeotravel, @natgeo and @valdirose.

Follow @aspenthemountainpup.

Andrew Knapp
Jalene Plamondon
Andrew Knapp’s Instagram account is full of two of our favorite things: his adorable pup, Momo, and stunning landscapes: “I work under the mentality that you’ll find as many beautiful things to capture between your street and the next street over, as there are between your city and the next city over, so long as you spend the same amount of time. You’ll see the sun rise and set, you’ll meet people that share stories and show you things you wouldn’t have seen, and generally unexpected events will unfold. The best place to take photos is where you are, photos of your unique experience and perspective.”

Some of @andrewknapp’s favorite Instagram accounts: @alexstrohl, @jedidiahjenkins, @emilyblincoe and @noahkalina.

Follow @andrewknapp.

Miami Traveler Dog
Miami Traveler Dog
Miami the Chihuahua’s faithful human companion, Marianna Chiaraluce, shared some of the pup’s must-have travel accessories: “A valid passport, with evidence of all the vaccinations that you need for the places that you are visiting. An airline-approved travel case for dogs — mine also becomes a super comfy bed, but I recommend you check with each individual airline for their specific requirements. Dog bowls and water so that you keep hydrated, and some favorite food to munch on during your travels. Collar, leash and tag, with your name and owner's telephone number. Favorite toys and treats to help you feel comfortable.”

While this furry friend has traveled all over the world, there are some places that stand out among the rest. “Our passion is to discover unusual places like for example Nikola Tesla’s Room at the New Yorker Hotel, where visitors aren’t allowed to go.”

@Miami_Traveller_Dogs’ favorite Instagram account: @rafaelmantesso.

Follow @Miami_Travevller_Dog.

Bodega Cats
Kate Greenberg
If you walk right past New York City's many corner stores — or bodegas, as they're called — you’re missing out on an entire world of cute cats. Locals come to know and love these felines, but many travelers often don’t even know about them. Rob Hitt is behind @bodegacatsofinstagram: “Don’t be afraid to get down to the ground level of the cat to take the photo.”

When he’s not making friends with cats, you can find Hitt working on his record label, I Surrender Records.

@bodegacatsofinstagram’s favorite Instagram account: @breadandwalter.

Follow @bodegacatsofinstagram.

Throwback Thursdays
Brett Brooner
Each of these accounts gives off vintage vibes, from black-and-white color palettes to nostalgia-inducing scenes.

Brett Brooner
Brett Brooner
Brett Brooner’s @thevisualscollective shares the work of fellow travelers, many of which email Brooner directly for sharing opportunities. The location that gets pitched the most? “ICELAND! Haha. Iceland and also Faroe Islands. Anytime someone is heading to Iceland or Faroe Islands, we are getting a message about their trip and seeing if they can get featured with some of the images.”

Brooner’s best tip for traveling photographers: “Map out your location ahead of time if it isn't a touristy/easy place to get. Then track your weather. You want to make sure you arrive to your location to give yourself plenty of time to photograph and also making sure you're not getting caught in some nasty weather.”

Brooner's favorite Instagram account: “Garrett King (@shortstache) is in my top three. He has been a homie for about two years now. He is an incredible human with so much fire and passion. Isaac Johnston (@isaacsjohnston) is another one. I don't know Isaac personally, but I follow closely along with his stories and his home in Montana is goals. And Andrew Kearns (@andrewtkearns) is also in the top three. This dude is super funny and very humble ... and his photo work is not like the rest. He doesn't shoot typical stuff. He has endless amount of work that truly speaks to me.”

Follow @thevisualscollective.

Hannibal Renberg
Hannibal Renberg
Dive into Hannibal Renberg’s account, @leoleoparis, and you’ll find it hard to believe that all of the photos are from present day: “For me the best place to take photos is where there is people. That's why I like big cities.”

His second love should come as no surprise, given his aesthetic: “Photography is more than just a hobby — but my other principal passion is cinema.”

Renberg's favorite Instagram account: He doesn't have one favorite, “I love all street photographers.”

Follow @leoleoparis.

Beijing Silvermine
Matjaz Tancic
This Instagram is dedicated to half a million found photos from a recycling plant in Beijing. Thomas, who manages the account and says he's not a photographer, salvaged the photos: “In the context of my personal approach to photography, the question is not where is the best place to take photos, but rather where is the best place to find photos. The answer to that is in a dump. No matter if the photo is good or bad, I have a strong emotional connection with family photos which were taken without any artistic intention in a first place and which are brought back to life as they were on the threshold of disappearing forever.”

Thomas' favorite Instagram account: @webuywhitealbums, because “It beautifully showcases how a white square of paper can evolve in so many different ways over a few decades.”

Follow @beijing_silvermine.

Jake Chessum
Jake Chessum
Photographer Jake Chessum’s Instagram is best consumed as a whole. His grid is full of triptychs, showcasing his celebrity portraiture, common textures, and vintage imagery. The sense of nostalgia in his work is in part a product of the mind: “I grew up looking at William Eggleston, Saul Leiter and Harry Callahan ... so there was definitely a retro American iconography that informed my taste and was very appealing as I was walking around in rainy, grey South London. That could be something that’s lurking in the back of my mind — neon signs, old cars — but I definitely don’t have that as a conscious inspiration.”

On his favorite spot for taking photos: “I am cursed with an affliction: I am always looking for a photograph. Now I have my phone within arm’s reach pretty much 24 hours a day, I can always take a photo. It’s hard not to be on the look out for something to take a picture of.”

@jakechessum’s favorite Instagram account: “I love my friend Matt Berman’s insta: @mrmattberman. He trawls through vintage photos of movie stars, musicians…and has great taste.”

Follow @jakechessum.

Carson Lancaster
Carson Lancaster
Maybe it’s the black-and-white aesthetic, maybe it’s the film photography process, but Carson Lancaster has us remembering days past: “I wish I had known that the impending digital transition (2004) would be a fad, not a death blow to traditional film photography. At 16 I shouldn't have been clamoring for a pricy digital camera, I should have been focused on subject matter.”

Lancaster runs an art gallery in San Francisco called Book and Job Gallery. When he isn’t taking photos or working at the gallery, he’s got a few other things on his to-do list: “Travels to Japan. Libraries. Coffee. Backpacking.”

@carson_lancaster’s favorite Instagram account: @gabriellehumphrey.

Follow @carson_lancaster.

New Perspectives, Favorite Places
Dylan Verrechia
You may recognize these places, but you've never seen them photographed this way.

Hawkeye Huey
Aaron Huey
Hawkeye Huey, the son of National Geographic photographer Aaron Huey, is a 7-year-old analog photographer who is constantly documenting the world around him.

There are a few places he enjoyed more than others: “Rodeos, for sure. Or Joshua Tree.” When asked what he wishes he would’ve known when he started taking photos, he said: “How to use the clip on thing for close up shots.” [Note from his dad, Aaron: It’s a special clip on lens for the Fuji Instax wide.]

@hawkeyehuey’s favorite Instagram account: “I don’t have one, because I don’t look at the phone. I just make the pictures.”

Follow @hawkeyehuey.

Trash Hand
Dylan Verrechia
Each of Trashhand’s images takes on a unique angle of a popular destination.

What they wish they'd known: “The daily sacrifices you really have to make in order to do this full time in the long run.” Their favorite place to photograph: Bhutan.

@trashhand’s favorite Instagram account: @bejamin.

Follow @trashhand.

Pinot Ichwandardi’s medium of choice is a pencil and paper. His drawings feature people and places around the world, with the hashtag #pinottravelsketch: “This series is about drawing on the spot while traveling. The concept is, I want to take a moment to capture the view with drawing — not just snap of photos and then go to somewhere else. By drawing, I can stay a bit longer to enjoy, not just the view, but also the air and sound.”

When he’s not drawing, he’s got another creative outlet: “My other hobby is making animation and stop-motion. And I also combine places with animation: Herald Square, Rue d’Antibes in Cannes, the NYC subway.”

@pinot’s favorite Instagram account: His wife's, @ditut.

Follow @pinot.

Julian Master
Julian Master
Julian Master’s ability to capture people in unsuspecting moments is an interesting look into the cities around us. “The best place to take photos is anywhere where there are lots of people. That way you have a higher probability of seeing something interesting or weird. Tourist hotspots work well.”

But he’s not looking for normal scenarios. “A good scene is something that immediately catches a person's eye but also feels strange. Beautiful scenery mixed with somebody who might not normally be there.”

Master’s favorite Instagram account: @ChrisMaggio

Follow @julianmaster.

Kang Hee Kim
Kang Hee Kim
KangHee Kim has a skillful — and often sly — way to use Photoshop to manipulate scenes from everyday life. From bent fences with clouds sprouting from them to submerged stoplights, we'd love to get lost in this world.

“I enjoy photographing the sky on my rooftop, especially during sunset. I don’t have any specific favorite locations to take photos. I love finding gems without planning ahead. I try to switch it up and constantly look for new locations ... It is the most exciting part which leads me be in the space want to be in.”

@tinycactus’s favorite Instagram account: @RentalMagazine.

Follow @tinycactus.

Video Instagrams
Drone of the Day
These Instagrams feature the most amazing video from around the world.

Rob Strok
Zach Allia/Rob Strok
Rob Strok manages to capture an entire destination in a few seconds of footage, featuring the people, sights, and activities that make it great.

His advice: “Photography is not something you learn overnight, you have to go out and try your best and then come home and learn from your mistakes. The more mistakes you make, the faster you will progress.” And where he loves to shoot: “I have loved shooting in the Faroe Islands. The incredible cliff formations along with the sporadic weather changes make for some epic photos and even better memories.”

@robstrok’s favorite Instagram account: @tonimahfud, @Doyoutravel, @sam_kolder and @hannes_becker.

Follow @robstrok.

Flour+Water SF
Flour+Water SF
Flour + Water, an Italian mainstay in the Mission District of San Francisco, is delivering something aside from mouthwatering food photos on its account: pasta tutorials. You can get a peek into the cooking going on in a restaurant you usually won't see as a diner.

Flour + Water Instagram manager Elaine Loarca: “During the staff pre-shift meetings is the best time and place to take photos. We all sit down to learn and taste new dishes. I am able to take photos using the great sunlight and get feedback and support form the staff.”

@flourandwatersf’s favorite Instagram account: @Seamless.sea.

Follow @flourandwatersf.

Water Project
Water Project
Seth Willingham has mastered the art of capturing the sandy lines between beach and ocean. You’ll find something blue in each post, whether it’s a still image or footage of a great white shark making its way through the water.

On photographing the beach: “I grew up near the ocean and I know the ocean will always be apart of my life in some way so I have to say the beach is the best spot. I love how the landscape of the ocean is constantly changing.” When Willingam isn’t taking photos or capturing video, you can find him playing beach volleyball.

@Willingham’s favorite Instagram account: @asenseofhuber.

Follow @waterproject.

Drone of the Day
Drone of the Day
@droneoftheday shares some of the best photos and videos taken by drone photographers around the world.

The best video they've seen: “We see hundreds of drone videos and photos a day so it's really difficult to pick a favorite. Some of the ones that do stick out though are: 1. Casey Neistat being pulled by a drone while snowboarding, 2. when the Nassau County Fire Department had a drone pull a Fire Lit Human Torch through the sky during the time the Fantastic Four movie was coming out which came out, 3. when Shaun O' Callaghan caught a volcano erupting on his drone, and 4. pretty much any of the Drone Videos while whale watching off the coast seems incredibly beautiful and mesmerizing to us.”

Drone of the Day’s Manny Lopez on how the account came to be: “I started out shooting photos and videos with one of the first GoPro Cameras that came out and I would post them on Facebook and share them with friends ... I decided to make a website with a friend which at first was a blog answering the most frequently asked questions by GoPro and Drone users. When Instagram came out we started posting our drone photos and decided we were going to post a drone photo each day.”

@droneoftheday’s favorite Instagram account: “There are a lot of our followers who have created incredible shots and videos with drones that have blown us away.”

Follow @droneoftheday.

Earth Focus
Earth Focus
This Instagram features photos from all kinds of globetrotters — you never know which corner of the world you’re going to come across next. While there are a lot of accounts out there regramming other people’s photos, the variety and quality on this account is what caught our eye.

Follow @earthfocus.

It's not a real vacation if you're not enjoying the destination's cuisine.

Ida Frosk
Ida Frosk
Norway-based food artist Ida Skivenes knows how to play with her food. Her dishes are inspired by different places, animals, and people around the world — and they all look too amazing to eat.

Her favorite place to take a photo: “By the window on a slightly cloudy day, to get maximum daylight without the stark shadows of direct sunlight. That is isn't the equipment that's important, it's mainly using light, colors and composition that matters.”

@idafrosk’s favorite Instagram account: @spielkkind.

Follow @idafrosk.

Daniel Krieger
Jen Senn
Daniel Krieger is a New York City-based food and drink photographer, but he’s often traveling around the world, simultaneously making our mouths water for foods we have yet to try: “I'm always looking for unique landscapes and cuisines. If anyone is doing something creative, productive, or worthwhile, I'm going to be interested in visiting and documenting that.”

His advice to up-and-coming photographers: “Paying more attention to other aspects of the industry would be good. Sometimes you're just looking through the lens, which you have to do to take a great photograph, but there's the peripheral, too. That's the rest of the business and you can't forget: always watch your peripherals.”

Krieger's favorite Instagram account: @ThomasHawk.

Follow @danielkrieger.

David Hagerman
David Hagerman
Dave Hagerman’s work is all over the place, from The New York Times to cookbooks of all types. His photos feature aerial views of people around the world preparing food: “I travel a great deal and I find that no matter where I am I am drawn to markets. I love the activity and the colors. And I get to see what's in season, which helps me prep for my next meal.”

Hagerman's advice for up-and-coming photographers: “I wish I'd known that it's not about the equipment. Learn how to read light, find ways to emphasize your subject and wait for a moment to happen. I think that these are the most important skills to master to make great images and none of them are equipment dependent.”

His favorite Instagram accounts: @melissalyttle, @plaidphoto, @carbmyenthusiasm, @catrinekelty.

Follow @davehagerman.

Michael Zee
Michael Zee
“It started as a way for me to make the mornings I had with Mark a little more special,” account owner Michael Zee said. “He works often works long hours and some weeks would only see each other at breakfast. Slowly I started to be more adventurous with what I cooked and then started photographing it. It really started by accident.”

When he’s not making breakfast or photographing his work, he’s collecting ceramics: “I’m not sure if there is a specific word for being obsessed with plates and bowls and cups but I have an addiction. Now that we have moved to China I plan to start making my own. I think there is something beautiful about them, they can be incredibly strong and last for centuries or can be smashed to pieces in a second of clumsiness.”

@symmetrybreakfast’s favorite Instagram account: @jamieoliver.

Follow @symmetrybreakfast.

Marcus Nilsson
Marcus Nilsson
Marcus Nilsson’s shots of food are delightfully minimalist, playing with bold colors to accentuate the meal itself: “I think that what I love about photography is that I learn new things everyday and my photography keeps evolving. I’m mostly inspired to take photos when traveling — the U.S. is amazing especially with its small towns and countryside; real people, real stuff.”

@pissinginthepunchbowl’s favorite Instagram account: @mattymatheson.

Follow @pissinginthepunchbowl.

Rhi Taylor
These Instagrams take creativity to new heights.

Francesco Mattucci
Francesco Mattucci
You have never seen a cooking set-up quite like Francesco Mattucci’s. His Instagram focuses on seasonal ingredients from his hometown of Modena — suspended in air. You'll find everything from a bowl of fruit defying gravity, to a pitcher of orange juice poured into a glass in mid-air.

On what he wishes he knew: “I wish I would have known that I would have completely changed my photography's idea and concept. Now, in respect to the beginning, I appreciate much more those people who take photos researching and focusing on the composition, the project and the meaning. I've also realized that's not all about the photography equipment but everyone's ability to adapt to the situation mixed up with a good dose of creativity skills.”

@Mattucci’s favorite Instagrams: “I like following and discovering creative and original projects, either small or big ones, with talent behind them.”

Follow @kitchensuspension.

Eusan Huh
Eunsan Huh
Eunsan Huh shares her love for the Nordic country, and also Icelandic phrases: “Like many people before me, I fell in love with Iceland’s barren and rugged landscapes. I started visiting every year (I’ve been seven times in the last six years), and after a while, I started learning Icelandic in order to better understand the country’s culture and history.”

Huh was taking Icelandic lessons when she created the account: “When you’re learning a new language, you naturally pay attention to the make-up of words; it’s a part of the learning process. I started noticing these wonderful compound words in Icelandic. Sometimes they are very literal — the volcano Eyjafjallajökull looks like a long scary word, but it breaks down to a simple combination of island, mountain, and glacier because it’s a mountain on an island that has a glacier on it. Other times, they can be rather poetic — víðsýni, the word for panorama, translates to wide see, but it’s also the word for open-mindedness. I thought it was super cool that these words had interesting, hidden meanings, and being a visual person, I wanted to express them as illustrations. Icons seemed appropriate, because they transcend language-oriented barriers. Though the project started out as a purely linguistic endeavor, it has naturally evolved to include other cultural aspects of Iceland.”

@everysinglewordinicelandic’s favorite Instagram accounts: @mochichito and @ketnipz.

Follow @everysinglewordinicelandic.

Rhi Taylor
Rhi Taylor
Rhi Taylor’s are miniature reviews, narrowing in on the details in the fabulous hotels she stays in. Her qualifications for a good place to photograph are simple: “Anywhere that’s not overcrowded. As for a specific place, I'm pretty biased to the Australian outback. There's just something about the sparse, hot, richly saturated landscape that is unbelievable to shoot.”

On when she’s not taking photos: “I adore food; all aspects of it, from farming to making produce and cooking. I recently learned how to make fresh pasta and ravioli's in Italy. This year I'm going to learn how to make salami. I shoot for a lot of chefs and restaurants, so I suppose it goes hand in hand. The retirement dream is to have a farm somewhere with cozy cabins for rent and an open larder for guests overflowing with my house-made produce.”’s favorite Instagram account: “I adore everything @LucyLaucht posts — there's something timeless about everything she photographs. I'm also crushing on @asiyami_gold because she is so eloquently put-together when travelling, something I am yet to master.”


CC Mini Factory
CC Mini Factory
Chelsea Cates and Quinn Corbin are Brooklyn-based photographers who take tiny toy animals and set up scenes in their studio and out in the world: “It's usually impossible to guess which images followers are going to respond to and really love, so it's best not to try and force anything. If you create something you're excited about, others will be too.”

When they aren’t creating miniature scenes, the duo has plenty of other hobbies to keep them busy: “Quinn is theatre consultant who tries to bring elements of stagecraft to C+C's photos. She also spends a considerable amount of time photographing her adopted pup Annie,” says Cates. “In the past, Chelsea has exhibited large-scale installation works and likes to think of C+C Mini Factory as tiny extension of these installations. She's also super into teaching her newly adopted dog Maybelle to sit,” said Corbin.

@ccminifactory’s favorite Instagram account: @gulliversgate

Follow @ccminifactory.

Jun Kuwabara traveled the world cutting people’s hair and sharing his adventures on Instagram. The result is an introduction to people around the world. This is a refreshing take on a really great human interest project.

Follow @juuuuuuuun.

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